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Everything posted by redclown8

  1. i could try but i lost my msn password i try reset my pass but its like thay send a email to my addy where i cannot log in cause i lost my password an i have no other email adress it sucks havin no msn
  2. whats up all nice to see old player still on here i swing in trees for over 10 years now an im always happy to meet new people
  3. hey no one uses the internet now we use a probram called hamachi http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0 go there and follow the instructions how to install it read it carfully step by step ;D and if you do get hamachi never upgrade it :P
  4. hey there redclown8 its me eatallday we are the same person but dont tell noone im on my course again and goin for my dinner soon an again i got top tunes on nice to see you again my best friend ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. oh not sure then might have to ask muis see if he no
  6. hey yea hamachi is best way to play online now go here read the instuctions how to set it up http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0
  7. thhought id post somethin just on my course an i wanna get home have a beer an play dune tonight you hear me muis fire redpain so for the time being ill just sit on my chair an get some wicked club tunes on wanna no the site an listen to the your self http://www.djchewmacca.net/streams/streams1.htm these will not disapoint you respect all im all so eatallday on dune2000 i swing in trees still ;D
  8. hey shygirl4 seen you on hamachi afew times hope you still play we all still play me muis redpain fire an afew more talk soon bye
  9. tell you whats a good tune and i got it on now Wigan Pier - sweet child of mine also Scooter - Weekend my tunes are top class ;D
  10. no m8 shes top class she could be the queen of the jungle im the king of it cause i rule it and love singing all over the area branch to branch
  11. do you newbies still play dune2000 ;D :P
  12. shes on no page its what iv heard shes my friend i swing in the jungles and meet alot of great monkeys one day she willhopefully join my crew
  13. shygirl is to sexy to be on that page
  14. hey there well iv just got dune emp and i load it says bad password so cannot play it in multiplayer i play comp i only no how to make men and trikes does people play it if so how
  15. im not old really yea my brother hes always playin generals now :D
  16. hey shygirl im to old to remember them i seen afew i rememeber you :) you sexy tigar
  17. how many eh i love all the females who play these games there apart of my heart i swing like a monkey shabba mooo gendie u a a a
  18. hey there sweet thing shygirl hope your good yea iv tryed this ham program dune dont work for me i dont see nobody iv not tryted dune emperor and ra2 iv had it and was shit at it so i sold it on ebay i was poor so i play 007 nightfire and i get my ass kicked at that as well but i enjoy it :)
  19. i told peoeple what games i play is that not aload on this site i dont see no rules sayin im not aload to mention other games its you whos cryin like a little bitch worried thay might go to other gamesbut i do see it bothers you that i do mention other games ouch go take your face for a shit
  20. listen bitch ill i could you at both games dune 2000 and emperor i slap you like a fuckin newbie like you are so you wouldnt be no challage fuckin bovo so shut the fuck up when you learn how to play give me a call and we can battle and i can make you look like a bitch again
  21. you people want real music download---Armin Van Burren or DJ Tiesto or get Gatecrasher top tunes
  22. now you mention it shygirl i think i was dreaming ;D :P hehe
  23. hiya shygirl im called eatallday on the game im abit crap at it i do kill some people though i dunno how to talk in the game though
  24. hey there everyone should forget dune i might have it but im not gonna play it nomore no one plays it so move to a diff game like ra2 or 007 nightfire dune2000 is dead over finished
  25. forget about dune2000 its dead not alotplay it now i use to play it iv gone to dune emperor but the fucker will not work so im playin 007 nightfire or football manager 2008 i swing like a monkey though in my jungle
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