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CnCNet 5 now supports Dune 2000! Play Dune 2000 Online, now!

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i'm trying to use the queues patch with cnc5net to use custom _prac.mis skirmish maps (this patch supposed to work only on skirmish) i've tried 2 ways: replacing the original dune2000.exe, and replacing the dune2000-spawn.exe, both options didn't work. is there a way to make it work? i like the cnc5net interface to load maps better than the original one. thanks.

  • 1 month later...

Added some more stats for all buildings types, but a few things are unknown :( Maybe someone of you guys knows what these buildings are about:


    int ConstructionYardUnknown1; //black

    int ConstructionYardUnknown2; //white

    int HeavyFactoryUnknown1; //gold
    int HeavyFactoryUnknown2; //black

    int StartportUnknown; //gold

    int ModifiedOutpost1;
    int ModifiedOutpost2;



Full List:

struct PlayerBuildingsOwned //do not change the order/size!
    int ConstructionYardAtreides; //id = 0
    int ConstructionYardHarkonnen; //id = 1 ...
    int ConstructionYardOrdos;
    int ConstructionYardUnknown1; //black
    int Unknown1; //Building type is concrete - display.cpp
    int Unknown2; //Building type is concrete - display.cpp
    int Unknown3; //Building type is concrete - display.cpp
    int Unknown4; //Building type is concrete - display.cpp
    int Unknown5; //Building type is concrete - display.cpp
    int ConstructionYardUnknown2; //white
    int WindTrapAtreides;
    int WindTrapHarkonnen;
    int WindTrapOrdos;
    int BarracksAtreides;
    int BarracksHarkonnen;
    int BarracksOrdos;
    int Sietch;
    int WallAtreides;
    int WallHarkonnen;
    int WallOrdos;
    int RefineryAtreides;
    int RefineryHarkonnen;
    int RefineryOrdos;
    int GunTurretAtreides;
    int GunTurretHarkonnen;
    int GunTurretOrdos;
    int OutpostAtreides;
    int OutpostHarkonnen;
    int OutpostOrdos;
    int RocketTurretAtreides;
    int RocketTurretHarkonnen;
    int RocketTurretOrdos;
    int HighTechFactoryAtreides;
    int HighTechFactoryHarkonnen;
    int HighTechFactoryOrdos;
    int LightFactoryAtreides;
    int LightFactoryHarkonnen;
    int LightFactoryOrdos;
    int SiloAtreides;
    int SiloHarkonnen;
    int SiloOrdos;
    int HeavyFactoryAtreides;
    int HeavyFactoryHarkonnen;
    int HeavyFactoryOrdos;
    int HeavyFactoryUnknown1; //gold
    int HeavyFactoryUnknown2; //black
    int StartportAtreides;
    int StartportHarkonnen;
    int StartportOrdos;
    int StartportUnknown; //gold
    int RepairPadAtreides;
    int RepairPadHarkonnen;
    int RepairPadOrdos;
    int IXResearchCenterAtreides;
    int IXResearchCenterHarkonnen;
    int IXResearchCenterOrdos;
    int AtreidesPalace;
    int HarkonnenPalace;
    int OrdosPalace;
    int EmperorsPalace;
    int ModifiedOutpost1;
    int ModifiedOutpost2; //... id = 61


All those unknowns refer to structures specific to sub-houses. In campaign there are several sub-houses participating in maps and storyline, fir example in last 3 Ordos missions the player gets a mercenary ally who helps him (yellow AI-controlled sub-house).

HeavyFactoryUnknown must be the mercenary heavy factory. Sietch is a cave (if you read the dune books u know exactly what it is). Apparently AI can train infantry from it. StarportUnknown is the Smuggler Starport. Modified Outpost is a special outpost present in Harkonnen Mission 5, but it doesn't give you anything aside radar and also doesn't unlock tech tree.

Construction Yard Unknown must be some sub-houses ConYards.


You mean the color sub-houses appear in campaigns? Well one Heavy Factiry belongs to the mercenaries (yellow). I dont exactly know what factoryUnknown2 is, i dont remember having another soecial heavy fact aside the merc one.

One ConYard belongs to tge Emperor (purple), but i am not sure about this. No idea about the 2nd.


Well, i might just remove those from the stats or group them up, so instead of HeayWarfacoryHarkonne HeayWarfacoryOrdos etc it will only show HeayWarfacory



Spectators can now see live stats while watchign games


  • Upvote 5
  • 2 months later...




1. We are now using a new _spawn.mis, the new file improves the build order of AI players and it comes with a couple of other AI adjustments made by feda

2. The map preview generator does now display the units/buildings separated in different colors

3. A new kick button has been added



1. AI players now have the handicap set to 0 (original setting was 1), this means they can build faster and cheaper now and it should improve them a lot

  • Upvote 3

To add more details about AI:

- AI will build 3 heavy fact and 2 lights. He will get the 3 heavies as soon as possible

- UnitBuildCount has been changed: the AI builds units non-stop now, with small delays in certain moments, but overall they build without stop

- AI will build 3 harvs per ref and 2 carryalls per ref (as opposed to the vanilla 2-1 ratio). This will ensure that the AI won't run out of cash in late game due to increased production anymore

- AI will either attack you constantly with bigger taskforces than before or build shitloads of units, turtle with them in the base and then unleash the hell upon you


To add more details about AI:

- AI will build 3 heavy fact and 2 lights. He will get the 3 heavies as soon as possible

- UnitBuildCount has been changed: the AI builds units non-stop now, with small delays in certain moments, but overall they build without stop

- AI will build 3 harvs per ref and 2 carryalls per ref (as opposed to the vanilla 2-1 ratio). This will ensure that the AI won't run out of cash in late game due to increased production anymore

- AI will either attack you constantly with bigger taskforces than before or build shitloads of units, turtle with them in the base and then unleash the hell upon you

How did you do that? Please also share the information on the d2kplus wiki.


I edited the BuildCount value from the AI segments. Also "HarvsPerRefinery" and "CarryallsPerRef". Plus i believe i toyed around with "ProtectStrenght" or something, but don't remember what and if i changed sonething.

As for the x3 factories, me and funky found some advanced functions with parameters. He changed that, so u gotta ask him about it.


The improved AI was removed to restore the old timer for cncnet. I made sure that both the improved AI and the timer are now working, waiting for funky to update and readd them. 


So if u tried the AI and u noticed it's the same as the default, this is the reason.


How did you do that? Please also share the information on the d2kplus wiki.

What I did was just patching the game so it reads a text file instead of a binary .mis file, this way you can just put the names of the variables and the game reads it, afterwards the game will create the binary .mis file for you with the settings contained in the the text file. The game got a lot of such text to binary converter functions for almost all file formats since the devs have been using them to create all the files


I put all the info in here:



here is the hacked dune2000.exe: http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/files/d2k/MisConvertHack.zip

It will launch you into a game, you can exit right away

  • Upvote 2

The improved AI was removed to restore the old timer for cncnet. I made sure that both the improved AI and the timer are now working, waiting for funky to update and readd them. 


So if u tried the AI and u noticed it's the same as the default, this is the reason.

Yes, the new AI was removed for a moment cause there were problems with the timer, the new AI is now online again and can be used in Skirmish+multi-player


Updated the AI again, new settings:



SquishRange = 10
UnitBuildPriority "ATREIDES COMBAT TANK" = 99.0
UnitBuildPriority "HARKONNEN COMBAT TANK" = 99.0
UnitBuildPriority "ORDOS COMBAT TANK" = 99.0
UnitBuildPriority "MISSILE TANK" = 99.0
UnitBuildPriority TROOPER = 99.0
UnitBuildPriority QUAD = 99.0
BuildUnitRandomPercentage = 0
MaxBuildings LIGHT_FACTORY = 1
MaxBuildings HEAVY_FACTORY = 1
MaxBuildings BARRACKS = 1
BuildRatio LIGHT_FACTORY = 99.0
BuildRatio STAR_PORT = 99.0
BuildRatio OUTPOST = 99.0

  • Upvote 1

By "updated the AI" you mean you added that to cncnet? Cuz you set them to build 1 factory of each type only

What do those priority values mean?

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