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  1. I downloaded the latest ATI drivers and it seems that they fix the flickering problems with Emperor The driver is ATI Catalyst version 7.3 and I tried it out with Emperor and didnt notice any flickering whatsoever... The one I had before that was 7.1 and Emperor was barely playable from so much black filckering screen... So I had re-installed 5.1 just to play it, with 5.1 the graphics only flickered at the very start, or when zooming out too fast, but now that isn't necessary For me, at least, 7.3 fixes this graphics problem entirely
  2. Harkonnen: Iakin Nefud... Good efficient soldier who likes Semuta Atreides: Alia... She should have been the "God Empress" Personally I never like Paul Muadib or Leto II, they were 'holier than thou' and just plain preachy... Going around tellin everyone they met "I have the prescience" "I can see the future" "Its such a burden" "You can't possibly understand me" They remind me of emo kids... Its lucky Herbert makes sch good villians or I mightnt like the books... I keep re-reading them hoping this time the Baron or Alia will 'win' :D
  3. Well every planet in the Dune universe seems to be quite sparsely populated, with few exceptions... Arakis for instance only has 10 million natural inhabitants In the House Corrino prelude, Zanzobar has 14 million inhabitants who are nearl all killed, thats around the size of a small country like Greece or Czech republic, so it makes sense that many planets will have relatively small armies only 60,000 strong... Giedi prime however would probably be much more densely populated... We never get a head count for Caladan, but seeing as it is a backwater rice-growing planet I don't imagine the population is extraordianarily huge either, there would be very very few planets with the population that Earth has now
  4. Thank you everyone... It now is alot clearer, It becomes believeable if you consider that typical lansraad planets have only 2 legions, armies ~60,000 strong, who did not unite, and then consider that the Fremen would have been granted free and unrestricted space travel to encouter each small army one at a time... which brings me to another topic If we estimate that a planetary average of military forces is ~60,000, and 14,000 planets are conquered in the Jihad thats 840,000,000 military forces defeated, not even a billion... The remaining 60 billion dead must have been civilians... Also the Harkonnens must have had a relatively large force for a Great House... It is mentioned that up until the time Muad'dib defeated Shaddam IV (but while the Fremen were conducting guerilla raids), total Harkonnen casualties on Arrakkis numbered 50,000, and the Baron was never concerned about troop losses "they could always be replaced". The Harkonnen presence on Arrakis was obviously large enough to bear such losses, and was probably comparable to the US in Vietnam, maybe about 600,000 at any one time? And this is only one ONE of their planets (they had propbably had a larger garrison on Giedi Prime and a small one on Lankeviel) and given that Herbet mentions that after Dune but before messiah, there was still a Harkonnen presence (probably centralised in Carthag)... The Harkonnens must have had a total force consisting of millions of soldiers, possibly 3 million (obviously of lower quality than Fremen)... I wonder if Giedi Prime was difficult to take, or perhaps was just starved out
  5. Hello, I've read the first three books and some of the prequels... Much prefferred the originals but something about them something really really got me stumped... Its the logistics of Muad'Dib's Jihad... How did he do it? Now of what I've read I've gathered several things - The Fremen population of Arrakis numbers 10 million - Paul's jihad killed 61 billion citizens of the Imperium Lets assume that 8 million of those Fremen are able to fight... and they ALL fight in Pauls Jihad(since every last Fremen, elderly old men and kids, can fight well) HOW the hell do they kill 61 billion people? With their crysknives? That means, assuming that they took NO lossse whatsoever, each Fremen warrior killed an average of 7,625 people in the Jihad... And as awesome as that sounds, I doubt that they could achieve that ration even against Harkonnen conscripts... Now I understand that its probably more likely that with the death of Shaddam IV, the universe simply descended into chaos and tore itself apart... But the inclination in Dune Messiah seems to be that the Fremen swept from world to world largely undefeated... Frank Herbet seems to suggest this, that it was Paul & the Fremen vs. The universe So I'm asking those of you who might have read all the original books or know the answer... Was Paul's Jihad really a Jihad in the strictest sense? Did 8 million Fremen rip their way across the galaxy and crush the united lansraad forces and kill 61 billion people all by themselves? Or (and I think this sounds more plausible) Did the universe descend into chaos... With the death of Shaddam, Did all houses of the lansraad fight amongst themselves in a bid for power in a massive civil war... In which the Fremen were really only the catalysts, and Pauld Muad'Dib was only able to retain power since he controlled Arrakis and thus the Spice... Hell, perhaps a few billion even died of Spice withdrawl because Paul needed to maintain control?
  6. I think I'll take you up on your offer erjin, I've tried everything I can but nothing seems to work... If possible I'll try using the nick to determine what I need to do to get my own password... If the offer is still standing please PM it to me... And thank you! I really appreciate it :D
  7. Nope, none of it works guys... damnned faeries... worhtless good for nothing little bastards I HATE THEM SO MUCH >:( I have a generated CD key... You think that might have something to do with it? I don't see why the RA server would check but the XWIS server would not... The thing is, it says "downloading channels" FIRST... and then says "bad password" On a side not does anybody EVER play on the XWIS server?
  8. Hello, I'm a new player who has a problem which doesn't seem to have been addressed on these forums... so I'm asking if you can help me For some reason, I can ONLY connect to the Backup XWIS Server... I cannot connect to the RA Server... Whenever I try to do so, I simply get the "Bad Password" error. The XWIS Server works fine, its just that nobody ever uses it, so I'm always the only EBFD player with a few hundred RA2 players listed in the chat room. Seeing as I have followed the guide to the letter, and gotten the Backup Server to work... I don't see why the RA Server should be any different? What exacty is making the RA Server reject me, where the Backup Server doesn't?
  9. Yes the Legends books were much like "fairytales" much more action-y and superhuman than the Dune universe... - However I actually enjoyed them, because until I read them... The butlerian Jihad WAS a fairytale for all I knew... All the ridiculous stuff like Norma Cenva's transformation and Selims "oops i tripped and fell onto a worm!" was appropriately exaggerated to make it seem like the 'legend' that Imperial citizens would tell their kids 10,000 years later... I also agree about the characters thoughts, Herbert Jnr. focuses more on action, and when he does focus on telling the story through the characters thoughts, it looks like he's trying to imitate his father And Erasmus... Everybody loves Erasmus I liked 'em, but if they weren't Dune novels I probably woulnd't have given a rats arse
  10. Hey I have a big problem For some reason my game will only log in online to the backup server... It refuses to do anything with the standard RA server Whenever I long in on the standard RA server, my password is always "bad password" Whenever i log in using the backup server everything runs fine, its just that theres nobody online... Does anybody know what I need to do to get it to work?
  11. Got the same problem, flickering polygons... The 5.1 ATI catalyst patch reduced them greatly but they still occur every so often... particularily at the beginning of a mission... Catalyst 5.1 is very old and hard to find... It isn't even on the official ATI site anymore... The only place I could find which still provides it is here http://www.idg.pl/ftp/pc_5320/ATI.Catalyst.5.1.html Again, for me it only reduced the flickering (alot but not entirely) If anyone has a sure way to eliminate it altoghether please post!
  12. Easy peasy, I remember how I did it (even though it was 2 years ago) Simply survive long enough to build an advanced carryall... If you can survive long enough to build two then thats even better... Then transport a Devastator and any other powerful units you have to the Emperor worm... Go though the Tlelaxu base to the West because it hass little or no AA... Drop it off and just blow the Worm away... It may take a few tries but it works
  13. Will do... Once I find my copy that is... Failing that there's wonderful bittorrent ;D Haven't played for years but have sudden urge to do so again...
  14. har har har
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