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Dune 2000 GruntsModeEdition - error during launching any mission

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Since it's my first post - hello everybody!

I wanted to try Gruntmods edition of Dune 2000, however no matter if I'm trying to launch any of campaign missions or some single mission, I'm still thrown out of the game with this error:

"File not found BLOXBGBS.r16"

I was trying to uninstall and install game again, as well as tried to re-download installer and try again... But none of these helped. I'm launching game as administrator (using Windows 8.1 64 bit), but it also didn't help.

Tried to find anything via web browser (as well as searching tool at this forum), but I didn't found anyone with the same problem.  Many thanks in advance for any help/tips!


Just in case, here are my PC's specs:

Processor: IntelCorei7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Graphic Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 1060 6 GB
OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit


Posted (edited)

Hi there,

I also have the same error as MartiusR: "File not found BLOXBGBS.r16" and it is effectively because the file is not in the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gruntmods Studios\Dune 2000\data"

I will try to search it from the original disk or somewhere else until some body find a better solution...

Edited by CesarIII

I solve it by opening the "Dune-2000-Gruntmods-Edition-" file with 7zip (or your favorite compressor) and search for the file BLOXBGBS.r16 and extract it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gruntmods Studios\Dune 2000\data".

Not sure if any other file is missing. Ill be watching...

Posted (edited)
  On 11/1/2018 at 4:06 AM, CesarIII said:

I solve it by opening the "Dune-2000-Gruntmods-Edition-" file with 7zip (or your favorite compressor) and search for the file BLOXBGBS.r16 and extract it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gruntmods Studios\Dune 2000\data".

Not sure if any other file is missing. Ill be watching...


Thanks for the report.

Can you look if you have this other files there?

All are tilesets on the "data" folder; tell me if all are there (instalation).
If only the BGSG one it's missing can you tell me if that file, when you opened the .exe from 7zip, was in the correct path?

In the other post it is said that none of those files are present; I could reccomend to extract all the r.16 files just in case.

And just for discard it, buy you can try to search those r.16 files outside /data on your game installed; they could be in a wrong path; I don't know.

Edited by Cm_blast

-" Can you look if you have this other files there?

I do NOT have in my installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Gruntmods Studios\Dune 2000\data) the file BLOXBGSG.r16 ; BLOXTREE.r16 and BLOXXMAS.r16. 

All other files are there. BLOXBGSG.r16 ; BLOXTREE.r16 and BLOXXMAS.r16 are not in the installation file!

- "All are tilesets on the "data" folder; tell me if all are there (instalation).
   If only the BGSG one it's missing can you tell me if that file, when you opened the .exe from 7zip, was in the correct path?"

I hink you mean the BLOXBGBS.r16 instead of the BOLXBGSG.r16. Yes, it is in the "Dune 2000\data\" directory in the installation file.

- "In the other post it is said that none of those files are present; I could reccomend to extract all the r.16 files just in case."

I'll extract all *.r16 files to the \data game directory.

- "And just for discard it, buy you can try to search those r.16 files outside /data on your game installed; they could be in a wrong path; I don't know." 

All *.r16 type files are in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Gruntmods Studios\Dune 2000\data" directory. (Search made from C:\).


  On 11/3/2018 at 1:52 AM, CesarIII said:

I hink you mean the BLOXBGBS.r16 instead of the BOLXBGSG.r16. Yes, it is in the "Dune 2000\data\" directory in the installation file.


Yes, sorry the typo here. 

  On 11/3/2018 at 1:52 AM, CesarIII said:

I do NOT have in my installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Gruntmods Studios\Dune 2000\data) the file BLOXBGSG.r16 ; BLOXTREE.r16 and BLOXXMAS.r16. 

All other files are there. BLOXBGSG.r16 ; BLOXTREE.r16 and BLOXXMAS.r16 are not in the installation file!


Alright; I already contacted gruntlord (in charge of gruntmods) to let him now those problems that suddenly appear on his last release; meanwhile use your solution to get all the r.16 files you can, and in the case the game got you another error for another missing file report it too.


I understand that the issue has already been forwarded to gruntlord, but I don't see the BLOXICE.R16 file inside of the installer when opening with 7zip. The contents of the .exe and what's installed are identical. I do own dune2000 on CD, do I need to install it on an old pc and copy the files off that, or will the assets not match?

Posted (edited)
  On 11/5/2018 at 1:25 AM, Al Capwn said:

I understand that the issue has already been forwarded to gruntlord, but I don't see the BLOXICE.R16 file inside of the installer when opening with 7zip. The contents of the .exe and what's installed are identical. I do own dune2000 on CD, do I need to install it on an old pc and copy the files off that, or will the assets not match?


That maybe work, but not sure (you could try a portable version, so don't need to install anything at all).

But instead doing all that, I am going to upload here all the BLOX-something, unzip it, move them into the "data" and try to see if the game works.

If still there is other problems (another missin file) report it, just to know.

And as a last resort;

This it's suppose to be an update, I have no idea what that update do or if it will work because you have a new version.

But maybe you can try the "lite" version; uninstalling whatever it's installed now and picking the lite version.

it's the version, the one I have; no idea exactly the difference between the normal and the lite version, but at this point maybe worth a try.

Edited by Cm_blast

I'm new here so Hi to everybody!
I just want to say that i had exactly the same problem with my game and thanks to your bloxthings file i managed to repair my game and its working! Thx mate!

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)
  On 3/20/2020 at 3:55 PM, House_Atreides said:

Greetings! Does anyone know if this could actually fix the 3rd mission from The Rise of the Mercenaries. Each time I boot it it says missing files (I tried to reinstall as suggested but with no luck) 


There is not a third mission for the Rise of the Mercenaries campaign, the author only made 2.
But if you want to play more mercenaries missions, there are at least 6 campaign about them you can choose, including one done by myself.

Edited by Cm_blast

Can I ask what you strongly suggest me to play from all of these? Like the best 5-10 mission. I am a bit lost with all of them and the brief doesn't suggest much. So far I tried the smuggler missions from All Missions but not sure if they are done (some mission are kinda stuck) while others don't give me the latest technologies from the house I play.

You guys did an amazing job. It looks amazing on 1080p screen. I remember that last time I played it was a minuscule 640x480 window which made it so hard to play.

I still remember the day my best friend came at me and started to talk about a strategy game named Dune with such passion that it determined me to play it (even though I was not a strategy fan at all!).


@Fey For those you mention do you know if I need to download or these are already in the game

Posted (edited)
  On 3/25/2020 at 8:16 PM, House_Atreides said:

Can I ask what you strongly suggest me to play from all of these? Like the best 5-10 mission. I am a bit lost with all of them and the brief doesn't suggest much. So far I tried the smuggler missions from All Missions but not sure if they are done (some mission are kinda stuck) while others don't give me the latest technologies from the house I play.

You guys did an amazing job. It looks amazing on 1080p screen. I remember that last time I played it was a minuscule 640x480 window which made it so hard to play.

I still remember the day my best friend came at me and started to talk about a strategy game named Dune with such passion that it determined me to play it (even though I was not a strategy fan at all!).

@Fey For those you mention do you know if I need to download or these are already in the game


It's really hard to say the "best" since it's subjetive plus 1/4 of those are mine, so I am not going to be too impartial, but I can do a small definition on how the they are in the overall experience.
I will separate in a few groups.

Group 1: old campaigns. the ones that sais "rearrange by Cm_Blast" are really old campaigns done by multiple authors (I update them so they work and fixed small problems that affected negatively the mission). Overall, these campaigns have a mid-high tecnology from the beggining and the maps are simple. You build a base, you destroy enemy bases; you maybe are alone, maybe you have 1-2 allies and fight 2-3 enemies. So a simple gameplay can be found on these.

Group 2: progressive story-tech: most of my own campaigns follow the rule of starting with a very low tech, like only building infantry and trikes in the first mission, then quads in the second and so on. My maps have not as simple instructions or final goals, and most of them have some kind of secondary objetive or 2 objetives to do at the same time. For the most part on my campaign you are alone, with only 1 ally here or there, maybe 2 allies on the final map, but (again, with exceptions) the missions you fight alone.

Group 3: Big maps and big story. I write here the War of Assasins (both normal and expansion) from Feda and Smuggler's campaign from Fey. Feda's one have stories connected, so what happens on Atreides mission 3 it's mentioned on Harkonnen mission 4 and, sometimes, you even play the same map but as different faction (and other position); and Fey has very (really) detailed briefings plus new units, some new buildings and progressive approach to win (so enemy has multiple bases that you take little by little); this campaign require extra files that will alter your game forever, so it is required to do back_ups in order to recover the original game. Domaithianus campaigns also enter on this group.

Group 4: Experimental - unique - non-following - canon. For example, the trio "Glory awaits" don't follow any story or canon, as Atreides you will get Harkonnen combat tank delivered, will join the mercs, and later in mission 2 mercs are enemy and now Harkonnen are the ones allied for no reason (not story behind). My Dune 2 based campaign it's a straigh copy from Dune 2 but with dune 2000 gameplay.  "A Christmas tale" Use Red Alert/Tiberian Dawn kind of tileset with Gems instead spice, limited resources and, in general, it is not a fight in Arrakis at all, or my Fremen one, which you don't build a single building, just given X amount of Fremen and do objetives with them.

Group 5: Mixed: In this group are those campaigns that have a bit of the previous mentioned; for example, the Ixian and Mercenary Fedayking campaigns are old and overall simple, but has a progressive story increasing the tech, maps are big enough with a good story and will have unique maps where you are given certain units to do a task. some secondary objetives and maybe a plot twist there and there. Even a couple of my campaigns, the first done ever, enter this group, with the simple objetive of "destroy enemy base" for the most part while you build your own base and that's it, just like "A new house". 

It also would help which kind of skill you have, like struggling to finish the original game, or playing the game at the fastest speed possible on hard but you still win with ease; just to know a bit better which campaigns it could suggest the more to play.

Also there are some maps that require extra files that will alter the game; adding new units or just altering them, like making the Sardaukar to be available withouth his palace or stuff like that; but if you don't like the idea of altering the game I won't suggest any of them.

But if you have some preferences you can tell so I can suggest better; I can't tell "play heretic alliances" if you hate having CPU allies (the campaign it's all the time about having AI allies), or in reverse, if you love playing with allies on your side "herectic alliances" will show allies that will help in all the missions during the whole campaign, thus I will reccomend this one from the start. Or for example, on my campaigns I try to use general feeling of the side; as mercs you will fight with some kind of ally for the most part, since merc's it's about being paid for fight for others while you are not the stronger faction in game; or in the "Spacing guild" you will abuse the starport on your benefic, on "Tleilaxu" the infantry kind of unit will be given for free, making the player to have big numbers of troopers even if you don't train any...

Usually my own campaigns, on the post where you can download, has a very detailed on how the campaign it's going to be. Not just story but overall feeling (and if the post doesn't contain anything of that, it's because it's one of my earliest works); but for example, my Mercenaries and smugglers contain sections with "story" "theme" "feelings" that will give the player the idea or what I am trying to do. 

  On 3/25/2020 at 8:16 PM, House_Atreides said:

So far I tried the smuggler missions from All Missions but not sure if they are done (some mission are kinda stuck) while others don't give me the latest technologies from the house I play.


This also depend on the mission; if the story as Atreides you have Fremen as enemies, you won't use the ATreides palace, for example; but like I say, there are some campaigns that use progressive tech, the more you advance, the more tech you get, and you will only use the lastest tech at the very last mission.

  On 3/25/2020 at 8:16 PM, House_Atreides said:

@Fey For those you mention do you know if I need to download or these are already in the game


Download them; we don't know exactly what you have; I know that there were a "mission launcher + 95 missions" in a zip, but those are really old maps and I even update several of mine to be more fun to play, so I just recomend to download directly from the forum.

Also, the campaigns itself are 100% finished except the ones that the main index sais otherwise: "Suspended", "unfinished" or "WIP", those are not 100% done. Maybe you played the smugglers campaign by Rick Vorstenbosch; this one it's really really old, so it's not like it's not done, but probably the author started editing and later he got tired and just rushed to have 9 missions ready; (of course, I am not sure if you mean this one).

Edited by Cm_blast

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