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Everything posted by ordos75

  1. Beating ordos level 8 , heres how u do it. pick level in the upper left coner, without mercenaries. Mercs give a false sense of security, but they are an asset. +, in hard and medium levels, mercs usually die in seconds. Also, altho u startoff with more stuff in the other level, they attk u right off the bat. ok , anyways. First, build base. I usually do this order -Wind factory -refinery -barracks -out post -heavy factory -ix research+med fact+starport build lots of tanks and deviators. dont worry a whole lot about infantry build palace, many sabuteurs, many harvesters. Attack atreides to sutheast. Sabut their turrets, med fact, and barracks. lead army to attack + kill all troops, keep army against the hark+emperor keep hem on the edge, amss large army, kill all troops. use engineeers to capture heavy fact, high tech fact, and palace ( palcae optional) use + build sonic tanks against hark raids, ( deviators help) attack emporer from south first, same as atreides, use abs to destroy most buildings, sonics to kill troops kill hark turrets with everything, fremen in vade hark base, kill construct yard + heavy fact in rapid sucession. lead mostly sonics and and tanks to kill harks, w/some deviators kill everything :-X
  2. guys, im not sure about this, but when i was just playing, airstrikes seemed to build fast when i had full power, really slow when i had none. COuld som1 else check this out? -Thnx
  3. If you are playng multiplayer online, and you are ordos, chances are you are good at it. And of you are good at ordos, you SHOULD master the sabuteur. SO, a truly good ordos player will not try to get stealth sabuteurs. its just a waste. You will waste more time trying to get a stealth sabuteur to get an inner building, then you would to just amass an attack force.I prefer steath deviators actually. Just saying
  4. Hi guys, im ordos75, new member. Bye the way, isnt this thread for new membs? it seems only older members are posting. P.S. I play Ordos, new o dune 2k, not to Dune 8)
  5. Will other houses/factions be include in game such as smugglers, and guild? -Just wondering
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