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Were can I get Dune 2000?

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Re:Dune 2000? « Reply #59 on: February 18, 2003, 08:26:39 »

For all those who keep asking for Dune2000, C&C, RA(O), etc, I suggest you try


I haven't found any of the above sold on their own for less than £10.00 (15Euro) in the UK in the last three years, and last time I checked, these are all still available at softwarefirst.

Mind you, when I got RA, I also got both its expansions, C&C, and its add on too for £15.00 in Electronics Boutique!!! (five years ago now).


sure it what they like i didnt tell him not buy dune2000 . i told him that i suggest him to check emperor.!

u can download dune 200 from many sites or buy it by easy on 20 or 30$. lol maybe more or less dunno. 8) 8) 8)


Emperor is now the same price as all the other WW games-(10.00), but not Generals though, obviously, and is still available from the above site.

Dune2000 and E:BFD are different games (in that they play differently), and graphics aside, they are both good in their own ways.


£10= about $15 or 15Euros

It's not that much, and the 'official' versions are complete - the d/l 'cracked' versions off the 'net are often incomplete. Dune2000 is now a very hard game to find, and given the lagging popularity of E:BFD, that'll be hard to find before too long aswell...

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