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Everything posted by cyberotter

  1. i come from many leagues away to say this ! if dune 4 is made i will be so happy, current RTS games are just so... economy based you know :-/ all the tanks have to sit there and shoot, all the units run up and hit, or they just shoot. theres no heavy recoil anything, you cant outrun missles, you cant hit and run its build economy, attack, die, build attack die build attack die RTS IMO are just boring now... ... plus id love to see a machine crusade set one >_> ... <_< ...
  2. u know i think i know where this dude is comming from often when playing rts iv found myself trying to do something even though it would be my death, like in emperor id build massed sardaukar just cause it looked cool, or hit and run with fremen while the enemy builds overwhelming force. hell i spare enemies i could kill alot of times just cause i think itd be cool if they came back.
  3. emperor was one of the last rts intended for single player first multiplayer second, that should solve everything here. ( the person already said why they were how they were because of single player )
  4. ::) i have a "say people cheat as an excuse for me losing cause ill never admit i lost" disorder. edit: what i ment by that is, never take what i say seriously, ever, nomatter how worked up i sound, ever.
  5. ok hes saying hes using wol, nobody plays there ( we all know that ) . he came to the site to learn and saw all the bitching and got disheartened. and now thinks that we are all pissy little bitches or people he can never beat.
  6. well its required to play, and its not like lagging and playing isnt playing :D
  7. MORE PEOPLE PLAY ATRIEDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the atriedes are the coolest team on the battlefield, and always add that element of concern when u see a atriedes horde. from what i see its dust scout against buzzsaw until one player gets the money to get a better unit while still fighting. need more atriedes edit: not that thats a bad thing, thats often how my old games went. its just atriedes ( who defending thru that point ) would always break out in the battle and start tearing thru.
  8. hmmmmmmm trying to get online but this whole xcc thing doesnt work for me... nvm got it to work, now only need to find a game...
  9. he said buzzsaws, never flame turrets, i would retreat if a flame turret was being built O_o then just use lasers to drain it, if not just deal with it and keep in there. oh and btw, i dont understand how he can say 30k was unbalanced as i won most of my 30k games as ordos... and like i said, it was the most played setting. just those words alone should say its fair... edit: and im thinking of getting this game just to play 30k , even if i lose its worth a shot to show its not unbalanced...
  10. yes i played with biblo30 , aka biblo faggins ::) me and my atriedes friend played him, hes awesome with guild but i rushed him... then i lost to him cause he beat the rush, then i lost again, then i won. my atriedes friend was master of defence so if any niab tanks warped in they were dead. me, i just had my normal horde of laser tanks that i used. so if i saw u with 4 niab id just swarm rockets at my base cause 4 niab is a joke, and dont say " im to good so u cant kill them " cause rockets will kill them 1 by 1, 2 dying before they even get to do anything. although he did build up armies of like 30 niab and still kill me. and ill still have my laser tank horde to own ur buzzsaws and in response to ur buzzsaws, iv beaten them, dont even try to say " im to good so u cant kill them " (repeated below) cause ill just have my drones and lasers move up and take hits as my infantry rush into the cover in ur base, if u attack the infantry the tanks and drones kill ur buzzsaws, and ill just move in more infantry as i camp ur factory/barracks. because man if buzzsaws were the ubber 1337 unit wouldnt they be used every game, and itd only he hark rushes with ordos being usless? u guys all think " im to good so u cant kill me " btw i dont remember for sure, but biblo was good with guild, not really anything else ( he was good with other stuff, but not good enough to use them 24/7 ) and yes he did challenge some1 to a no guild thing after they said he could only guild, and he won, so im not saying he was usless without guild.
  11. anyways... i always hated maps that were small, especially ones where minos can overlook ur spice, and i hate symetry ( make people different ::) ) i played 30k on the huge wipe open 8 player maps 2v2 , that was the best it got for me. i didnt want to have to play artillery wars. so if u guys are using 10k and 4v4 and small symetrical maps no wonder everything i say is wierd... btw id play but i cant find it, iv got my money in for the warhammer game, and u guys seem to think 30k was unbalanced ... lol? for example, i pretty much broke out laughing when somebody said guild rush at 30k money. what i did, is i went ordos, got barracks, got 5 chems, 5 rockets, 5 chems , 5 rockets, 5 chems ect, got refinery ( this is general i dont think im following the tech tree cause ... i dont remember exacly what i did ) got sardaukar barracks, spammed off sardaukar, uprgaded refinery got war factory, 2 drones, 1 laser, 2 drones, 1 laser. after i had about... say ... 20-40 men id stop buildings so i wouldnt be spending 15 minutes recovering money if i lost the battle. then id go into laser tanks and litteraly forgot there was anything but laser tanks to play as :D. so maybe after 15-30 minutes of hit and run crap ( or atriedes player got a horde up ) id work on building up my secondary sub house normally guild. at this point theyv probably been hurting from my initial attack, and my killing their harvies, so niab tanks ended, if not my artriedes ally alrady picking it up. so uh, u kinda get my point... somebody rushing guild wont even make it...
  12. actually dude, us 'noobs' could still kill gloobs, so even if we are 'newbs' we still had actual battles. and the 30k cash lasted 1 battle, then u went from there. u should try 30k cash lol, makes the game worthwhile. but this is the real problem of rts, once everyone gets good at it they call it newb to play high cash, then newb to play medium cash, and then the only time u cant be called newb is to play on the settings the experts have mastered.... edit : i may seem crazy, but im still looking for that one ordos song !!! im gonna buy a new game and look for that song lol, unless somebody can tell me where it is :D
  13. first i havnt played in 2 years lol, second i can tell u have to kill cobras 1. mongoosem, 2 of em 2. minos, 1 3. hark tanks, 1 4. laser tanks, 2-3 5. elite sardaukar, depends 6. fedaykin, depends 7. the hark missle... tank..., 1 8. planes, 1 ( ordos has a really hard time with air, doesnt matter if ur so great as u say ) 9. niab tank, 1 10. ix projector, 1 i can go on but ur just gonna say "im to good to die so there" also man, whats wrong with a quick start of the game? just cause we dont like to sit there going "hay u win cause uv played more and know the exact timings to build things" hell i mean, why should the dude whos better at playing rts lose to the dude who blind rushes into everything but played more and knows the build timings. and simply thats why u dont indulge into the beauty of combat, only that u played more. do u honastly expect me to come online, lose, get taunted by everyone, simply because i havnt played in 2 years and dont know the build order?
  14. yo man i do not believe u guys can be better. im totally serious about this dude using 5 minutes to kill 10 laser tanks. what i saw atleast was that he shot using attack ground ( i didnt see much, havnt played awhile, dont even know if attack ground is in ebfd )and microing. plus why wouldnt u use mongoose for offence. u people use kobras and dont use mongoose? thats just insane 1. kobra die to hark and atriedes , its only usfull against ordos , im sure that harkonnen player can clear for that 3. mongoose have a freakin auto lockon rocket its a portable air and ground defence cannon, i mean god... mongoose and minos are the ultimate counter to laser tanks / kobra ( still usless... ) 5. plus, if u use laser tanks right u can destroy the enemy. i dunno how , but i always just waited and then always chose the perfect time to attack. by not sticking in their spice they wouldnt defend as severly. also ( we only had 2v2 remember ) i normally played with a atriedes player. so we kinda knew what the other was gonna do. and ordos laser tanks and atriedes drones + minos = lots of fun. 1v1 when i played was really only for tournament, so alot of what i say is based on the fact of u having a teammate. 7. we played 30k money cause we figured this. why do u want do win by clicking (clicking what to build, when to build it) this isnt a freakin mmorpg. we relied on our real skills to win. i really shouldnt even be trying to argue, u people play this game so different... u people dont play the game for the beauty of its actual combat, just clicking to get res, clicking to build units, and then maybe attacking. plus man, if u say k0bratank play ud know hes the best. u cant get better im sorry, ur only thinking by comparison now. also , there is seriously a ordos song that i need, it isnt in the dload section, its this really fast paced one that is great. so if anything knows where it is....
  15. yo man , u build turrets to stop the ordos in ur base. and yes atriedes got those rocket turret things late game. but after the ordos overwhelmed their defence they build infantry tanks and turrets in a last ditch effort to push em out. plus man atriedes players now must be nothing compared to the ones back then. i used laser tanks insane. i beat 2x my number in mongoose with laser tanks. i beat down armies of minos with laser tanks ( and a very very costly elite sardaukar on cover diversion ) but when u went up against the good atriedes players ur logic is nothing. iv seen a atriedes player take down 10 laser tanks with 5 minos ( i still dont know how but eh... ) iv seen atriedes players pull off miracles. if u remember the best ordos player ever ( i think his name was k0bratank ) even he knew what atriedes was. this game is out of its prime, the hardcore players have left. ordos is the easiest to play because u dont need a long term goal, only fast batttles. atriedes is the hardest to master because every single item has to be watched, if u let 1 devastator get in ur minos ur dead, if u let laser tanks go free ur everything is dead. atriedes is ment to be a very slow but deadly team, u gotta move up clear opposition, move up repair deploy and keep going. also mongoose are nothing to those rocket turrets , what are YOU talking about. are u going to sacrifice an entire build option for the sake of air defence? air drones can get killed by ordos apc and get away before u know it. mongoose will just get owned by hark ( who are the only offensive air house ) ordos has no true weapon to fight the rocket turrets ( besides kobra but heh... usless... ) edit : im considering installing this just to see if u guys are truly 'masters' of ordos, or the atriedes players are just trying to be harkonnen edit2 : and if a atriedes player cant defend against a harkonnen player ( of equal skill ) when atriedes is still playing defence then, yes all atriedes players are god aweful now. harkonnen is as easy to defend against as 1,2,3. kindjol on cover, minos overlooking the pass into base, air drones. also ur so called worthless turrets will make quick work of a tank that tries to rush in... edit3: what are the normal setts u guys play. cause it was normally 30k money when i played ( yeah there were the few 6k money people who seemed to actually like winning by clicking skills )
  16. am i missing something? cause that is DEAD ON what happened 1. ordos massed together a army 2. atriedes defends, wins or loses 3. if adriedes defends then they build up a minos army and well... ur dead plus unless u people have become so 'godlike' all it took was 10 minos, 4+ drones (more then 6 if ur fighting hark, ordos air is a joke) a couple repair... thingys... and kindjal (the rocket launcher dudes with the pistol , my spelling is no dought off) and the atriedes slowely moved in taking extreme caution. and yes... that won... so where am i wrong here? if ordos laser tanks move in the kindjal settup and shot them , and they became minos food. all infantry were stomped on. hark could only hope to rush in a missle tank thingy if they kindjal havnt already been settup and waiting. and believe me , i was one of the only good ordos players. kobras were a waste of money against atriedes. u needed either a stupid atriedes who didnt check for fremen getting worms ( but u dont get fremen and sardaukar thats just stupid. ordos rush needs sardaukar, for taking the hits from the ever spammed atriedes turret, and taking down light armors fast, just a cheap early game helper ) or u needed ix projecter spam ( which normally atriedes air would kill ) or u neede niab tanks to take em down 1 at a time and iv read u can do 4v4 now ( ugh... emperor in 4v4? no wonder everyone plays ordos ) so atriedes might be usless cause they rely on fighting what the enemy has, not preparing for every sub house and house in the game. and i wont say why ordos would rule in 4v4 cause thats pretty self explanatory ( hint: 3 players with laser tanks that own the harvesters and get out and use speed to defend fast ) edit: i seriously need that one ordos song, im not kidding. i played so damn much i keep hearing it outta nowhere in my head. plus i regret leaving emperor, it was a once in a lifetime chance to play a game as good as that with alot of people... NEED SONG if anybody knows of ordos song thats not in the download section tell me :O
  17. lemme put it this way, as an old player im AMAZED people play ordos, it use to be only 1/6 of people play ordos. and im TRULY AMAZED uv found a way to beat minos and kinjal and air drone hordes, nobody found a way to do that as ordos except get 4x their numbers in laser tanks and drones, or use ix or guild. edit : drone rushes? i rushed with chem troopers, rocket ... guys, sardaukar, drones, and laser tanks, and normally had like 30 people all together. an all drone rush would get owned by artriedes turrets as them build em. or do artriedes no longer build turrets if u get in their base .... edit2: btw what the hell are atriedes players doing that nobody can stop an ordos rush? harkonnen were the easiest, but artriedes were hard if they were smart. such as hiving a minos behind a ever building turret wall. and if u lost momentum u had to get laser tanks and take their harvesters down or it was gg minos
  18. i personally feel a simple expansion pack ( with a good publisher and good advertising ) would have alot of people return to this game ( lets face it, its graphics are as good as the current rts )
  19. whats with all the "emperor sucks" talk??? i for one think emperor is the greatest rts ever made... comparably to the current rts crap we got going now ( its not hard to be better then generals :P ) edit : i love to edit, anyway, they need to make a new dune game ( one like emperor, i just love that game... ) and actually advertise for its greatness plus theres this ordos song that isnt in the download section that i gotta find
  20. seriously though, i played for a good 1.5 years and if atredies got 10 minos and atleast 4 drones ordos just couldnt fight back. AND I REALLY NEED THAT ORDOS SONG. plus i was the first one to impliment sardaukar into ordos rushs ( go me )and having sardaukar destroyed ur fight against atriedes even more ( harkonen are a joke to any organized... anything ) edit: it didnt lag , ordos played perfect, just masses of minos would smack down on the laser tanks in the back and then theyd use their plane things to lower the sheilds for the minos to eat up. of course i was also the first person to REALLY amass like 20 laser tanks to pick off anything that moved thru the desert without heavy firepower ( and even heavy firepower was a deviators best friend late game ) its just large packs of minos and planes made ordos die. plus taking an atriedes base as ordos took.... to much skill ( u needed guild or ix to even think about it )maybe people just cant play atriedes anymore...
  21. ok i havnt played this in like 2 years, but when i did play i was one of the top ordos rushers ( with the most money to start ) i got bored looked at this, and how come everyone says u cant rush atriedes? edit: and why is everyone playing ordos, nobody played ordos. and how come nobody is playing atriedies, their end game is unbeatable edit2: hawkdawg is the devil edit3: also that ordos song, isnt in the download section... the great ordos song thats been in my head for years !!!!!!!!!! the one ... where it goes "dun dun dun.... dun dun.... dun dun dun.... dun dun" and its all MUST GET IT!!!!!!!
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