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thats the first time? :P

I dont agree with them having the 10 commanits in school or have you say a prayer at the begining of class. I know that every one was praying during september 11th.......that is except my school. every one thought it was a big joke or something......sickining eh? funny...but i dont want this to turn into a religion threaed,but taking in taking out in god we trust its...almost racist to the relgius communites I feel.


I may have agreed with u on sum other things..but i've only been here for like...28 days...WHOA...i never noticed it..I got 306 posts since

June 10th...hehe...i've been busy postin!

and did ur school really think it was a joke?! my teachers were crying...they have relatives that wurk there.



I agree with seperation of state also. Now, I would like to see someone tell me they no longer use American money because they fill so strongly about their beliefs..... For those who don't know (other countries), Am. money contains the words "In God we trust." This is just one example, but there are probably others throughout our culture that reaffirm that belief.

The US is about diversity, yes, but to break away from such established tradition because one person (who was probably after money anyway) felt uncomfortable is a little dumb. If you don't believe in God, then it doesn't mean anything to you anyway. Trust me, the majority...an overwhelming amount...will support the overturn of that decision. It's only a matter of time before that decision falls.

Then there are the sociological aspects of it, which I won't even pretend to understand, but a country tries to mold people to a certain degree through use of things like the pledge. All of this kind of reminds me of removing prayer from schools...which I am not sure was such a good idea either.


but heres the funny thing when u think about it... when america broke away feom england it was for religious freedom right? and then upon arival we celeibrate and form the sates, the declartion & constitution, and like thing unds said bout the money "In God We Trust" ya know all that history stuff ;D and in the end we decide than since we are free to follow our religous freedom belifes we deicde to seperate it from states when thats what the prinicple was formed on? Weren't the 10 commandments at one time on the wall be hinde the judges of the supreme court?

But in the end I guess seperation was for the best because who is to say whos church the state has to follow...


Ok, so "GOD" doesn't necessarily mean christian or jewish or whatever, but that won't satisfy people of none of those beliefs. Saying the pledge, means you believe in every word, because if you don't then it's not really pledging your allegiance. Let's say instead of God it said, Nation Under Allah, and the nation was founded on Allah beliefs, but most people are not Muslim or Islam or whatever, how would they feel? And also, saying Nation Under God acknowledges God exists, and saying that would make a lot of people uncomfortable. I don't understand that if they are going to make a seperation of Church and State, why would they stop halfway and let things slip through that acknowledge God like money and the pledge, if you are going to do something, you got to do it fully or you are just being hypocritical IMO.

And Frodo, you never know what people may say. Don't count your chickens before they hatch ;)

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