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Shattered Galaxy


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This is a real fun game. it has crappy graphics, but nice gameplay. it is also why i hardly ever visit here anymore. Yes, i am hooked ;D . it combines the Final Fantasy aspect of leveling your character (and units) and Real Time Strategy.

Battles can hold about 24-26 people and even then, it hardly ever lags on my 48k analog :P . You can customize your units and such, and put points earned from leveling categories |infantry, aviation, mobile(tanks) and organics| into statistics that improves your battle skills. Tactics increases the number of units you can use in battle (every 20 tactics=1 extra unit), clout lets you upgrade the frame of your unit(every 2 clout=1 unitquality), also helps organics evolve into new aliens faster, Education lets you equip better armors,cpu,biodrives,engines,weapons,etc (every 2 edu =1 tl + the level of unit) and the odd categorie (mech apt) raises the max weight of your unit, allowing heavier armors & engines.

This is a really fun game, but it costs 9.99 a month. But i encourage you to download this game from thisSG Main Site.

there are currently 2 planets, Relic (n00b planet (im on that one :P about to get off of it) and Morgana Prime (ProPlanet). This game is real fun, and a trial lasts 2 days.

i have fought in 550 battles, ive won and lost about the same, and my levels are pretty high for Relic. i am trying to get on Council, to make my units have an HP Bonus :) .

the community is small, and really needs a boost. there used to be thousands of people online, but now its about 500 combined with both planets at max... :( (sounds familiar, eh?)....

-Exethan, captain of Regiment Crusaders

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lowezee, you cant be a total newbie and expect to win all the time. you have to level every rank to 5 in the caves, have some ok units, THEN only do you start fighting. in the first 2 weeks i played this game, i completely sucked. now i rock. im on temp council, i am getting my own regiment with some guy whos played since 1.2, and am maxing out levels and units.

DE, i love ghasts too. they recently lowered the base hp, but the speed is about 1.5 kilo faster. i never really figured out the warp+SD feature in sappers, so i sold them for some imps. i'm also to the point where i cant use sub xp :( . im on the n00b planet of Relic so i can own people :P , but i think i will eventually go to MP (original Morgana has been killed) and Reincarnate back to relic.

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thats your levels already?!!! jesus christ! my levels are 22/21/22/20...but how long ya been playin? i guess i want to get the most outof my game, as i am the co-leader of Chaos Knights, and plan to be OL on Relic.

oh and by the way, what is your SG name. i will get in contact with you. my name is exethan.

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