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I think there are enough people who have read it now to actually make a topic about this to people who have read the DE. Hopefully you have at least read most of it because this topic could span a lot of areas. if not, just look the stuff up.lol

I know there are many errors, mainly due to the fact that the DE was written after GEOD, before the next two were written. Still though, the creativity and detail that is put into the DE in many ways far surpasses that of the prequels. I still love them and love brian and kevin for continuing the series' of books, but I just have to say the truth.

I love the story of Ibrahim Von Holtzmen. What are your guys' favorite? I also love the story of how space travel evolved and Ampiliros as well as the Duncan idaho saga.

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I liked the entry regarding Salusa Secundus, the origins of the Sardaukar, and their rise to power during the Battle of Corrin. Some of the other really interesting entries were the Ampoliros, Holtzman, and Houses Atreides and Harkonnen (the historical leaders of these houses).

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totally vanguard. I loved to read about the harkonnen family and their history. Though it was pretty perverse at times, Gunseng wasent really that bad. It is funny that at times the harkonnens were better than the atreides.

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Yeah, I noticed that too. One of my favourite bits was the story of Mikhail Atreides becoming an imperial tyrant (Mikhail IV of the Atreides-Corrino line, I think), then being deposed. He cryogenically preserved himself, and returned to the throne - 500 years later! :)

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The drawings were really bad in the DE. who was the illustrator?

heres a bunch of stuff i said about the DE before:

"the DE says that norma guides the first foldspace journey and venport leads the ixain refugees. It says norma lived after the jihad and she used ixian industry and invented the whole foldspace thingy. and she also befriended bene gesserits. But then again it also says that JEHANNE butler of bene gesserit training starts a crusade after having her child aborted by a richessian machine. And that transcom was a corporation that used computers for hyperspace travel and the galaxy was dependant of self repairing robots and quick communication and the crudaders won becuase they disabled these. The DE version of the jihad makes the crusaders look like the bad guys, or fanatics who fought against other humans not like the brian/kevin version. also some guy named ecevit becomes the first corrino. and albulrud abondonds the battle. but that was in the house novels too. only have the electronic version of the DE and it gives me a headache trying to read it. im not sure on that q about venport. but Sheuset was his first name and ecevit his last name before he took corrino. Also his abulurd harkonnen fights at the battle at corrin, do you think sufficeint time will pass for one of xaviers children to grow up and fight in the battle? hey accoriding to the DE house "ordos" had one more vote than house harkonnen in the landsdraad.(atriedeis had more than both of them) during the begining of the riegn of emperor paul muaddib. but then who was leading house harkonenn. Wow the pictures in the DE are really shitty. and the snake wrapped around a book crest for ordos in the games was used for hose wallach in the DE. Also ram and hawk were the crests in the DE. Ordos had two bones crossed with and ivy plant around it. acooriding to the DE gunseng harkonen was vladimirs father. and holtzmans name is vaughn ibraim. More: one of the duncans of leto II found out the harkonnens had some sort of blood disease: hardison's disease. and on arrakis the low oxygen was killing pauls brain cells. wierd huh? IX was also the "9" planet of some system and the planet was called komos. someone by the name of albans starts the whole mentant thing. and they eventually started on the planet of theliax. What planet was tupile again? Also some guy named rohtar rode the first worm on accident. where did this guy come up with all this suff."- Me from a little while ago :P

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