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Everything posted by ophiruslevus

  1. fixed... thx mate :)
  2. hi all, i got my dune2k + patch .6 are installed but i cant see the LAN button in the multiplayer options, any ideas?
  3. ophiruslevus


    thanks for the help seru. i'll check this topic for the next few days if anyone is interested in a game
  4. hi DaxxXyrax, the many questions you ask imply to me you are not aware of the book "dune" by Frank Herbert. many of the answers to your questions are there, simply because the game is based on the book itself. i stronly belive that above 90% of this site have read it, and i reccomend it myself.
  5. you're at the wrong place shy, once you install and modify hamachi for dune a new category reveles at the multiplayer options called LAN. use that option after you open hamachi and use hamachi to chat with us and let us know you there. the LAN option lets you play with no ooses disconnecting or and other problem you get in the INTERNET option you've been using. btw, did you see and noobs when you hanged out there?
  6. i think we should post a massage at XWIS couse of all the noobs that get there and never get back. they should know dune is still played, even after 9 years
  7. sounds kinky muis lol i'll hang out in the lobby for the rest of the day, probably be afk though... free drinks for anyone who joins me!! ;D
  8. dont trash a house for a CD, you can download dune from any download program and use the no-cd-patch. works fine for me
  9. dosnt matter shy, me muis and others are on both networks so you should see us anyhow. havent updated anything, i'm up for another game today.. maybe a 2 vs 1 with you and lysy like old times lol
  10. are there 2 dune channels on hamachi server, or is the one i'm in is the only one..?
  11. thx admiral, i followed the text. only thing left to do is see what i got left of the good days welcome back ultim8, hope to get a game with you soon
  12. me too, sorta.... still waiting 4 my first game since like ages
  13. hamachi..? where do yall play now and how i'm getting there? this noob would like a few games for old times sake
  14. If the Unofficial Technical Adviser for Dune2000 cant get in dune, what would the noobies say...? :P
  15. I layed forth all my skill and bent my will upon it, the rest was easily done.
  16. Got it.
  17. Well now, i'm back with my score... hit 1300 and surely can get higher but in doubt if i'll ever reach 1450+. trike, every mission has its own score, the highest score is at mission 9 (cause its the hardest) and i've noticed that while i scored 1300 the comp had 200 points, which means that put together there are a total of 1500 points for the taken. I realy played the noobiest gameplay I could with sonics lines in front of the enemy base and HHing him to death, defying NERTHH (no engineers, rush, turrets and harvester hunting) to the ground. Finally I came to the thought that there's something at what trike (amigabot) says and you'd have to agree diablo, couse even if you played perfectly with losing minimum amount of buildings and units there's still the matter of harvesting, and the comp starts with at least 20 harvesters, which means that in order to minimize his starting high ratio you have to harvest spice for hours.
  18. Lol i'll try to keep it in mind Diablo, and i'd also like to try to beat your score... By the way, this forus has seen many other records by a player called Griffin65 scores like killing 5 AI on XL map on easy in less than 6 min. also there's the record of killing 5 AI on easy (he managed on medium too) without a single loss of your units
  19. Last time I checked ordosbest nick was taken . . .
  20. Although Atreides prooved better than Hark only when I played griff, I attributed it to lack of experience from my side instead of blaming the poor Harks. But I guess there's no real point arguing battle tactics with the official world champ... =)
  21. I disagree Jersky about the Harkonnen part. There are ways to take out sonics and when done right, Harkonnen strength wins the battle. Its just comes down to the player i guess, trix for example.
  22. Hark, no doubt... Concentrates on strength rather than stelth, perfect for someone who gets right to the point.
  23. Last time i checked you can login with any nick you like as long as you keep using the same pass you logged with at the first time.
  24. I have lots of free time, but dune refuse to run on my new comp. I wish lisa were here to help..... ;)
  25. All I'd like to know is what's wrong with being Israeli...?? If you do come out with a pity answer, I'll be more than happy to show you some Israeli superiority in dune.
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