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    Bergen Op Zoom
  1. I just tested WOL and it is back online have hosted a game on WOL and it seems to work.
  2. I have put my server back online cause of the problems we facing now. But also on my server I get a hang during loading. Letts hope its getting working soon otherwise emp getts a faitel atack. Ords SoW rules the spice ;P
  3. Same here, I cannot get a LAN game going on same errors. This is getting pretty wierd. Have put my server back online but the same error during loading.IP plz try. Looks like there is a self destruction device in emp. Ords SoW rules the spice (skrimitch only) :-[
  4. Thx, mate you are the best.Ords. Sow Rules the spice
  5. every year I look to the messages and this is a good idea erj. I am old and slow but finally here is my nick Ords, Darnnoobs BobSow@hotmail.com ;) Sow rules the spice.
  6. Thx mate I am now dl the old drivers. It seems that it happened during drivers updates. I had a some issues were i was not satisfied with so I upgraded all drivers on my machine. So I go now 1 step back and will c what will happened. CYA online when I am finished That topic were you refere to is identical to my problems. Wierd triangles during the game and so on.
  7. Hi , you all, after playing some BFME games I did play tonight a few games just to feel how this best game ever feels again. But there is something strange going on. See the attachment. plz help. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  8. Youko, I only transfer results from XWIS to fed2k thats all my server does. SO stay on XWIS and dont go to my server when XWIS is online. Its now steady for a few months since EA-games Germany support it. ;) Ords
  9. Correct, Olaf has made a patch for the Proxy running on my server.;) It is running now for a month without crashing. (the Proxy) So the results are send to Fed2k 1 out of 20 games has a send error. Dn were that is coming from. But you elites hf with it and GL on gaming. Stoned rules the spice. Ords[stoned]
  10. Olaf made a change to the proxy and its running now on my Server. Till last night its running ok. Some game results are failing but in general (20:1) ar going ok Ords [stoned rules the spice]
  11. HI to all, It seems that I am doomed not playing Emp until XWIS is back. So be it. I play with pointybum now Zero Hours. The next game I go for is The Battle for Middle Earth. http://www.eagames.com/official/lordoftherings/thebattleformiddleearth/us/home.jsp CYA all guys 8)
  12. Yo guys, I see daily that you all have fun on my server. ;) At least that keeps EBFD alive. The down site is that I cannot play
  13. Yo guys the server is still on 24/7 I go online in a few mminutes CU all on emp at Ords ;)
  14. There seems a problem on XWIS When I and Kalony were loging in it hang at the download channel box. repeating sound error. The WOL server does it ok. And also my server at regards Ords
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