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Everything posted by deathand999

  1. i respect anyone who knows haw to make good chocolate mixes .. either for cakes or what ever. its the way to make 10s of kinds of lovely sweets .. man about that oven its a shame you dont do anything about it . after all its your loss.. you know that? you are missing the good stuff . plus ure mum will be happy with u if u did something about it am sure u and ure bro can do something about that .. am i right ?
  2. I DONT LIKE IT , but i think supreme commander is worse .
  3. its not about time, the kitchen is hot specially here in Egypt . i like cooking but as a work? no way .. ill be 40 in 2 years its too late for me to start washing dishes .. by the way ure food sound a lot like Chinese to me ...
  4. now? am 37 lol .. i already studied accounting . its too late for that . also cocking is hard work and am not a labor guy by any mean... but i just made some nice spaghetti ohh that was easy and nice boil add tomato paste and black peeper and mix . hehe
  5. i think you know in food much more than i do..
  6. mee siam ! try to explain a little ... here is an easy to make coconut cookies : dry grated coconut , sugar powder . white part of eggs .. u mix the white part of eggs with the sugar in the mixer until they make a cream then u add the grated coconut and we forum in a pan graced with butter in shape of cookies and we bake them . its very tasty..
  7. when you have played your first dune rts campaign before spazelord was born ..
  8. well thank you. is that a complement to my cooking or a dissatisfaction with Macdonald's well the truth is am good with sandwiches but i like Macdonald's more
  9. ok a home made quarter pounder cheese burger with eggs quite a big sandwich with French fries and mustard.. yes yes i know uncle Macdonald's dose it better but he dosnt live around .
  10. lol
  11. so is this thread dead? too bad.. anyway all hail general deathand the only player on fed2x
  12. ok the end of the mouth . at Friday 30 10 pm here i go : hello pizza hot .. send 2 large pan pizzas 1 super supreme and the other pepperoni with extra cheese on both and extra pepperoni on the second ... after 1 hour bell rings . i pay 25 dollars and i start the invasion.. i get done with them at 10 pm Saturday yummy . my favorite day of the month sorry andrew ure not invited ..
  13. u are Mexican scar ? wasnt the other borritos thing u made Mexican also
  14. deathand999

    new games

    some new shooters : Gears.Of.War Penumbra_Black_Plague BlackSite Area 51 by midway game spot say this game suck balles
  15. home cooked food i guess. with no meat in it.. right?
  16. ic . we dont have good frozen pizza here. the dough is crap. and it taste like wet bread . i faild to bake a good pizza base in my oven . i just dont like it. any tips or recipe for a good home made dough and haw to bake it? so far i find the expensive pizza hot as the only solution but that dam extra hot pepperoni is great ...
  17. lol thats cool by me ,, i dont mind that at all .. but cant you order fresh ones from pizza hot? for ex ? i think they would be more tasty ? or its a budget thing like me? i can order 1 large pizza every 2 week minimum .. it cost 12 dolors and that is a lot in Egypt ?
  18. i dont eat that kerby .. mostly its old school food here and mainly eating by the public class . not the upper and more modern class that i come from. its dam heavy to eat also. well some of dose taste bad ..
  19. pizza and specially pizza hut is the 1 food for me. if i could pay for it i would eat it every time...
  20. there is nothing unhealthy with fresh and tasty meat ... but my usual meals are made from some meat cooked with different kinds of vegetables and and eaten with boiled rice.. more like the stew thing u know .. so its not meaty at all.. but when it comes to meat meals well i guess people here dosnt like to throw anything from the caw ..
  21. yes beef balls .. lol we barbecue that on coal with liver and meat ... taste great .. that remind me to something funny about middle east kitchen .. well nothing here from the caw go to waste . and i mean nothing .. only the eyes maybe ... i start naming things : _ the head .. we eat the brain and the tong and the meat from the head.. this is all called head meat meal - tail and balls and bones from the legs and feet and eaten .. _ all internal parts and even vowels and stomach are used to make sausage.. only things left uneaten is skin and eyes i guess .. weird isnt it ? well but not to worry what i might feed u today i just had a simple negresco at lunch . i hop i dont need to explain what that is lol .. but hell i had loads of it .. am stuffed ... i just cant stop eating when it comes to pizza or pasta ...
  22. today my mum made okra.. do u guys eat that ? we cook it with gracy meat and thick tomato sauce and gralic ..and we eat with it rice and green salad .. well there i found a pic . its the one on the left with tomato sauce the other 2 white stuff have nothing to do with it ,,
  23. there is no known play server for dune2k, and ra left and his server might die any minute now expelling the 5 remaining emp players to the void ... well can this web go on without the fact that the games its hosting has ended ? can we say that fed2k forums are chat boards now? coz that what we are using them for.. not that i dont like chatting here.. in fact i do.
  24. ohhh haw life hurts ... u sound young .. in this time you need Psycho power to live. you need to be a stone. stoned. if i had a family they would hurt me throw it. and my family will hurt me back so i get double effect . what can i tell you? if i worked they will salve me and humiliate me for what ? a couple of dims .. they will drive me to the edge of exertion. just to make some goofy guy more filthy rich than he is... and me? they may convince me to accept working to feed my hungry kids .. if i had any ... yes middle east land of dictators and terror . and never ending war and crime and brutality orbiting in the endless space of need and poverty . not knowing what rules this ex communist society any more , people including the rulers started stealing everything and killing everyone . are we communist? are we capitalism? are we moslims ? no one knows anything .... what can i tell u mate ? its a big prison here . i tried to run awy when i was young but i failed .. am done for it now... i need Psycho power to survive here ..and to stop hurting . i already told you too much. am a man . strong and violent . and alone.and i have enough money to eat.and play. its too hard for them to reach me now..... _ yes my friends from Emperor: Battle for Dune .. are my real and only friends my beloved ones. everyone of them , i miss them all. i cant just say names they were all one for me. like i was for them,, i never had people like them in my life . they loved me , they wanted me because of me . not what i will give them. they wanted to play with me just to make me happy. they made me smile when i was crying . they made me think when i was dying . they teamed up with me and showed me what the family really means . they were a light for my loneliness ... .. i will never make up for there loss . ever . :'( yes kirby. i wish u were there to witness . all that happened to me in a pc game .. called Emperor: Battle for Dune.. the best one of them all .. yea brother psycho mode activate . SPICY IS TOO HOT FOR YOU , AND YOU KNOW , SO WHY ??!! hehe yes the spitzer still loving you . good luck my friends.. rip. SPICY
  25. u said u are playing another game so i was wondering what game made u stop bf2... and about ure score i did catch you.. soon i will have the single star. 5000 points more
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