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Damrankomran, let's make something clear. As far as I am aware we do not have an official policy against xenophobia and Holocaust denial on this forum, but people who deny the most well-documented genocide in modern times (which is also, possibly, the most well-documented genocide in all of history) are either incredibly gullible, or deluded, or blindly anti-Semitic. I don't know which one you are and I am not terribly interested in finding out, so here is what is going to happen.

You get one thread - this one - to express your xenophobic views and Holocaust denial. Whoever wants to interact with you can post here. All off-topic posts you make in other threads with xenophobic slurs or badly-worded conspiracy theories about the Holocaust supposedly being fake, will be deleted.

If you persist in making such off-topic posts in other threads, further action will be taken.

If, for whatever reason, your xenophobic posts are actually on-topic in some thread (for instance, if someone starts a thread about anti-Semitism and you go there to provide an example), that is allowed.

  On 7/19/2014 at 2:30 PM, damrankomran said:

What do you mean with xenophobic?

Expressing hatred towards entire nations or ethnic groups (such as the English or the Jews) for things that you believe some of them have done.

Xenophobia as such is not forbidden here, the problem is that you've made many posts in which you simply insulted an ethnic group without saying anything else or adding anything to the discussion. For example (and this is a mild example): "Fakn england is harkonnen." In another post (now deleted) you accused people of being "jewish zombies".


I did not offance to any etnic group, I said holocaust is story and false. So holocaust lowers attacking to etnic group, germans, why dont you say same thing to them?

  On 7/19/2014 at 7:35 PM, Spectral Paladin said:

The holocaust happened and Israel is committing atrocities right now; one does not preclude the other.

Incidentally, if you thought I was German because of my sig, you are mistaken. (I do like their philosophers and mathematicians. Their football team, not so much.)

they killed even jesus. I dont mean jewish ppl at all, but their diaspore, their organisition. Im musluman, so I bdlive even hz. Jesus, hz. Musa with hz. Muhammet. They are our prophets too. But jewish ppl belive only hz. Musa and ignore others. They dont hawe respect to non jewish at all. They creating the trouble.as I said I dont belive jewish storys about ww2. What kind of idiot going to kill 6 million innocent ppl because of their relligion?


If its really happened god give to all who killed innocent people. But is it possible to kill 6 million ppl, nwm about consicience for minute but still killing 6 million in year impossible. Hiw kind of army of group hawe capacity to kill 6 million ppl with organised teror, i mean to collect all of those people. Not possible. But as i said shame to all armies whic killed civillians.


But i hawe a bit fear, because if its really happened, i hawe shame of all of those people who killed. I belive in allah ( god ) wic even jewish people belive just like me, in there after armegaddon all of us going to meet. So if im wrong i cant look at those peoples faces there. Hawe fear of it.

because of that im going to finish my posts about it now. Please delete all of my post about those thinks happened or not. And even i ask to delete my account.


It was well organised. That is the scary, sickening part.




I always thought that it where about 6 million. But then I think they are only talking about Jews.


A total of 15 - 20 million?

In 3 years. Work with that number and calculate how many death there where each day.

16.000 in total.


Now, the distribution towards the camps is easily done with trains.

But the question for me at this moment is, how many camps where there?

About 300, and they can still be visited today.

It is about 53 people per camp that died per day. While a camp held on average 45.000 prisoners.


It wasn't just gas. But starvation and deceases as well.


If someone has more accurate numbers, please let me know.

  • Upvote 1

Allah damn them all if its true but, how any military organisation kill 16.000 people per day. Its not possible with known conversial weapons man. So if they didnt use nuclear weapons how they did kill 16.000 people per day. Its not possible with bombers, if you order to your army to kill even not possible. So how? And if german army did it how they find that ammunation to kill those people. Im sorry but cant belive it.

if they did use nuclear bombs like usa, its possimle, they hawe to throw one nuclear bomb evry day, for 3 years, to kill 15 million as you said. Please make cleaer saglama, clear algoritma.


Gas, they simply gassed them. Or simply did not feed them.

But if the order was given, gas was the tool.


Sometimes even a 1000 at the same time.


And don't forget, there where about 300 camps, only 53 on average where killed each day in just one camp. With over 1000 guards, this is simple enough. Don't you think?

Besides, the victims in the camp often thought they where going to get a shower. Then simple gas came out instead of water.


The gas that we are talking about is this one:




By the way, one nuclear bomb of average level kills about 100.000 directly and 900.000 over time. Depending on the city that is hit of course. And these figures are from the first 2 (and thank god, last) bombs ever dropped on humans.


Its possible maybe for few tousand people. 15 million is almost population of neterlands man, its not pissible with gas. If gas not realesed around citys.


nope, am not jewish. I already told you that.


And you are missing the point with the gas.

People where guided in a room, there the gas was released.

The property of gas is to spread out in a closed room.


He's not defending anyone. He's defending a historical fact.

People were arrested, imprisoned into transport camps, put on trains to concentration camps (where they ended up in gas chambers) or to labour camps where they were worked/starved to death.

The holocaust is accepted as a historical fact by the vast majority of countries. The only countries that deny it, do so because they are hostile to Israel.

  • Upvote 1
  On 7/22/2014 at 10:50 PM, Anathema said:

He's not defending anyone. He's defending a historical fact.People were arrested, imprisoned into transport camps, put on trains to concentration camps (where they ended up in gas chambers) or to labour camps where they were worked/starved to death.The holocaust is accepted as a historical fact by the vast majority of countries. The only countries that deny it, do so because they are hostile to Israel.

i understand you but how possible to collect about 15 million people from known adresses, puut them camps and kill tehm in 3 years. If you send one atom bomb just like america did in japan, you hawe to send evry day one atom bomb to kill 16000 people, so in 3 years you can reach to 15 million. Its just joke.


And can you tell me, imagine, israil builded up in europa for exampla, start to take your lands and raids, killed tousans of civilians, can you think about jews are peacemekar? Dont worry they didnt invade us, not israil if all warld make alliance cant take thrkiye without billion lose but as you know they invadin filistin and killing children.

so if fakn holocaust happened why they trying to do same think?


I dont mean german army didnt kil, jewish ppl. But as usual war just like evry fakn army they killed few tousand. Not 15 million. Even ofcorse few tousand is shame. But there is loooooooong distance betveen 1000 ppl and 15 million people. Fakn inglorious basterds now killing children in filistin, just yesterday 300. Now what? Its only masturbation of jews. Its a biggest lie of history.



so those 6 million jews started to move around in 1900, then killed in 1940....... fakn biggest lie in history. Dont even like middle eastern ppl, they betrayed us in first world war. I dont even like iran. But its real, holocaust did not happened. Its just machinepover to make you passive europans stay alert about middle europan germans and australians. To even turkige. Dont say arab llol they are nothing but cannon food. Maybe iran.


Fakn did you see that with your eyes? Some ppl told me i see camps and show pictures of them. Fakin small factorys, how to kill 15 million ppl in them in 3 years? Not possible. You hawe to kill 15k people evryday. Its not possible withour destruction weapons like atom bomb.

so amerika used atom bombs in japan hea? Why fkn duropans do not speak about it but only jewish?


damrankomran, you are consistently violating a number of regulations of this forum (all applicable to other Internet forums as well).

We have a set of Forum Guidelines. Please read them carefully and try to follow these rules.

The first issue is double-posting, that is, making two posts in a row. There's a generally accepted rule forbidding that, which is reflected in the guidelines:

  • Use the modify button instead of posting two or more messages in a row.
Secondly, please do not start pointless threads like the one you did yesterday (now hidden). A forum is a public place, and other users and their interests should be treated with respect. Please only start threads when you want to begin a meaningful discussion of an issue which is relevant to the general theme of the forum. (For example, threads in the forum titled "Politics, Religion & Philosophy" should be about politics, religion and philosophy).

Another issue is that the privacy of other users should be always respected. Asking another user about their nationality, religion, or location in a context where such questions are not directly related to the subject matter of the discussion could be considered impolite and intrusive. Please do not do that.

You have also made two posts in the return of fascism thread which are (a) off-topic and (b) extremely offensive. Edtic O asked you specifically to not make xenophobic remarks earlier. These posts are now hidden. Please do not make any more posts like that.

Thank you for your understanding.

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