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Everything posted by spazelord

  1. Instead of insults, why don't you look in to the law and describe to us the law to pay income tax. There is no mandatory law to pay income tax only direct and indirect taxs and if you don't know what they mean you can take your head out of your rear and stick it somewhere useful. "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes" Yes that is absolutely true and they can do that at anytime but that does not define income tax law nor does that define the meaning of income. For starters you must find out what the definition of income is and how it was defined in the supreme court of the United States! Then when you do your home work you can identify the quote from above. These are real cases from real lawyers and people and are not about youtube videos yet it is to educate people like you. So instead of arguing here you can go and find out what your real rights are, not in the main stream media powered/supported by the IRS. Again find out the real definition of income before you conclude income tax. When you don
  2. Looks Great Voodoo and everyone else who worked on it :-X thanks for the extra effort... Spazelord
  3. This statement is true further than any reasonable doubt only if we can expand our consciousness and allow our selves to seek the truth beyond the fabricated T.V, radio, newspaper etc... We will then see the actual truth with a bit of research of our own. When the highest point of government officials does not reveal any information on specific events about 911, it is at that point we must not look in to our enemy clamed in Arab world yet the enemy is to confront in our own soil. Patriotism towered war is made to narrow the mind and close it, that way it can be controlled and that
  4. lol funny! :D On a serious note, here is a quote from one of the most powerful leaders in the world of its time. It remind us about the manipulations of our leader(s) today and those who fallow blindly with closed mind... "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar". Here is how they have dumbed America and the world to take control, Fluoride, in your water and toothpaste, mercury in kid
  5. lol I talked about as we get closer to the year 2012 we will see a lot of earth changes and earthquakes and today I saw on NBC and ABC news they are preparing people for mass earthquakes. You know, they know exactly what's going on but it amazes me how they treat Americans and the world as if they are sheep. What is most amazing is that, people are mostly deep sleep from secret societies ways of mass mind control. They vaccinate people with small dosages of their cure which is the lies behind the masks of the new world order. The only reason they hold the truth from the public is that, they don't really care about population around the world. In fact there are 4 huge stone written rocks in Atlanta Georgia made by them (freemasons and the illuminati) saying that we need to balance out the population of the planet, in 8 different languages including in ancent Egyptian and Sumerian languages which are around 6,000 years old. They worship and fallow old traditions of Egyptians, as JFK said in his speech before the secrete society killed him. Here is what he said... JFK speech Today no war has been declared and above all fears a struggle maybe, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion, our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the glob, the survival of our friends is in danger and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting of finding a clear and present danger, than I can only say the danger has never been more clear and its presents has never been so immanent. It requires a change in out look, a change in tactics, a change in missions, by the government, by the people (((bush and the passing of the patriot act by the people))) by every business man or labor leader and by every news paper. For we are apposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relays on primarily on covet means, for expanding its fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, in gorillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted, vast human and material resources, in to the building of a tightly nit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, inelegancy, economic, scientific and political operations (((Ancient Egyptian system and slavery, Hitler fallowed and now they have brought it to America))). Its preparations are canceled not published, its mistakes are berried not headlined, its descendents are silenced not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no roomer is printed, no secrete is reviled. It conducts the cold war in short, with a war time discipline, no democracy whatever hope or wish to match
  6. Well Da_Ze_Ir if you are referring to the idea that you live in a democratic country like USA or I should refer to the west is a good idea, then it is only an idea and not practiced the whole truth and honesty as a government. In communism they tell you the rules under that nation and you know what
  7. There are some alternative help out there for you, but I would suggest "psychotherapy" or chemical imbalance Dr. or even soul healing by other types of therapist. It could change your life in a positive way.
  8. yoo eid boy! Sounds good man! ;D
  9. Again, new people come join this game or this forum and it is their right to post what ever they want but to blame them for other people's irresponsible act and writing like you see below and above me here, you will find that cancer can be found anywhere to try to spoil the fun for this game. If you look closely you will see that every posting that this person is writing is almost all negative and either blaming others or putting people down for their efforts of being here. I think that we should recognize the actual problem from the people who are here to enjoy this stuff. So the host of this post is not to balm yet the person who is radical. All we need to do is read and laugh how extremely and dramatic this person is LMAO. :D
  10. I don't think it's got to do with the topic or who is posting them but it's got to do with some people don't understand to respect others even when they get the warning of watch your bad mouth. It's got to do with the ignorance of some uneducated people that need to disrespect others with every post. madenod Just look at every posting that this person is making you will see 90% or higher is fouls language, negative and/or putting others down. So, don't blame this on Goyo where the actual disease is in front of us.
  11. I see that when trying to have respect doesn't work with some people and I guess this way might. When a person like you possesses IQ less than 80, oh I'm not trying to be offensive, also you suck at this game really bad oh yea I'm not trying to be offensive. You might be depressed cuz you're old? Oh I'm not trying to be offensive. You use Viagra? Oh yea, I'm not trying to be offensive. You can't beat Awol or Viking in 1 vs 1, oh but I'm not trying to be offensive. This game is dead? So are you! Oh yea I'm not trying to be offensive. Did I mention your 2 vs 2 play is worth as much as your future? Oh yea I'm not trying to be offensive... Grow up IQ80
  12. I mostly agree with Da_Ze_Ir but the only thing missing is
  13. As far as spicy goes, since he can't understand English very well so he will always miss understand. What spicy is saying has nothing to do with what I've mentioned, which is the truth. This game is not personal spicy and I've never attacked you, saying you are less of a person then me or I'm above you. Since you don't understand basic things you 1st assume things and 2nd become very rude and disrespectful with your words. Spicy, I'm no way any better person than you are but I know that I have respect for my fellow players including you. I think spicy it is time to put the bitterness aside and act a little mature and if you can't do that, you're only hurting your self and I see that. I can always apologize for things you accuse me of that I've never done in my book. If apology is what you seek then I'm sorry. I hope this can take away the bitterness in you. ;)
  14. Mord when I was writing that, I couldn't possibly name every elite in the game man. I did mention and "many others" just like your self if you are good you should know who you are with out me saying it. Why do you have to take it the wrong way? You are good aren't you? Well then have some confidence in your self man.
  15. Thanks to warlord, alchemi and goyo for watching my back and being true ;)
  16. You know Spicy you tell me I "suck balls" and then you say you didn't say anything bad, is kind of saying
  17. I understand, no problem ;)
  18. Listen guys, this game is like a good virus that can turn bad and all of a sudden turn in to different colors. This game is and always will be the best till they come out with EBFD2... YES so many players still play this game including myself... ;)
  19. Hey Voodoo, I was just curious when about the awards be sent out? ;D Thank... Spazelord
  20. i cant install emperor-battle for dune every time i try to install the game it got stuck at 8% at the file "3ddata0001.rfd" and say can't read 3DDATA0001.RFD the program isnt responding. can some one help me or say what is the problem? ???
  21. Spazelord vs Alchemi winner Spazelord on Spice Bowl GG Alchemi
  22. Hi Alchemi and Voodoo! Let me know when is best for you to play/watch, day and time and we'll do it. I know voodoo loves to watch ;)
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