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Hey guys

 Im new here and am crazy about your mods, i think there brilliant. is there anymore that will be released in the next couple of weeks as ive seem to have downloaded and completed all the one that i have available. Also the 3rd part of mercenary: rise of the mercenary is that going to be completed soon :)

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On 7/14/2017 at 6:06 AM, Jasper1993 said:

Hey guys

 Im new here and am crazy about your mods, i think there brilliant. is there anymore that will be released in the next couple of weeks as ive seem to have downloaded and completed all the one that i have available. Also the 3rd part of mercenary: rise of the mercenary is that going to be completed soon :)

Hey there, fam!

The series is a work in progress and I plan to work on more campaigns - Harkonnen campaign is being worked on right now - but I have a fourteen-map smugglers campaign out. You can find a link to the smugglers campaign here:

If you're interested in the bonus mission (which falls after S2V1 or S2V2), it ain't included in the current version of the smugglers campaign released but there's a link to it near the bottom of page 2 on this thread:

The above thread also catalogues the progress with the smugglers campaign if you're interested in seeing how it was made and what testing it went through. I think there are also images for the first imperials mission I've done so far but I don't think there's a download link.

If you're interested in trying the Harkonnen maps I've got out so far, check here for links and development details:

The above thread is also for suggestions about the next campaign. If you are interested in seeing a particular faction get a spotlight in my work, please leave a comment! :)

Have fun, fam. :D

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Hey man 

looking good with the new Harkonnen campaign, however i would say playing it is really tricky as even on easy the Atriedies are very hard to beat. 

As for the particular faction, im all for the mercenaries, smugglers and freemen. so anything from them are a bonus :) 


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On 14/7/2017 at 0:06 PM, Jasper1993 said:

Hey guys

 Im new here and am crazy about your mods, i think there brilliant. is there anymore that will be released in the next couple of weeks as ive seem to have downloaded and completed all the one that i have available. Also the 3rd part of mercenary: rise of the mercenary is that going to be completed soon :)

I'm not sure how many mods you played, so I could suggest to look into d2kplus.com; here there are most of the mods presented in this forum (although not all of them).

In case you already played all those, then check this other post of mine:

I took all the mods I found which require the old "overwrite original files of the game" and turned them to be available with the mission launcher, fixing if the mission really need it (like for example, the Fremen Campaign couldn't be completed).

In this group there are a couple of mods not presented in that webpage, like "Emperors Reign" or "Time based Smuggler". Those are in this forum as well, but my version is updated too (still credits goes to them).

Maybe some aren't the most originals maps, but they deserve credit for the effort.

I wrote the full list of the mods I updated, so if you didn't play any of those download the zip file and copy the one/s you don't have/want to play.

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8 hours ago, Jasper1993 said:

looking good with the new Harkonnen campaign, however i would say playing it is really tricky as even on easy the Atriedies are very hard to beat.

Ah, the Atreides on H2V1 are indeed pretty tough. I'd strongly recommend the use of grenadiers to take out large waves of incoming infantry; they're extremely powerful support units that excel against infantry. While they should be used in small numbers, they should NOT be neglected or underestimated. As for striking out, troopers are more than a match for turrets... if you can get them to the base entrance in one piece.

In case I forgot to mention, the same mod used for the smugglers campaign must be used for the Harkonnen campaign too! It'll be totally wacky and unbalanced without the mob. There's no link in the Harkonnen campaign thread, but you can find it in the smugglers map pack.

If you have any specific suggestions about how you might reduce the difficulty or something, the Harkonnen campaign IS a work in progress and I would love to hear any suggestions you've got! Especially on H2V2. That's the new one I released recently, and it's notably overtuned, so good luck if you try it.

8 hours ago, Jasper1993 said:

As for the particular faction, im all for the mercenaries, smugglers and freemen. so anything from them are a bonus :)

I look forward to doing the mercenaries campaign, for sure. Thankfully, smugglers was the first faction I did a campaign for, and for the bonus mission, you play as the fremen. Go figure! If you try that campaign, I'd love to know what you think. :D

By the way, since you're interested in custom D2k content, are you by any chance interested in making your own maps? The D2k toolkit is VERY easy to use and the community around here was extremely helpful in troubleshooting and balancing the game for me. I'd be more than happy to do the same for you, if you make a development thread. :)

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10 hours ago, Jasper1993 said:

Hey man 

id love to make my own campaigns for sure, however i'm not great at using software as i'm not intelligent enough haha

if you could help me get through it, id be happy to increase your mods 


If you are interested look at this tutorial done by Akafeda


There is one video showing the terrain + buildings, another for creating the scripts, and the third is about some values for the AI, but if you have doubs about anything else you can check his other videos. At least the last 10 videos or so, since the firsts was about the older tools (which it is much harder to use and learn).

And from there you always can open with the editor (when/if you download it) and check the original maps done by westwood, or at least the Ixian/mercenary campaign done by Akafeda (I don't reccomend looking at my own campaigns, because some are a bit overcomplicated xD).

But those two are really simple (only a few scripts) so learning by seeing is a good option too.

The current editor is simple and easy to use. It's really amazing.

Edited by Cm_blast
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3 hours ago, Jasper1993 said:

id love to make my own campaigns for sure, however i'm not great at using software as i'm not intelligent enough haha

if you could help me get through it, id be happy to increase your mods

Nonsense, you can learn :D It may take a bit to get used to, but if you keep at it, you'll make stuff!

Just make your own thread about a campaign you'd like to make and ask questions there, I'll answer any you got, when and if I can. And if I can't, few know the idiosyncrasies of Dune modding better than Cm. And like he said, the current editor is simple and easy to use. It really is amazing!

If something in Feda's tutorials is unclear, I or Cm should be able to explain it, if Feda himself isn't around. I'd just ask that you provide a timestamp or two for which part you're confused about.

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