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    Newfoundland, Canada
  1. Good point. But I guess if somebody wants to mod, they'll mod, despite the obvious reasons against it. I like the game the way it is just fine, personally.
  2. Being new to this game, my opinions probably aren't as based in practice or experience as everyone else's, but if I was doing this project, I'd give Ordos a basic gunner like the other two houses and raise the cost of the chemical trooper. $50 is not a reasonable amount to pay for a unit which should excel at destroying the other units on the field. Its drawback in a normal game is that it is ineffective against vehicular units, which are not present in such a mod. Altredies are pretty good as they are, they have snipers, which should balance out the mortar infantry of the ordos. The biggest problem lies in, as has been already stated, keeping Harkonnen on a level playing field with the other two houses. Giving them regular Sad'kars, as someone already discussed, is a good solution. I think basic Fremen should be available to all houses, to allow stealth attacks and so forth, but their strength in this game would be too much to limit them to a specific house.
  3. Oh, and to reiterate, what address should my XWIS be set to? I've tried several different ones with varying results.
  4. Just a quick question... I've figured out how to play his game, it's not much different than C&C, but I'm having problems using the Ordos super waepon. I've built a palace, and the Lightning is available but it is on hold. I've tried clicking on it and it does nothing. Is there some kind of requirement necessary before I can use this, or any, super weapons?
  5. Yep, there's a firewall alright. ANd what you'e saying makes sense because there's no way I'd have cable and have a 1000 ping for everyone in the server.
  6. Yes, I guess the firewall is masking my true ping. I never thought of that. I will continue to make all the necessary changes in order to get the best in-game performance possible. I have two in-game names : "markpicco" and "piccohost", I have a LAN set up so I need two names so I can have games at my house. I'll probably use both of them equally. Hope to see you all online! Oh, one final thing, which server usually has more people, RA1024 or the other XWIS one? Both had people last time I was there.
  7. OK, so now I've found people online, I have another problem. My ping is constantly 1000, so it's no sense in even trying to play, right? Is there any way to improve my ping (not just for EBfD, but for games in general)?Also, it's been recommended that I lower my graphics level, which makes sense, but why do I need to change my game speed? Shouldn't it automatically default to the game speed of the host?
  8. So is it useless to try the default channel for multiplayer? I went there and to Ra's server, and nobody was in either place. When is the best time to play online?
  9. Lol, funny typo there. Germany and Spain seem to receive compensation in the form of a shoddy, British actor. I guess the EU is running out of money, or something. Although if the UK could get rid of their horrid actors though the EU, it would give them some incentive to stay in the EU ;-)
  10. Perhaps a better phrasing of that would be "I don't think any of the EU nations would benefit from the end of the EU". I know America would love to see an end to a coalition which could potentially rival its own power. Ditto for the Chinese.
  11. 1. Rise of Nations 2. Knights of Honor 3. Conquest: Frontier Wars 4. Europa Universalis II 5. Master of Orion II 6. Unreal Tournament 7. Emperor of the Fading Suns 8. Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance 9. Unreal Tournament 2004 10. Starcraft
  12. Thank you for all that information, it was a lot to take in. I have one final question: I have a 2 computer network, so without the NoCD patch, will we be able to play over LAN with only one set of CD's? I appreciate the compilation of reading material, should make playing this game a lot easier. Winning on the other hand.... ;-)
  13. Hey there, I've recently purchased this game from eBay, and I should receive it any day now. I have two questions about multiplayer: 1. Westwood no longer has an Emperor site, so are they still providing free servers for multiplayer? 2. Is there a large community of people who play this game regularly? I realise the game is 4 years old, and many games die off in that amount of time, so how hard will it be for me to find someone to play with online?
  14. Master of Orion III. I loved the second one, and I played the first one after the second, and enjoyed it thoroughly, even if it was old. But the last installment was unplayable rhetoric, a mess of stats and bland graphics which was seemingly pointless. I played for three hours, and had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. What a disappointment. Cheers, Picotrain
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