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Everything posted by Tafka

  1. Try updating the game.
  2. I have the no cd-patch for dune2000 and i have a cure for emperor too. Just let me know if ya'll need somethin ;)
  3. It isn't impossible. Just copy these lines to that file and then write the pixels u need. Try it. But i suggest u backup the whole game.
  4. Try this: Build a second startport and place it to your base in a safe place. Then sell the old one. Should work. Now, it's mutch easier to defend it. And try the mission where the starport is right from you. Good Luck!
  5. Timenn, you're a lifesaver ;D Thanks, and thanks again. Now i can Live in peace ;)
  6. I have also problem with this mission, i was quite far, allready attacking the west base of Artreides, well i captured it(most of the objekt) And then the enemy, comes with his huge force and destroyes both bases(well the casualties are too big to continue) Can somebody give me a hand? ;D
  7. Good work, i must say! When can we wait for the patch? And why haven't you got a LAN option(is it somekind of patch that allows that?)
  8. There aren't any black dots fellows ;) It's because brain wants to get as much information as possible, but the white dots are so damn small, that black dots appear on the white dots, or something like that, it's normal ;D
  9. But in my dune 2000, there isn't any lan button, it's an empty spot there, can some1 help me(IM dudes)? :-[ Guys, i've searched for the lan option many years :'( can somebody help me, a trading option is also available.
  10. Damn, now that's my kind of good news, can't hardly wait 4 the game. PS! i haven't got any time to read the whole topic now, but aren't there any screenshots, or a homepage made for the game? Still can't hardly wait for the game ;D Anywayz, keep up the good work.
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