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Ix mod.


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Anyway. I will give it a try when I get my rid of my Trojin. We all started somewhere. You are lucky you came along later, more stuff has already been found out.

I reda the Readme. You don't need a back-up of the Rules files, so you can remove that part.

Wow, you really made some changes. You will easily become one of the Big names in Modding. Congrats.

Like the Apparition's name.

You need to modify the Strings files so the names of new units come up in the game.

Is it a bit unbalanced that the IX have two new units?

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But at least you don't have to deal with the annoying Bug finding problem.

Ever tried to add an Ordos Helipad? I was the first to do that, and westwood had left some fragments of it in the artini file, so when you tried to build your new one, the game crashed. Took me ages to get that working.

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Oaky nema, you could reval one personal thing:

Are you male or female?

CAn u make good icons look at my 1st page of my mod page...

And: How can u make the mino ordostextured i have texture but not the xfb configured

Nema... How can you make a unit retextured? Hex editor=?

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Anyway. I will give it a try when I get my rid of my Trojin. We all started somewhere. You are lucky you came along later, more stuff has already been found out.

I reda the Readme. You don't need a back-up of the Rules files, so you can remove that part.

Wow, you really made some changes. You will easily become one of the Big names in Modding. Congrats.

Like the Apparition's name.

You need to modify the Strings files so the names of new units come up in the game.

Is it a bit unbalanced that the IX have two new units?


i left the wacko out of the mod unless you unlock it

i love the way you can disable things just by putting "//" next to the important things :)

im going to make them all with an extra or two as soon as i make some icons for them

the guild will get niab flyer

tl will get tlinflyer or something else if i get around to it

fremen were getting the quad

imps were getting their tank

i will also try to get some of those turrets up and running (with the tl turret shooting leech larvae

i love how by just moving a single thing around a rocket turret can shoot lasers and a mino can leech things  ;D

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maybe its obvious so if it is just say so (or perhaps i just need to look through the emp data folders again(havent for a couple of weeks)):

how do you modify the strings file

are they the rfh or rfd or bag files

#2 is there any way to change the in-game models that anybody knows about?

as in making the leeches have 4 legs or making the mino have six ingame cannons

id apreciate any info you might have

maybe im just being a silly mongoose  ::) (sorry, i had to)

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Argh, puns.

The strings files can't be downloaded from dune editing, don't know why? Nema, you can do this.

If you wish I will send the Strings files.



In E_Output_Text_Pickup.txt

Enter this line down by the other units.

IXWacko {Ixian Wackomaniac}

Or whatever you want it called.

In the Text_Strings.txt file, is all the default units aside from a few, so change them there.

Put the strings files in the EmperorDataStrings folder.

Make sure you surround the ingame name with {} symbols, not the usual [ ]

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thanks again

no need for you to send them but thanks for offering, i will just get them when i go over to my other house (the one with the good computer)

i will assume that the unmodified ones are in the strings folder as well but it doesn't matter because ill find them anyway :)

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