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Everything posted by subarupunk

  1. beating a devastator with light infantry is easy as long as they are all spread out so it can't kill you with one shot. encircling an enemy is one of Napolean Bonapart's greatest strategies.
  2. of course, anything on the topic of dune has the makings of a great game.
  3. yeah, by the time some one makes 50-60 sardines, i will have sent an airstrike and taken out the army of one. The u.s. army's slogan "army of one" does not work well in the newer Dune games, i mean from d2k on up. a small group of s-tanks will make short use of sardines on infantree rock or not. I would recomend sending a couple at minimum, small attack forces of various vehicles and infantry units. ;)
  4. I remember when I was a cute little beginner at all of the dune stuff, when I did not know that there were books or anything, the only thing I knew that there was, was the game for genesis, and a movie. then I bought dune2000, and had not learned any tactics, or skills, I just built and built until nothing more could be built, I would keep my massive armies out on the sand in front of my base, until one fine evening when I saw that stupid worm coming out of the sand in the middle of all of the units, of course taking my most expensive ones(siege tanks, and missile tanks). After playing for a few years I have learned and manage anti-worm tactics alot better. 8)
  5. It is supposed to have a sequel, maybe it will be a better overall game. hopefully. ::)
  6. You know how long it takes to make 50-60 sard's. :O I would just send in two or three small groups of 10, from different angles to take care of vehicles, then send in the vehicles that take out buildings the quickest. Make sure you watch your sardines closely and hit ctrl+x If tanks try to run them over.
  7. sorry, my brain was not working that morning, I was thinking of Dune for the genesis system, they fire two at a time.
  8. yeah but by then you have enough units, and structures built that you should atleast be able to defend your base. or attack.
  9. artreides missile tanks shoot two missiles at a time, so I count it as one shot. rocket turrets are one of my main defences around my bases but I hardly ever use more than 4-5 of them, unlike some of these guys that place them in rows and rows, making a huge waste of time. I like mobility so I usually stick with vehicles.
  10. yeah both of those strats are very effective, have you ever tried catching the attention of a worm on purpose to have it chase your trike all the way to your enemies base, since worms love the taste of missile and siege tanks much more than that of trikes, the trike is spared and the heavy vehicles of your opponent is eaten. that is a fun one, but I also love my airstrikes. Taking out key buildings and units. I wish airstikes had more armor, cuz it only takes one shot from a missile tank to take out one of your three orni's.
  11. another way to keep harv's safe from worms is to not just let them auto search for a spice patch, I usually direct them to a safe patch where they can easily be moved to safety or outrun the worm back to base.
  12. I didnt go through the whole game dude. I tried the level with the hunter seeker who knows how many times before I realized that you cant run away from it and that you have to go stinkin slow. Khalou killed me once and the next time I played i decided That If I were to beat him I needed more ammo.
  13. amen brother, I do get so annoyed with some players that use the same attack over and over though. And then you play against the next guy, and he uses the same attack. I want to learn new things, but am prevented most of the time because of the lack of diversity in many players. I noticed that I Have Played many, many so called "experienced players" and they almost all use the same strat's some better than others, but I do get flustered sometimes, you probably know what I am talking about.
  14. true again, I loved almost all of the game, the graphics for me were more than acceptable, and the music, was straight off of the movie, so... it's as close to the real thing as I probably will ever get, and there is another game, the sequel coming out soon. I dont know if it is going to be made after children of dune, or just "the rest of FHD". I hope it is fun to play with also.
  15. artreides units do attack the worm automatically, I just think worms attack the largest thing they feel. I just surround the field with infantry here and there, I get my wormsign signal quicker that way, I just go to the spot and get my harv out of the way if the worm does not go for the little bait. after three snacks they leave and dont come back for seven minutes, I can move harvy back.
  16. that is very true, I like to know what other people use in situations, It helps alot, because whether I am better than the next player or not I always learn something. like a new combo, or way in which that the enemy will attack. once, I played against this guy who absolutely loved his turrets, I was forced to learn in a hurry cuz I had no idea way back then that a missile tanks range was one cubit longer than a turret's. I have played many, many people who use what seems like thousands of the same unit in an attack. I guarantee that I am not the pefect fighter, But I am always learning, and someday, hopefully I will learn some perfect strat for any situation. ;)
  17. anyway y'all, dune2000 can be bought in the 10$ section at any wal mart, or in most major pc stores. you can also go to ebay.half.com and they have a bunch of them for real cheap.
  18. hmm... I never had problems with either of the situations. A few of fremen were killed while the harks were attacking but the harks never dared to attack the fremen, I don't know why but they never sent a large attack force to me either. I always keep alot of long range and power weapons at the base and attack with the smaller stuff at first. mainly trikes and quads. I love quads! I took out their tanks after about three rushes of quads, trikes, and troopers. I am not talking of those huge rushes that many people use, a rush for me is about 10-15 units, counting infantry, that is not many.
  19. yes indeedy, I hate Norton antivirus. especially when you are trying to beat Dissid, and have to restart the whole mission because of the lack of save/options. All in all, I had a good time playing, I mainly just got the game because it was only 10 bucks at walmart and because I love almost anything dune related. I think it is hilarious when in the screenplay, Raban is talking to one of the guards and his mouth is making motions that don't even closely resemble what he is saying, I wonder if it is supposed to fit the french dialoge that the game was created in. for now:
  20. go very slow, one or two steps at a time, when you finally reach the other side it only takes one shot to blow it up. make sure it is not scanning you when you are taking steps, and try to memorize the patterns in which it moves. that alone will save your life.
  21. I cant believe this :O all you do is pick up the still suit on the left in the corner and the projectile pistol in the right corner. then take one step onto the steps, dissid immediately appears behind you and starts talking crap at you. immediately go into the left corner where you picked up the 15 pistol rounds and wait behind the pillar, making sure you can see dissid but he cant see you, he will run over to where you are, let him have a quik glimpse of you then run around the pillarso he cant see you, once he has fired his rounds into the pillar, trying to hit you, go around a stab the shield once with the krys knife. his shield is destroyed, so now use the projectile pistol, cuz it has more power. dont just wait for him to run around and shoot you though, if you start shooting at him right away he will go into right hand corner and try to hide, he just sits there while you are shooting him, no worries man. then to finish the level, you put in the code that you found in the center tent with the still suit, and put in into the machine, the cage lifts up and out comes chani, I would first get the armor piercing rifles, suck somee h2o and get your health up, if you need it and run out with chani, in the first camp site you come to you only have to kill two men, with the ap rifle that is six shots. in the second camp site there are seven men, you only have to kill three or four, who ever is shooting at chani, then you run through the cave on the opposite side, where you got the messege "objective complete" for entering the central camp, then you have to run about halfway up that tunnel and the mission ends, you see the imposter khalou and you get picked up bo stilgar in the orni. the next level is on that will test your patience. yo can only move inces at a time and only when the hunter seeker is not aimed at you, finally when you reach the laser you shoot it once and it explodes ending that mission, the next mission is fighting khalou, the imposter. there are many laserguns around the sietch, carefull khalou likes to hide around corners so use your ability to see but not be seen.
  22. dont wait till they are at the other side, wait till they are just leaving the side you are closest to, you do have to run past all three at once. once you get in the map room, get the flight plans and learn where raban's secrets silos are, you can leave but once you get in the foyer and mean laser guided machine appears and tries to kill you. run around it in circular form and wait for it to turn towards you, while it is turning, when it is facing app. 90 degrees either way you can target the blue boxes on either side of it and after many shots it blows up. after it blows up you are allowed to leave the room and go back the way you came, there are no more lasers though so, no worries there, I dont know where they go, but they arent there any more and that is all that matters. any way, to end the mission from there all you have to do is go down the elevator and leave through the main entrance to the base, the same way you came in and killed the guy who asked for your helmet. if you cant remember which way it is go into the middle of the big open sand area with the helicoper landing area, and go in the direction facing opposite the red shield. walk out the door, a voice comes over the PA and sais to be careful, there were fremen located in the vicinity.
  23. you run out of ammo really quick and that it is so easy to die, I wish that paul was a little more manly. other than that, the game should be alot longer, i have been playing alot and have been trying to get better and better times for beating it and am down to two hours, eleven minutes and 43 seconds. it is like cheating when you already have the codes for the doors and know where everything and everyone is. owell
  24. the fremen take care of themselves, just build up your force and then take out the harks. you have to attack smart though get some brutes out there to take all the heat while your long rangers are blasting the heck out of everyone.
  25. I like to lure the emperors units out onto the sand. there are three big worms in that level and they somehow love to stay on the enemy's side of the map when I am playing. sards must tast better, who knows. then when they have lost some key defensive units that would have prohibited me from total domination, i move in for the kill, i can usually take out both bases with three or four medium sized attack forces. 8)
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