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Guess The Impossible!! (solved)


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That is Rio de Janeiro in Brazil where the staute is located on Mount Corcovado. There is another Cristo Rei that is located in Lisbon over looking the city, Lisbon. If you are ever in Brazil it is a most spectaluar view overlooking Rio.

Now for my question is it in the northen part of South America or southern?

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Is it in the Southern part of South America? NO

5 more!

note: that was question #44. So there are only 6 questions left, so make them count.

TIP: When someone asks, "Is it a statue", don't ask 2 questions later "Is it a big statue on a mountain?" he he 8)

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is it the Angel falls in Venezuela? YES!!

Slaphappy beats Edric0 by :07 seconds. :(

TOTAL # OF QUESTIONS: 47 you beat your limit by 3. Although good players at this game can usually guess in under 30.

good job to everyone who participated, (although Edric broke the case with question #46)

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hey, what's that sad face for i feel bad again :-[

lol, i just got home too, your lucky my comp didn't freeze or i wouldn't have gotten it ;D

ok, ok fine if it makes you feel better, Edric O u can have the win... in fact the only reason i knew the answer was because in this unit we are in right now in Spanish 2 we talked about Venezuela and the tallest waterfall in the world (Angel Falls)

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Don't worry about it, slaphapy. I was only joking. :)

It's just that I've been thinking of Angel Falls for a while, and that's why I asked the waterfall question... I would have asked about Angel Falls directly, but I was afraid it might just be another waterfall and I might lose a question. So I decided to narrow it down first.

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