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Hi, i am new here, i am really into the Emperor for Dune modding, I was just wondering what is the fascination with dune 2000? are the modding capabilities far more advanced? can we add in new factions, graphics and units without any limitations? Whats the deal? i own Dune 2000 and am very experienced in modding games such as Age of Empires II, RA2, RA1 and such, so if Dune2000 is practically limitless and you can persuade me over i may consider making a modding it.


Just wish to know the limitations. and if anybody owns Emperor and wants to play online, go check out my mod thread in the Emperor section of this site as it seems to go pretty much un-noticed over there and i am seeing new posts over here by the day, sometimes even the hour :)



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We have discovered a lot of tools that simply are not present in the emperor modding community. We are very close to being able to edit all of the game files and can already create our own mission scenarios and menus.

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We have discovered a lot of tools that simply are not present in the emperor modding community. We are very close to being able to edit all of the game files and can already create our own mission scenarios and menus.

Yes, this ^.


Unfortunately we cannot add completely new units so far, but we do have a strong modding community I'd say. Many things seemed impossible years ago, such as high-res dune2000, and today you can see how much progress has been made. The ability to create our own maps/scenarios, full campaigns, change unit/building statistics/names and even rewrite menus are examples of things that became true in like 2 years after the projects started. I don't really know about emperor modding (i only used the world builder which seemed way too complicated for what it was presumed to be - making ramps is what I'm pointing at - ) so I can't tell you if dune 2000 has more features or if its less limited.


If you like modding, it's worth a try! I like modding and I always modded every game I liked & played, like TD, RA1, RA2, Renegade, TS and of course dune 2000. If you want to get started you might want to watch my video tutorials. :)

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Oh Ok, That sounds great, i will look into it, It sounds like all your community really needs is a member skilled at exe editing and possibly a patch which can break some of the hardcode rules, we have members like this in the AOK community of which made it possible to increase max civilisations from 20 to 44, the modding possibilities in that game are practically limitless as of 2013. I guess the hard thing is to find a decent hacker that shares the same love for the game as you guys do. I love Dune, but i do get annoyed with modding games and then hitting a barrier that requires de-hard-coding. Ra2 broke the hardcode with Ares and N-Patch back in the day. If that could be done for Dune2000 one could diversities the factions, possibly add new factions and such in a same method to the way they broke the "HC" in Ra2....




Does anybody use or mess around with Hex editor or possibilities that may be tied within fathom-ably unreadable source code? 

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Yes, experienced .exe editing ppl are always needed and would be great if we could receive help from you :) I personally don't know to use Hex Editors very well but mvi and gruntlord do (and maybe some others as well).

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Add new units, turrets etc. For being compatible with campaign just use unused ones (they are many). Also using extrarange and extradamage trick (you can set even negative value) you can have how many weapons you want.




Map editor

Mission editor

Rof. In Emperor seems too much stick on unit animation, in dune 2000 if you change rof the units will really fire at the rof selected. In Emperor you can make fire slower all units you want, but how many faster? Air Drone, Orni, Gunship works but sardaukar not for example.

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