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[WIP] Harkonnen Campaign progress thread

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Posted (edited)
  On 10/19/2017 at 6:44 PM, Fey said:

Unlike the berserk event? How do you mean? :O


I mean, like happen in that map of yours with the Fremen wandering around some walls. After you attack, they, for some reason, stop defending and just go against the player until all of them are dead.

This is being happening to me in several maps right now, more prone to happen if you have an ally, which will usually send small-medium attacks: not enough to defeat the enemy, but enough to, sooner or later, make the defending AI to send every unit available (and for a few of minutes every new unit builded too) to attack the player.

Edited by Cm_blast

Oh yeah. I dunno what caused that but it didn't happen again. If you see that happen again on the newer version of H2V1, please do let me know :)

Posted (edited)
  On 10/19/2017 at 7:18 PM, Fey said:

Oh yeah. I dunno what caused that but it didn't happen again. If you see that happen again on the newer version of H2V1, please do let me know :)


I feel it's just the way the game works. I have a map where there are a weak enemy between you and the main enemy. I saw a couple of combat tanks in the front area and the siege tanks in back, so I just send 3 troopers to kill the combat tank. I kill the tank, they kill my troopers and proceed to send all the units against me for no reason.

Probably this is why the neutral enemies in the original maps were manually placed instead a unit spawn like the rest of players.

Maybe Westwood didn't know about it or didn't have time to fix it.

I am going to try some numbers in the IA tab, just in case some of them really fix that problem.

Edited by Cm_blast

This is an old game and old games have a lot of minuses. 

I tried to play your missions (H1-H4 all versions). H1V2 - you need remove or somthing do about devestators. Because they were heard. The missions are not bad but I do not like with defend area. One place would be good but no more. H4V1 - Not hard but very annoying. Because the enemies non stop going to me.

  On 10/20/2017 at 3:03 PM, Dark Wesker said:

This is an old game and old games have a lot of minuses. 


I know, but for example the editor allows to change the cash of the player and/or enemy, increasing the Tech, changing the attack build rate... Westwood didn't use any of this features in the original maps (only the unit build rate); or the voice line "Enemy units approaching" it's in the game but it's not being used (there are others, but this one was a core in Dune 2), so it's possible that one of the numbers in the AI tab can change that behaviour.

I am going to try numbers here and there, maybe one can make an AI to never attack: useless in a regular map, but usefull if you want an AI (enemy or ally) to not suicide trying to go all in for no reason. And like I said, maybe the creators were aware about this. I mean. I've playing this game for years, plus some more campaigns and never found this behaviour (of maybe happens but I wasn't aware either).

Posted (edited)
  On 10/20/2017 at 3:03 PM, Dark Wesker said:

This is an old game and old games have a lot of minuses. 

I tried to play your missions (H1-H4 all versions). H1V2 - you need remove or somthing do about devestators. Because they were heard. The missions are not bad but I do not like with defend area. One place would be good but no more. H4V1 - Not hard but very annoying. Because the enemies non stop going to me.


Thanks for checking the levels out!

Unfortunately, an MCV must be placed from the very start of the game for a practice AI to function properly. I used the Devastators initially to get rid of the MCVs, but perhaps I could instead do a system like H5B1, where a unit spawn acts as a trigger for the possible win condition. In this case, loss.

Which defense areas in particular were troublesome? And, do you have any more feedback on why they were bothersome?

I'm not sure why the enemy decides to send one or two units in your direction on H4V1. At least, that's what they did for me during testing. There are no defense areas on the map, default or mapped by me, that would tell the AI to defend itself inside your base... after you clear all of side 6 out, that is. Hopefully when Cm gets around to testing he can tell me what that problem's all about :P The lowest attack building rate for any Atreides AI is 9,000 tics. So, it's not supposed to happen so often.

P.S. - I've been intending to check out your maps, myself, but I haven't done work on my own in quite a while, and I wanna finish Domaithianus' Ordos campaign first.

Edited by Fey
Posted (edited)
  On 10/20/2017 at 4:02 PM, Fey said:

Which defense areas in particular were troublesome? And, do you have any more feedback on why they were bothersome?


No, I do not have other feedback. Only that the enemies lose their defense in the base (for example H2V2 Emperor). And their movement into the defense area's is a bit bothersome. Only H4V1 was an annoying mission.  Everything else looks good.

Edited by Dark Wesker
  On 10/21/2017 at 8:00 AM, Dark Wesker said:

No, I do not have other feedback. Only that the enemies lose their defense in the base (for example H2V2 Emperor). And their movement into the defense area's is a bit bothersome. Only H4V1 was an annoying mission.  Everything else looks good.


H2V2... uhh, ah, it's that map. Aye, the AI should move a few units and that's it to the defense area, then send the rest to attack. At least, that's how it worked in testing. I guess I'll take another look at it and make sure it's still working.

Thanks. :D

Posted (edited)

Well, I'm blank.

I created a small test map with the same idea as one of my maps: A Harkonnen base (just a couple of windtraps and a barracks), Imperial walls around that base and several imperial units being spawned.

Then I add an ordos reinforcements in loops every 40 seconds or so with raiders (and later I change to troopers), trying to simulate weaks attacks... but not Harkonnen or imperial left the base/walls.

So I don't know why sometimes after just one or two weak attacks the defending units go all in against the player in the "good" map but not here.

Edited by Cm_blast
  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd let you know I came across some bugs while replaying the maps. Atreides attacks on H4V1 are overtuned at the moment and Summers took revenge immediately after her Construction Yard was destroyed on H3V1, among other things. I'll fix it later, but please do let me know if you find anything else!

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I played the few maps available for this future campaign. I already played a couple of them some time ago, but with some updates about past levels I decided to give some time before continuing playing more maps. Now I ended all the missions:

A mission almost like a tutorial. The player being rewarded for any steps and some messages when you took down enemy buildings. Also it’s hilarious seeing the trikes exploding for no reason.

I miss some kind of enemy attack, Even if it is only 2-3 infantry and/or 1-2 trikes when the player does something at the beggining. Anyway, enemy attacked once with a considerable force, and then I counterattack to take the refinery and for there I just needing to send more units and killing everyone.

I remember this mission, but I don’t know exactly what changes were done. In general seems the same to me (maybe you added the defence areas). Again, I miss some kind of enemy attack, even if the enemy comes 2 by 2 or something.

Anway, it’s hilarious seeing a suppose ally crushing half of your units for no reason.

Seems that this time the enemy didn’t have so many units like the last time I play, but the AI also didn’t ever attack me. The only “threat” was the starport delivering light vehicles. I think I only killed (not counting 2 waves of vehicles) like 5 infantry at my base, no more units attacked me.

Was weird being able to expand my base since it’s not ever needed. I deployed the extra MCV, saw a few guys coming at me but didn't bother to do anything and just focusing in the next enemy's base.

This it’s the first map I didn’t played back then. Oh, boy. This mission seems like it’s not even part of this campaign or was made for another guy. For once there are enemies attacking me! Enemies were coming everywhere, but not too overwhelmed.

The missile tank part confused me. I didn’t even know what or where the carryalls I was suppose to take (maybe all?). Looking into the editor, it’s really any reward for doing that?.

Finally, that color it’s a bit problematic. I don’t mind the units, but on the radar was hard to difference my units from the ones of the enemy. I died a few vehicles because the enemy was attacking them (mine were only moving) but I though all those dots on the radar were just my own units.

Ok, I need help with this map, because I have no idea what what's going on. I explored the area, found those smugglernaries. Destroyed 2 turrets (the third was being attacked by the Atreides), then proceed to take down the light factory and the barracks. A bit later I finish the construction yard.

Some message appear, an MCV drop, deployed, a few merc-raiders appear, being “neutral” for like 5 seconds, then attacked my unit (in singular, since was the last unit that survive the debris) and that’s it. I ended fighting the smugglernaries a second time to avoid more enemies.

Although I don’t know if that’s suppose to happen or not, I checked in the editor and I can see there are an infinity drop for the player but… How can I achieve that? I am even trying to cheat with the editor and all, but I can’t make that think to work.
The scrip for the looping interval ask for this:
- NOT Base destroyed (fremen and emperor) – true
- Unit exist (harverster) – true
- NOT building exist (CY, Barrack, light infantry) – true, after destroying them.
- Building exist (smuggler ref) – true
- Unit exist (2 MCVs) – no idea on this; I’ll assume it’s true.
- Building exist (smuggler outpost) – true

But here it is the problem. When the three main buildings are destroyed, a new MCV appears and deploy the CY again, so the third step becomes false.
And if I proceed to destroy this new CY, the AI goes bersek and sells everything, becoming the “building exist – smuggler ref and outpost” false, so the reinforcements for the player never trigger doesn’t matter what I do.

Returning to the game itself, since I was alone I decided to use the harvesters as a meat shield/infantry crusher and troll the AI as hard as I can with them.

By the way, I don’t know if was on purpose to happen or not, but I can see everyone receiving a harvester before the ref. This happens in the H1v2 map for those expansions small-bases, but also for the player at H3v1.

Interesting map. The Ordos didn’t bother to attack too much; the first 2 quads wave scare me. The expansion it’s something I didn’t care about and I spend lots of money on Harversters as an offensive unit (the final screen said I build 28 harvesters).

Fighting mercenaries and Ordos at the same time behind the bridge was really hard. All the bottleneck and the enemy continuing to build more stuff took me several tries until I manage to push them back.

Also, a warning: having the sandworm as an ally with someone it’s going to make any unit near the sleeping sandworm to continuing attacking it forever when stationary (because being an ally tells him where he is).

Edited by Cm_blast
  On 12/30/2017 at 3:10 PM, Cm_blast said:



Hey CM! Thanks so much for the feedback, and you have funny timing because I have been doing some work on the Harkonnen campaign and I fixed a lot of bugs on these maps... and fine-tuned 'em.


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I wouldn't recommend going through with any more maps 'til the new versions are up. :) I did some major tuning for the bonus mission and made adjustments to H4V1, too. I literally just finished revamping the smugglers campaign and I was about to upload the new files when I noticed you posted here! See you on that thread? ^^

I have been ridiculously busy lately so the revamping has taken a while, and I still have a lot of other folks' campaigns to play through, but I got some good changes done.


H1V1: It's hard to tell how the defence areas works.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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I think the side that could attack has his defence area to big (the value, not the area). My "Harkonnen family" (the only campaign I tried to use some defence areas) the first map has a value of 5.500. It's only light infantry, but at least near 15 infantry are needed to fill that. Your's it's 20.000, or at least that it's the number in the version I have.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:

Sorry about the Harvesters crushing your units


That was the VCM xD

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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Maybe, like the previous map, they just take too long to fill the defence areas. 

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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There are two big fields. By the time I finish the map, the left one was almost untouched.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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Pche, In my opinion removing the carryall makes a favor to the AI xD. The harverster take more time just waiting for the carryall and then droping than moving manually.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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No. I read on the editor about was. It's a interesting concept, but I focused on more units since this time the enemy were attacking so often.

And at the end, with the lastest interception I did nothing. Every base was down except half the Ordos side, so they are free to do whatever they want xD. They only slow me a bit.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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Oh, I was doing right, good to know xD. I was imagining that the turn-around was suppose to be later. Good thing this time you didn't drop 40 combat tanks... xD.

I don't know if the carryalls are that necesary. Harversters are so cheap that having 2 carryals while I have 8 harversting and building more just to send them to crush the enemies and still "silos needed". I mean, there are no tanks or starports, only infantry and light vehicles, even 1 refinery it's enough to sustain money and build almost nonstop (and even more with the 2 initial harvesters).

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:

Yep, the Harvester reinforcement is intentional for H3V1, but it just kind of happens on H1V2. In the briefing (is the briefing done in the current copy uploaded? I don't remember), someone says "Imma order another Harvester" and then one appears at the start of the map.


Oh, ok, I am not reading the whole briefing just some parts. I don't mind being so detailed, but being in english I prefer to just focus in the game instead.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:

Ah, did I accidentally leave the sandworm allied with someone? If the sandworm has an AI on any map, it shouldn't even appear at all. I'll make sure to fix that.


Yes, you have, the sandworm don't have any AI, but still.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:
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I found the second entrance near the end, but I couldn't find it before because I send a trike and later 2 infantry (in separated times) over that area (not revealed yet), but because was blocked or something, my units just went around the bridge, so I asume that all that part was just rifts and the bridge the only entrance.

  On 12/30/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fey said:

The expansion was, once again, added because resources were notably scarce during testing. I felt the need to build more Refineries, so yep!


Wow, I only builds 2 refs and even a couple of silos and keep hearing "silos needed" xD. And, like I said (and the game said) I build 28 harversters during the game, so 20 of them were suicidal against the enemy (and still, "silos needed"). I don't know how many resources you need even for a test. I mean, I wasted 20.000 credits on harversters, even for hard that money should be enough to do lots of stuff.


The side the Fremen who attack spawn for is berserked. This isn't in the version you have, it's in the version I have been working on, but haven't released yet.

Oh, the MCV. Yeah... XD

That could be it. Like I said, I'll look it over in the new version and make sure I have it right.

They are big fields, but the Atreides were attacking me and I ran into good resistance, so I ran out of funds. Perhaps that's the new version of the map at work, I dunno what the old version is derping up about.

The Carryalls? Naww, they do speed things up for sure. The Spice fields aren't right outside the bases, they're a little ways away. I made sure it would have an impact.

The last one? With the Stealth Raiders? :P Usually they send those up to the northwest and go fight your attacking forces, but sometimes they curve around into the Imperial base.

The Carryalls helped me a lot on H3V2. I've been testing on normal mode, for the record, but they're even more sorely needed on hard mode. I guess it's just 'cause I build a lot of stuff and also tend to lose a lot of stuff during my aggressive attacks, lol

Ah, right. Well, you might like the updates to teh smuggler campaign when I'm done editing the thread! I added some more dialogue in-game for tactics, like on S6V1, Summers now asks Durant what he needs. He suggests either massing light vehicles and flanking enemy attacks when they meet his Medium Gun Turrets, or going straight into the Heavy Factory and getting some armor out front to soak some damage. S3V2, Summers asks him to put some units out front, which he does because defense areas, and then she says she'll focus on attacking the Atreides. It's the little things.

Oh, I see. I'll look into that some more. ^^

Aha, so that was on you :D Scout moar!

That's nuts! I wonder why you do so well with the whole economy thing. I mean, I get my Refineries up and stuff right away, but I need to build so many Harvesters and Refineries before I ever stop hearing "Insufficient funds." x_x

Posted (edited)
  On 12/31/2017 at 12:01 AM, Fey said:

The Carryalls? Naww, they do speed things up for sure. The Spice fields aren't right outside the bases, they're a little ways away. I made sure it would have an impact.


I don't know, when I made the Dune 2 based campaign, I increase the tiles needed for a harverster to be picked up to 10, and even at 10 tiles of distance using a carryalls it's slighy slower than walking. Ha2v2 Ais fields are at 20 tiles more or less. They only will slow down because other units can be in their way, but otherwhise it's not really that big difference.

  On 12/31/2017 at 12:01 AM, Fey said:

Aha, so that was on you :D Scout moar!


Not my fauld, but the pathfinding. Sending 3 units to a unrevealed area and all the units go the other way.. well, it's not like your maps never have a big rift that cover everything but one path ah? xD

  On 12/31/2017 at 12:01 AM, Fey said:

That's nuts! I wonder why you do so well with the whole economy thing. I mean, I get my Refineries up and stuff right away, but I need to build so many Harvesters and Refineries before I ever stop hearing "Insufficient funds." x_x


To me, h3v2 with all that big field down and other 2 fields up (and several blooms) I don't ever need to focus on anything. I start always with only 1 refinery, then heavy factory, then harverster (so instead a second refs, I have fact + harv for the same money). Then 1 extra harv, with 3 there is always at least 1 harv droping money, and with that it's enough to building units quickly (I could build a second ref, but usually the first one it's already near the spice, also all the harversters goes at the only ref instead being near one ref and going to the other for no reason).

when the near field is half harverst, I build a new harv, so again there is always 1 harv droping money. Only when the mine field it's almost depleted I build a second refinery and split the harvs's droping, so I have most the time 2 harvs droping money, and for this point I can train grenadiers, quads and harverster non-stop never reaching out of money.

Edited by Cm_blast

There are cliffs, walls, and other units in the way. That's why the Carryalls are helpful.

Reee, the Harkonnen maps were built off the original campaign maps. :P Sure I put a bridge there, but the old path still existed!

Yeah, that's weird. I always run out of cash despite that. lol

Posted (edited)

Alright! I've done some bugfixing and fine-tuning, so the maps done thus far should be in a better state now. The Atreides will attack on H1V1, Fremen on H1V2, Atreides are significantly more aggressive on H2V1... H2V2 had some minor changes, like dialogue adjustment, done... H3V1, the smugglers and whatnot have been fixed, so that map should work properly now. H3V2, I adjusted enemies a tad and added new locations for an MCV to drop down. H4V1, slight adjustments. H5B1 had its structure changed, allowing for a non-linear approach into the enemy base if you want to try and beat them up, but they also have multiple avenues of attack...

H5V1: Ace in the Hole, is the new map. Here are the details, with a full map image and spoilers for the secret enemy on this map:

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Here's a download link:
9 of 15 Hark.zip

If you followed the recent changes to the smugglers campaign, the mod included in this zip is no different. It's simply in there so if you don't have it, you can get it without needing to hunt for it elsewhere. To patch it in, simply place the 5 non-mission files into your .bin folder, and all 27 mission files into your missions folder. Then, launch with the Mission Launcher application. I look forward to hearin' back from y'all! Or, at least, Cm... :P

Edit: Hey Cm! This edit was made just after I finished your Heretic Alliance and Harkonnen Family campaigns. I'm returning to this campaign now to fix more stuff, tune more stuff, and I wanna change up structure layout and stuff here or there to be more interesting or fair. The latest update should contain some previous fixes, which will make the campaign thus far more fun, but I've got more work to do if I want this campaign to be up to standard! I'll be making my own fixes to the maps as I discover more bugs, but if you find anything you think should be changed - some kind of glitch or even just something being too hard or too easy - lemme know! ❤️

If you haven't re-downloaded this pack already, then be aware that I've made a couple of minor changes since the last update. I moved a turret on H2V1 to make the S2 Wind Traps more accessible and I also adjusted power distribution. I fixed some typos in the level 1 briefings, added 3 additional Missile Tanks on H2V2 as reinforcements, added a couple more descriptors in H2V2 and H3V1 briefings, clarified something in the H4V1 briefing, and reduced the amount of friendly units heading to the south end of your base for defense on H5V1. I also split the terrain somewhat between your base and your ally's. I also ensured that the mod is up to date and fixed a few insignificant bugs.

Edit 2: Pardon me, I made another edit to H5V1 to try and improve Gunseng's AI. Hopefully that's the last one for now. :D

Edited by Fey
Attachments removed; out of space for new uploads.
  • 2 months later...

Replaying this thing; I choose to play all the maps together since the campaign it’s incomplete.

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So far I can see the enemy being a bit more agresive, at least mission 1v1 y 2v1.



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Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback, I've been a tad busy for the last few days so I haven't been around. :P

  On 3/22/2018 at 1:11 PM, Cm_blast said:

Replaying this thing; I choose to play all the maps together since the campaign it’s incomplete.

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So far I can see the enemy being a bit more agresive, at least mission 1v1 y 2v1.

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  On 3/22/2018 at 5:31 PM, Runtowin said:


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  On 3/22/2018 at 5:31 PM, Runtowin said:


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Thanks for testing those, guys! I hope to hear back from y'all soon. :D

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Posted (edited)
  On 3/23/2018 at 4:06 PM, Runtowin said:
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  On 3/23/2018 at 4:06 PM, Runtowin said:


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  On 3/23/2018 at 4:06 PM, Runtowin said:


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Thanks for continuing the tests, Runtowin. I owe you some detailed feedback of my own. :P

Edited by Fey
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  On 3/23/2018 at 5:22 PM, Runtowin said:
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