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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Me too mate.. me too! Unfortunately Implodes MoM-IME project is the closest we've got to that dream. He's been making great progress lately too! But yeah if there was a whole team working on it the project would have been finished years ago. Anyway MuHa appear to be doing monthly (or at least trying to do monthly lol) developer diaries for the official Master of Magic remake... looks pretty good although some of the Wizard redesigns are not as good plus everything seems a bit bland and lacking colour compared to the original. First dev diary http://muhagames.com/dev-diary-1-june-2021/ Second dev diary http://muhagames.com/mom-dev-diary-2-august-2021/ Third dev diary https://muhagames.com/mom-dev-diary-3-september-2021/
    1 point
  2. I have published a 45+ minutes playtest on Youtube with the latest (WIP) version : https://dune2themaker.fundynamic.com/2021/08/15/playtest-skirmish-ai/
    1 point
  3. I set up a Discord server for those who would like to follow development there.
    1 point
  4. Worked quite a bit on the sidebar, design and interaction wise. Sneak peek:
    1 point
  5. Both zooming and mouse scrolling issues are finished now. Next up is redoing the sidebar.
    1 point
  6. Despite how it looks, yesterday evening I concluded the rendering is wrong. But working on that. When I got something new to show I'll post it here.
    1 point
  7. I was on a holiday and worked from time to time on a zooming feature. Ie, where you can zoom in/out on the battle field using your scroll wheel. I found it a quite neat feature in C&C Remastered (and in the Golden Path dune remake). I had to dive into real old rendering code, and I really had to restrain myself from rewriting stuff (pitfal!). The result so far is that I can zoom, but rendering is far from perfect. It also is unstable. Hence, see this github ticket: https://github.com/stefanhendriks/Dune-II---The-Maker/issues/65 Screenshots:
    1 point
  8. I guess this is the more appropriate place to report a bit of progress. Long story short, revamping the original C++ project, finishing it has priority. Made a bit of progress: and: See also github: https://github.com/stefanhendriks/Dune-II---The-Maker/issues/59
    1 point
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