Being new to this game, my opinions probably aren't as based in practice or experience as everyone else's, but if I was doing this project, I'd give Ordos a basic gunner like the other two houses and raise the cost of the chemical trooper. $50 is not a reasonable amount to pay for a unit which should excel at destroying the other units on the field. Its drawback in a normal game is that it is ineffective against vehicular units, which are not present in such a mod. Altredies are pretty good as they are, they have snipers, which should balance out the mortar infantry of the ordos. The biggest problem lies in, as has been already stated, keeping Harkonnen on a level playing field with the other two houses. Giving them regular Sad'kars, as someone already discussed, is a good solution. I think basic Fremen should be available to all houses, to allow stealth attacks and so forth, but their strength in this game would be too much to limit them to a specific house.