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  1. I think that he was really great. Muad' Dib in Children of Dune the best.
  2. lol ;)
  3. Dune miniseries. I don't have nerves to read any book. And then the Chlidren of Dune. I have it on DivX and I watch the end of it every day. (he runs, runs, and runs. When he has exausted himself, he returns to me. Puts his head in my laap, and asks me to help him find a way to die... et cetera, et cetera...)
  4. Leto died? :'( whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........... btw. Children of Dune is the best movie I have ever seen...
  5. 1. Russell Watson: Faith of the Heart 2. Eminem: Real Slim Shady 3. Eminem feat. Dido: Stan 4. Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Can't stop 5. Linkin Park: Somewhere I belong
  6. web_head

    Happy New Year

    I watched movie marathon... MiB, Gone in 60 sec., serie Enterprise, Wild, wild West...
  7. web_head

    Happy New Year

    Yes, I'm from Eastern Europe...
  8. web_head

    Happy New Year

    7 hours ahead of us...
  9. web_head

    Happy New Year

    It may seem to early, but in Europe, new year started 3 hours ago(or 2)! So... you have about 5-4 hours untill midnight. Have a great time!
  10. web_head


    aaaa... no.... :)
  11. Are my eyes effected by long computer use? yeah... I see blur about 3 meters from me.
  12. web_head


  13. web_head


    Merry Cristmas everyone! On Croatian: Sretan Božić!
  14. build 20 light infantry and use them as cannon meat ;D
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