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what has great graphics?


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i have found very few games that have really nice effects and push the limits of my hardware. any suggestions?

Have you played Serious Sam: 2nd encounter ?

It will not stretch your hardware, it even runs excellent on older computers. The graphics are E X C E L L E N T (just wait till you get to a room with and iced floor, breath taking).

Another good game with good graphics is Moorowind. Excellent gameplay, huge and the sound is good as well. Especially when the thunderstorm hits with lighting.

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I think one of the best looking RTS games I've seen is Battle Realms. It is VERY similar in style to warcraft, featuring 4 different sides, a pretty good plot, an editor released in a patch (I think), but multi is via gamespy (I heard bad things about that but don't know myself). The graphics are really amazing, you even see the water move as they walk through it. When people die, you can see blood in the water...sometimes they explode for no reason ;D The animations are excellent, much more karate styled than warcraft...every unit is the blade master...hehe. You can actually see the rice grow, which is a resource, and you need to water it. Burning houses may be put out with water, or you risk losing it to fire.

I think the game is largely overlooked because the company, Liquid, is brand new (no reputation like Blizzard. However the game got great reviews (check a review site for review and pics). The only downside is that you may lose some control during the battles (kinda fast). Also, there are unit caps just as in War3. But graphically, I think it looks pretty good...kinda like that crouching tiger movie.

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More strategy? I still want to know what element of strategy a 12-unit group cap adds...

Ok that's it... U constantly complain about the 12 unit cap, u know, the advantage of it is that you can way better control ur units... in westwood games you sometimes don't even notice when a unit is greatly being damaged while in blizzard games you see all... And since you can build so few units you need to micromanage them all if you want to win.

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Hey Desert Eagle, were you talking about Battle Realms or something else?

If you meant Battle Realms, you should know tha they have already announced there will be an expansin pack...I'm not sure of the date of release though. I think it may be sold with the original game...you may want to wait. They will also give rebates to people like me who already have the original.

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Oh, talkin about Battle Realms. Ok, heres what happened :I went into gamestop to purchase the reserve-card for WC3 and i had about 20 dollars left. So i go up and look at Battle Realms. I ask the guy if it's a good game or not, and he says he's herd alot of really bad reveiws, so then i got the strategy guide for E:BFD...(this is before i got my online connection up)So he lied to me...the dirty batard...

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Yea, all the professional reviews were good from what I remember. Try looking at gamespy or something like that for a review. Also, consider the battle realms web site. I'm not sure of the address at the moment, but it shouldn't be hard to find.

I forgot to add, each side has about 4 heros, kinda like Warcraft, if you like heros, maybe that will encourage you.

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Yeah, i got the game, well ehm, sort of (you know what i mean ;)) but the game is realy good. It has realy good new things like that you have to get horses and stuff, and everyone can ride on them. The game style is much like warcraft III. Though the game did get boring for me after a while whereas warcraft III does not... You should give it a try though... it's quite wicked in the beginning.

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I have heard people say it gets boring after some time also. However, graphically, I think it may be better than War3 (not that either one is bad though). Gameplay wise, War3 probably has an advantage. The campaign (what I saw of it) is really good. It features someone returning home where he chooses good or evil (two different campaigns). I have only played the evil one and haven't finished it, but it's kinda cool to see his character deteriorating over time. He becomes a real jerk :)

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