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Everything posted by parzival

  1. All the stuff I've seen with sonic weapons say they would function at a short range, but would easily go through a wall.
  2. Bulterian Jihad took place quite a while before the first book, it's mention in the index at the end of Dune. I really didn't get the impression that the machines *did* anything, just that people kind of freaked out and destroyed them. The new "books" mention the Jihad in great detail, but I guess that's because they would have to come up with a story otherwise.
  3. My copy was $35 at EB no less....well worth the dough, since I have definitely gotten $35 of pure gaming pleasure out of it thus far (although I would get more if cheese-muffs would stop quitting games while I'm blowing their bases up).
  4. Ok, I figured it out, just can't figure out why carryalls can't carry infantry, that seems a little silly.
  5. That doesn't help me much, now does it? Seriously, I'm itching to drop units across the board
  6. How in the world do you get the advanced carryalls to pick up your units. I've looked in the book and can't find it, and I think I've hit every random key in my games. Please tell me how you do it.
  7. Well, that doesn't do us much good
  8. I hated the prequels, with the complete lack of continuity and the bad Star Wars hack novel writing style, I felt bad a tree died to make that tripe.
  9. A bene gesserit Reverend Mother that functions like a Yuri from RA2 would be cool.
  10. Is there a way to get the pre-order units?
  11. maybe Frank Herbert used prescience to see the future, lol
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