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  1. I have to go with the more advanced people before hand. Something along the lines of the Ixians after the Scattering, a very advanced people.
  2. I'll be able to get it and it should only take me an hour using my cable. Any chance to play this game will be worth it...
  3. ...what the name of the Tleilaxu meat product is?
  4. The Atreides are not playable in this game as a player creates their own House.
  5. In Dune Generations you create your own House.
  6. So, what happened to the questions? To lazy to login
  7. That is correct...
  8. Fine, ignore my first point...It didn't come out the way I wanted it to...
  9. The climax of a novel is where the action reached its highest point. In Dune that action climaxed during the attack on Arrakeen. Everything else was resolving that action. Sure, you could argue that there were minor climax points during the conclusion of the book but they all happened during the resolving action.
  10. The climax of the novels is the point were the novel could go either way. Did any of you doubt the fact that Paul would truimph over Feyd?
  11. Obviously the best Dune Chronicle is Dune...by the way the Atreides uniforms are red...I think...can't seem to remember...too much Spice beer at the New Year's Party...
  12. Obviously the climax of the plot was during the Fremen assault on Arrakeen.
  13. Pagh...as I've said before none of you insolent creatures can compete with the Buffalo snow belt...
  14. When pronouncing Dune words one must always remember that they are pronounced phonetically. Therefore Bi-la Kaifa would be pronounced "by-la kai-fa"
  15. cccp7x


    Obviously, the lions could have been taken off planet and bred elsewhere. Just because an animal disappears in one place doesn't mean he vanishes everywhere else.
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