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I was casually watching a bit of the movie a couple of weeks ago when it aired on TV, until I fell asleep 'cause it was like 3 AM in the morning. I had never seen the movie before that and I also did not see the whole movie that night, but from what I did see, I noticed a ton of inconsistencies. Can you Dune Geeks explain some of this to me, or was it just a major screw up on the part of IG:

All the Fremen have Weirding Modules, and all the Sards have Lasguns. No exceptions. And the Fremen with the Weirdings still completely obliterate all the Sards with just their Weirdings. And as if that was not bad enough, the Weirdings can shoot for a few hundred miles at a time, or so it seems! Why don't MY Feds shoot that far??? That's a major blunder IMO.

I didn't notice any Mentats having that creepy nasty pink goop all over their lips. Where the heck did THAT come from in the cutscenes??? It's really nasty and nauseating to have to look at that. What was IG thinking?

Baron Harkonnen has a heart-plug in the movie. What the heck? Why would the BARON have one of those? I can see why the peon soldiers would have one, but why the Baron????

I must say that I am glad Emp was based on that and not the uber-crappy mini-series. The combat in the movie was 100 000

times better than that of the mini-series(which seemed to think that showing fighting in WWF style - where one guy punches at another and his fist misses the body by about 5 feet, and the other guy reacts like he actually got hit - ::) )

I wish they would have based the Mentat in Emp on the *original* Hark Mentat in the movie. He was uber-SLICK. Most compelling to watch. Too bad I only saw him in one scene where he had no lines. That guy was a *great* actor. They should have cast him as the Hark Mentat in Emp. Though I did like the actor who was cast, I would have rather seen a non-pansyish type Mentat, esp. for Hark.

If anyone else has more inconsistencies to post of explanations as to why these things are as they are post it here.


I didn't notice any Mentats having that creepy nasty pink goop all over their lips. Where the heck did THAT come from in the cutscenes??? It's really nasty and nauseating to have to look at that. What was IG thinking?

im pretty sure there's a scene in the movie which shows one of the mentats using sapho juice, just like in the cutscenes. Also I think WW handled the cutscenes cos only they could create sumthing with such bad acting...


Westwood wasn't trying to follow the story of the movie, just the style of the movie. If the game was accurate to the movie the Fremen would be unstoppable and well that wouldn't exactly create a well balanced game would it?

And the Baron wasn't always a Baron, if I remember correctly every Harkonnen gets a heart plug early in life.

There is a scene early on that shows Piter talking about Sapho, I remember this because Dune just happened to be on Bravo today. :)


I thought the Baron was part of a "Royal Family"-type hierarchy. Hence, his sons will always be the ones in charge. So the Baron's father would have known that when he was born. So why would the Baron's father allow one of those to be put in him?

What is Sapho Juice? Oh yeah it's funny seeing how Patrick Stewart was just as much of a sucky actor way back then as he is and remains to this day. It's beyond me how he ever gets hired for *any* acting job. LOL


I don't remember who the Baron's father is but I would suspect the father would want to put one there in case his son would try to overthrow him. The Harkonnen are just like that.

And Sapho is just a drug that helps Mentats do their stuff. :)

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