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Everything posted by Da_Schorpie

  1. As far as I know 56k moden is the slowest, but yes it functions with emperor online. But u may have some lag :P
  2. phiieeeeuuuwww, found my key, let's play some matches 8)
  3. erm ya... I did like harvester drops... When I played 10k without pre-built on knife fight (one of my favo settings ;D) I needed it sometimes to beat a harkonnen rush. I myself played ordos, and when u see the harkonnen player rushing with buzzsaw/inf/sardaukar harv drops might get usefull :) But indeed I gotto submit it's only good at the beginning of the game, late game it's kinda crappy
  4. mmmmm ffs... I've been looking for my serial key for an hour now.. can't find it back :-
  5. I think emperor is pretty balanced, that's why I love it so much ;D maybe if ur giving some units more strenght that they become imbalanced or something, u never know ;)
  6. Heeeeeeeyaaa, it's about a year ago that i been here... I stopped playing emperor 2/3 years ago :'( I have to say that Emperor is the best game I after played on the pc (after Zelda: OoT :P) and i just don't want it to die.. I'm thinking of maybe starting playing a few matches. But compared with you guys I suck big time now ;D :D I was : Wardog575 / Schorpie from clan SoW, i don't think most people remember me :) friend from leo1990/ords/dread680/brennq...
  7. a well you get the winn dude. I can't stay much longer online because it's here exam now... not much time :- Sorry... normally i'm always avalaible for a tournament.. it are just the exam :( l8er, schorp
  8. i'm coming online now..
  9. ey yo euhmm.. darkdude friday GMT+1 between 21:00 and 23:00 come online then ok ? i'll be on as Schorpie, page me and prepare to die... ;D
  10. yoyoyo, srry long time that i visited this forum because of warcraft3 and coming frozen throne but i'm able to kick asses in this tournament ;D 2 the one that plays vs me : today, tommorow or monday in the evening between 21:00 and 23:00 (GMT+1 here) l8er, schorp
  11. nick : schorpie GMT + 1 skill: on qm settings ?? :( take easy...
  12. -HAFO (n00b alert) -BoB (it became a good clan when i left, lol :) ) -SCOR ( my first clan :- ) -BFB ( my friend's clan :- :- ) -SoW ( ooow yea... ;D ) -SoW*NG (fremixx' clan) that's about it, the last 2 clans were really fun... except that hobbtz was 0wning the ladder at that moment :( l8er, schorp
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