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North America

Maps based in North America.

115 files

  1. Goal: Washington State a land rich in natural resources. Test your railroad baron skills against turn of the century expansionism.
    Author's Comments: This is a complete map of the state of Washington with cities, towns, mountains, rivers, and ocean. It can be started from 1870-1999. I decided not to make winning-losing conditions but rather make it somewhat historical by adding railroad events that happened over time in the state. I also have promotional $$$ for first to connect Seattle to Portland and Seattle to Spokane.
    Please feel free to expand on this map as you see fit. Just don't try and use it to make money for yourself.
    140 0
  2. Goal: It's 1830 years after the Magna Civitis (Great Civilization) was destroyed in the flame deluge. Moral and technical knowledge, preserved in the Abbey of St. Liebowitz, is slowly being reborn.
    Author's Comments: In Walter Miller's classic novel "A Canticle for Leibowitz" we find the development of a post-nuclear civilization in the 2000 years after the "Flame Deluge" of the 21st century. Los Alamos scientist-turned-hermit Albert Leibowitz hides a library of science volumes from angry "Simpletons" bent on erasing all vestige of the technical civilization that had brought down the Flame Deluge. To do this he enlists the help of Christian missionaries from the exiled church in New Rome. Leibowitz has the science volumes translated into Latin and disguised as religious texts. The Simpletons eventually die out, but over the centuries the monks of St. Leibowitz recite the texts religiously even though they have no idea what they mean. Eventually the imperfect moral influence of the church fosters a civilization that begins to discover the true nature of the Leibowitz texts. Included in those volumes are the secrets of steam power and electricity. As Hannegan Emperor of Texark it is your vision to unite the continent from coast to coast and to be the founder of a new "Magna Civitas" or "Great Civilization". If in my dyslexic haste I sometimes transpose the ie to ei in "Leibowitz" or vice versa, please remember this is only a game.
    119 0
  3. Goal: The Pennsylvania of the Rail Barons! when rail was king, Pennsylvania was the battleground. Both robber Barons and visionaries alike vied for positions of prominence in the state. Will you survive?
    Author's Comments: I was looking at the Poptop Pennsylvania map and thought to myself, "Ugh! This sucks!" It's obvious that Poptop didn't put much work into that scenario. I downloaded new satellite data and did a fresh import into the editor to get the elevations right and added 50+ towns and cities. The victory conditions are similar to the original map only a little harder. :) To win the Gold, your Company Book Value has to be greater than $70 million or your Personal Net Worth has to be greater than $90 million. There are 14 companies on the map. You are JP Morgan and can either buy control of a company or start your own.
    154 0
  4. Goal: West Virginia in the late 1800's. The mountains were high; the coal mines were dark and deep!
    Author's Comments: West Virginia is my first map, so I welcome any and all comments.
    I'm not from West Virginia, so I make this disclaimer up front - if I've missed your favorite town, or misplaced a river or two, please forgive.
    As I was looking for a state to map, I fell in love with West Virginia and the Railroad opportunities and as I researched the railroad history there, it just keep on getting more interesting. I hope everyone enjoys playing this map as much as I have enjoyed making it.
    124 0
  5. Goal: Americas Backyard.
    Author's Comments: No copyright whatsoever, I just like the map making part, so no events... Feel free to make changes and/or add a scenario.
    158 0
  6. Goal: In the late 1800's the timber industry was a dormant source of commerce in Quebec as well as much of North America. Will you choose to become a lumber baron?
    Author's Comments: One of the maps found in the GOLD edition of the Railroad Tycoon.
    134 0
  7. Goal: Christmas has come and gone with no sign of Santa Claus! Unfortunately, the reindeer are all sick, and Santa needs a quick transportation solution. Will the railway be the answer.
    Author's Comments: This is a Christmas map that I thought would be fun for the holidays. The map is based in Canada only, but where else would the North Pole be but in Canada? (Magnetic north pole anyway.) Besides, that's where I live and am familiar with.
    The map is based on the Canada map, map 6 in the original RRT2 campaign, with numerous changes to make it closer to the real city and territory locations. Also, three railways of Canada, CN, CP and BC Rail have been placed as close as possible to the actual locations as I could within the limits of scale.
    160 0
  8. Goal: Try your hand at restoring the SAL from Richmond to Miami. The dawn of diesels is here. Everybody wants to go to Florida. Recreate the Silver Meteor and the Silver Comet. Visit small towns and villages in Southern US.
    Author's Comments: 1. If you do not connect every hamlet, village, and town you cannot win. You must connect Petersburg before these towns.
    2. If one of your trains happens to be crossing a bridge when it is hit by a barge or a flood you will lose the train and have to pay to have the bridge repaired. If your train is not on the bridge then you just pay to have the bridge fixed.
    3. Percent revenue bonus is credited for connecting to small towns. They must be connected to win any way.
    4. The S-Line as it was called had single track only. No double track is allowed in scenario. Game will end when double track is placed.
    5. There is a credit rating penalty for issuing bonds. You may issue one but then a penalty is enacted that will take you a while to overcome. Issue two and its worse.
    6. Thanks to Kinner, CeeBee, MarshalN, and Dkr2 who tested this map and gave unselfishly of time and knowledge.
    119 0
  9. Goal: Land of 10,000 lakes. Forests and prairies. Learn a little history and lore.
    Author's Comments: This scenario basically attempts to recreate a portion of the rapid expansion of railroads during the period 1850-1900 that occurred in the upper Midwest United States. In this case, I've concentrated on the state of Minnesota and the immediately surrounding areas. Your goals are spelled out in the scenario but the general idea is that you're trying to build a large and prosperous railroad with Minneapolis-St Paul as its hub. You'll be encouraged to support the key industries of farming, timber and iron mining. All victory levels involve a requirement to make yourself and your investors wealthy. The specifics of each victory level are contained in the opening briefing.
    117 0
  10. Goal: The citizens of Seattle demand a high quality metra system. Oh yeah, they want somebody else to pay for it. Show 'em how its done.
    Author's Comments: One of PopTop maps altered including an extra airport.
    99 0
  11. Goal: It is a flat, mountain-free state. In 1845, its population was barely 60,000. Its climate and geography attracted many immigrants. Expansion dreams can be nightmares in Civil War.
    Author's Comments: Based on a relief map. There are two specific bonuses by connecting to Tallahassee and connecting to Key West. Not only does the company but the player benefits as well. CONNECTING TO KEY WEST: Yes, it is possible. However, it is best to start from the mainland and to remember bridge-laying. It will take at the very least 10 bridges, so do take into account the expense. I have tested the possibility several times, and I have always been able to connect.
    131 0
  12. Goal: This is a 20 day map. You have been hired to place electric rail is an underground coal mine in Gwizz mountain. The top of Gwizz mountain has been removed so you can place rail in the tunnels to the Coal pockets from the Coal Port. Some of the rock is very hard and the miners have tunneled around these hard spots. You will build track, haul Miners, Coal & Goods for a win. You can haul Food for extra cash. Generally you can only manage the Railway on the South Bank, except along the river, where building rail is possible.
    Hauls to win: Bronze; 100 Miners +50 Coal +50 Goods. Silver; 200 Miners +100 Coal +100 Goods. Gold; 300 Miners +200 Coal +200 Goods.
    Author's Comments: Coal mountain with its top removed, has hard and soft rock. Tunnel in the soft rock veins to the coal pockets. Haul goods & Miners to the coal pockets & coal to Port in 20 days. Year 1837 slow time map.
    181 0
  13. Having almost 500 events (as many as all 50 PopTop maps combined!), this is the ultimate RT2 map! Over two years of FULL TIME work in the making, this is effectively a whole campaign in one map! US History pushes the map editor to the edge and beyond! (I tweaked the binary file to fix the bug where demand at ports failed to recover). For students of history (have any kids, grand-kids, nieces or nephews willing to play an "old" game if it counts as "study"?), you'll be rewarded for knowing what will happen when!
    Presidents from Monroe to Obama Territorial expansion from 1820 to the end of frontier Wars both Civil and World. 19th C panics and the Great Depression Progressive era regulations, property tax and income tax Tech advancement options and RR material supply opportunities making a game within a game There are even a couple dozen significant Canadian and Mexican events affecting their territories filling out the edges of the map Extreme replay value in choosing among four starting regions (Canada, North US, South US or Mexico) US History plays best using my modded version of the last RT2 Platinum patch 1.56 (for CD only), included in the larger, possibly newer, zip file in this map's dedicated (and long-running) US History thread in the forums. However, it should still play well in any version of RT2 TSC. You'll miss out on the advanced military industries during the Civil War (I designed a North vs South RR race), but you can live with out them.
    414 0
  14. This is a challenging and quite long (1830-2000) version of the Eastern USA map. Costs are increased and most engines are available at different dates to improve balancing. A list of engines and other major changes can be found in the forum here (6th reply or so) and in the included readme. Version 6 is the final version that is available as a map alone, version 7 uses a modded .exe - both are included in the download. note: 2 dates are wrong in the readme: the camelback gets retired in 1930, and the 8-wheeler seems to be available longer than mentioned.
    Goal: In the 19th century, the United States of America wasn't called the 'land of opportunity' for nothing. You have 170 years to slowly become a legend here.

    Stand tall with the highest personal net worth and 750 Automobiles hauled for the bronze.
    For the silver you also need a personal net worth of at least $250 Mio, the highest company book value and 1500 automobiles hauled.
    For the Gold you also need a company book value in excess of $500 million, a personal net worth over $500 million and at least 3000 automobiles hauled, while forfeiting a possible engine price reduction in 1930.
    You must be the first player to start a company and be its chairman at the end of each year.
    222 0
  15. Goal: Amtrak needs passengers! You've got to make it happen here in California.
    Author's Comments: Adapted from the TSC campaign (adapted from campaign part #10), saved as a stand-alone scenario. Connect L.A. to San Francisco, and make some money for faltering Amtrak.
    163 1

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