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Hello everyone... Here is an RPG where you just join up and.. well do stuff that is decided furthur into the game...

You need to tell me:

Your name:

Your Weapons:

What Lifeform or Race:

and anything else.

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Name: CobraJc

Weapons: Redeemer (see Twilight of the Dead post for a description)

Race: Raptor-Human Hybrid (A raptor with human intelligence)

Misc: Great eyesight and night vision.

very fast.

highly agile.

cant blend in well in human areas.

ONLY eats meat. never anything else and always raw.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your name: Primal

Your Weapons: Battle drones (hovering self-destructive small EITS drones/kinda like Hunter-Seekers)and a laser rifle.

What Lifeform or Race: Ixian.

and anything else: Have a shield as I am Ix after all.

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Name: Ayorl Vaenarei.

Weapons: Blue-Black Trident, imbued (Ye Gods I hate that word) with many forms of magic which I'll describe later. Small hand-held crossbow.

Race: Drow. Also known as Dark Elves. Ebony skin, white hair, vengeful and generally described by others as 'evil.'

Other stuff: Will be made up as I go along.

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CobraJc spun around and unloaded his gun in the stomach of the enemy next to him. He laughed and then bit the man's neck.

Food and warfare! Damn I am so happy!

He kept shooting and eating and he finally got back to back with Prima.

DO you need help Prima? These men look rather...good!

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Shadow Warrior runs forward slashing his twin daggers into the guys head. 'Uncovering himself' Some take aa shot at him and misses 'Uncovering Himself again' He slashes at a couple more guys.

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Ayorl Vaenarei stands alone, in the centre of the battle. His innate Drow abilities have enabled him to bring up a globe of darkness around himself, effectively advertising his position while at the same time making him almost impossible to hit.

The enemy, too foolish to rush him as a group, attack one by one. They dash into the darkness, their eyes closed. And Ayorl, with his infra-red vision, picks them off at his leisure with his unique trident.

'Gettig bored here... What say we liven this up a bit?' He thinks to himself...

And the globe of darkness emits a powerful, purple haze. It floats over the area, killing anything which breathes it in, or even touches it. The power of the Toxic in his trident.

'Hmmm... Hope I didn't hit anyone who wasn't trying to attack me... Ayorl smirks evily as his darkness globe drops, leaving him in the centre of a wide space otherwise covered only with bodies.

As the purple haze disapates, he walks silently over to the rest of the battle, and begins again.

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A man tried sneaking up on CobraJc. He laughed. Now he would get this raptor!

What an idoit!CobraJc thought to himself. I can smell flowers from a mile away so of course I can smell your B-O so close by.

He whirled around and blasted the man's head off and then he felt a small prick on his neck and as he slipped into a coma he heard a voice-that-was-not-a-voice.

Take him back to my Citadel. I have plans for this...subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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