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  1. Any1 Diablo 2 PvP? Hardcore ofc, loot duel... :P
  2. K4^Raimund

    Diablo 2

    I play Diablo 2 on the Battle.NET. Hardcore ONLY. Ladder also, i have a L 89 Hammerdin and atm a lvl 82 Zealot. I also have for trade the MOST expensive rune word on the realm, Last Wish Berserker Axe (stats 368 ed, 67 cb)[need 10-15-20 HR's at least], i know a LOT about this game.....Any questions?
  3. i own a Sagem MyX-1, it'a piece of junk, but i really don't care about much about a moblie phone.
  4. But they need the feeble minded...
  5. Antonescu is a positive thing....Compared to Ceausescu!
  6. Of course not Dante! Towards all who think that is cool to be a planetary COP, or a planetary tribunal...
  7. Strange figures...Especially in Crimeea... Edric O said: I meen like for good...Not giving a damn about a thing...Guess who will win? The Ukrainian people. ;D
  8. It's good to have a point of view...And Canadians often are quiet...
  9. ok, ok but picture this...you're motherland is being invaded by robbers...wouldn't you like to take a piece of their lider?
  10. Well, then tell your story to the world...go to CNN or whatever you have and make a difference
  11. The situation is too difficult to understand, unless you live in Romania...The Hungarian comunity want's a slice of the motherland...but the Reds are to blame for the mess...since 1944 everything is wrong around here...
  12. Why must the general population suffer over a political ideea? I think that the Ukrainian People should go on a permanent strike...Until this s**t is over!
  13. The new Ministry album kicks ass... "Next up I have one of my most favourite records, it's a neumatic hit of a record, hitting hard with unprecedented lyrical intensity. People of Vice City I give..." DJ Adam First, Vice CIty Wave 103 I listened the album, amd the main target is no other than George W. Bush...The tracks are awesome and I must say that Ministry is one of the few bands left that hasn't changed its style. What do you think?
  14. I realy can't belive this...A division...It's not a math problem...People are involved...There has to be something that has to change this situation!
  15. "Technically, 51% think that Raimund. (amount who voted for Bush in 2004)" I don't get it...Like me?
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