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amazing game


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Star Wolves 3: Civil War is just simply one of the best space games i played so far and believe me i played them all , graphics are simple but beauty to the eye , and game play makes you wounder if its a simulation or rpg

its a mix of both actually , the massive open ended universe makes a multi player for that game even grater , but there isnt any multi player .

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Star Wolves 3: Civil War is just simply one of the best space games i played so far and believe me i played them all , graphics are simple but beauty to the eye , and game play makes you wounder if its a simulation or rpg

its a mix of both actually , the massive open ended universe makes a multi player for that game even grater , but there isnt any multi player .

I love that kind of games, maybe i'll get it.

No multiplayer? that's just weird.

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I had the luck to play this game a few months ago - in Russian , but it's extremely hard to get. Some freaky distribuer thought it won't be interesting to anyone and pushed the price down to € 2, what meant that it was sold out in a couple of days and there was no shipment again. Generally, Russian games have a tradition of interesting and complex concepts (often with a good story as well), but also often buggy a bit. SW3's greatest problem is that the previous game is so complex already that they didn't add much new. We'll see what the expansion brings.

for anyone interested - http://www.elite-games.ru/conference/viewforum.php?f=54&sid=7f13858fcfd956648e86be085a08edc2

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I know a website where you can get the game for free, i know it's ilegal, but since the game is so hard to get in some countries, i thought someone might be interested. The only downside is that the site is in Spanish ( apparently in other countries downloading games and stuff from the internet is not ilegal) but it's still very easy to understand, just hit the download link. I don't think i'm allowed to post that kind of links here, so just PM me.

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It IS illegal! But authorities have other more serious problems to worry about...

I know. Specially in third world countries, they have issues more important to deal with than people downloading stuff from the internet.

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