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playing dune2000 online via hamachi server reactions topic

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have Vista (64 bit) and I can't get through step 2. I have both TCP/IP v4 and 6, either of them I select it leads me to a page where I select protocol and then I can't do anything - the window has no options. I should mention that the first time I tried it, it had one option (don't remember what it was) but since then I have kept trying and it doesn't show anything. I even reinstalled. The first time I didn't realise I had to reset the computer but aside that it got me connected to Hamachi I still can't get through step 3 for Dune 2000.

It would be a shame not being able to get online with Dune 2000, especially after I ran a virtual win 98 to install, then had to copy the folder as it didn't run well at all (no scroll) and finally had to use a no CD patch because it wouldn't acknowledge my CD (the bad thing must insist on having the same drive letter it installs from).

edit: oh yeah, I kept trying for 3 hours and eventually figured from google search and another virtual machine failure that there is no way for me. So no Dune 2000 multiplayer for me unless I plug two computers together at home...

At least until someone figures another way, like remaking Dune 2000 :)

And at least practice works perfectly.. it would be the same for me as it was 9 years ago, when I couldn't run the campaign. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

I have Vista (64 bit) and I can't get through step 2. I have both TCP/IP v4 and 6, either of them I select it leads me to a page where I select protocol and then I can't do anything - the window has no options. I should mention that the first time I tried it, it had one option (don't remember what it was) but since then I have kept trying and it doesn't show anything. I even reinstalled. The first time I didn't realise I had to reset the computer but aside that it got me connected to Hamachi I still can't get through step 3 for Dune 2000.

It would be a shame not being able to get online with Dune 2000, especially after I ran a virtual win 98 to install, then had to copy the folder as it didn't run well at all (no scroll) and finally had to use a no CD patch because it wouldn't acknowledge my CD (the bad thing must insist on having the same drive letter it installs from).

edit: oh yeah, I kept trying for 3 hours and eventually figured from google search and another virtual machine failure that there is no way for me. So no Dune 2000 multiplayer for me unless I plug two computers together at home...

At least until someone figures another way, like remaking Dune 2000 :)

And at least practice works perfectly.. it would be the same for me as it was 9 years ago, when I couldn't run the campaign. :D

hi, i had the same problem as you had. vista 64 bit. i tried lot's of things, even a virtual pc with xp 32 on it. Works, but not so great. So i decided to make a dual boot with xp 32 (yeah 32 bit, not 64 bit, because microsoft xp 64 doesn't support ipx; it has the option to enable it, but i wouldn't work, so install xp 32 bit.)

after installingen hamachi etc. it works superb!

another note: if you've got problems with your router; you can't see other people in the lobby. the best thing is to reset your router. make sure dune 2000 and hamachi have all the right in your firewall and your virusscanner isn't blocking anything.


Well I finaly managed to get on the hamachi server  :D

I joined someones game  :D

Game started  :D

I send a infantry soldier to the other players base to explore  :D

He called me a cheater and left  ???

Is this normal ?

P.S. Hi Fire  ;)


:)very good shy nice testing we have. I saw you for 0.5 sec in the lobby, lots of improvement. And that was it after 1 hour waiting lol >:(. To bad we good not test a game. Maybe next time.

Nice game it was fire i thought you where a newbi. 


Hi everyone... im new,, and realy want someone to play with.. geting realy bored waiting on you people .. :P  hope to see you guys on..


Hey folks,

I'm new here, but I used to belong to a clan called DAF way back then. I finally put Himachi on my old XP laptop looking forward to playing Dune 2000 again with people, but I can't see anyone in the lobby. Now, Muis tells me this is a router issue.

Unfortunately, I can't access my router settings since I live in government transient quarters (similar to a hotel room) and I don't have administrative access to the building's routers. So unless someone knows how to fix the issue from the windows side of the connection, looks like I'll have to wait until I pcs in November. If anyone has any ideas, my MSN is IrishEagle85@live.com

And now back to the single player mode :D


Hello. I'm trying to play Dune 2000 on internet using Hamachi. I made all the steps correctly, like AdmiralFF told here http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0 . But i have a problem, like he put in "Edit". I can't see my friend in LAN, he has the same problem with me.

To solve my problem i need to do something with my router, and i have no idea how to do that... could u help me please?

My modem is Acorp W422G. And actually i found something...i went in "IP Filters" and "Port Forwarding"...and here are some default options for Dune 2000. But this didn't help. Also i can create my custom profile...

P.S. In Hamachi i can see my friend and chat him there.


basicly it comes to this for the routers (if i remember good what fox told me)

close down ur router - go to firewall and open all the ports u need to play dune - go to ur router and update ur firewall ports to ur router - this should solve the problem

don't ask me how u have to do that coose i don't know ???

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

If you read the topic you come to this.

hi, i had the same problem as you had. vista 64 bit. i tried lot's of things, even a virtual pc with xp 32 on it. Works, but not so great. So i decided to make a dual boot with xp 32 (yeah 32 bit, not 64 bit, because microsoft xp 64 doesn't support ipx; it has the option to enable it, but i wouldn't work, so install xp 32 bit.)

after installingen hamachi etc. it works superb!


All right, I finally have XP service pack 2 installed after a looong misunderstanding with booting (I have Vista AND wanted XP too).

Everything works fine until the last step: NETWORK IS FULL on "Dune-2k Networks", password "dune". I took the pro option with the install. Also, I would love if you proposed the closest time you guys are willing to PLAYYY. FINALLY I will be able to play Dune 2000, for the first time in my life, with a human being!!


This is great news.Glad to see this awesome game is still alive,at least a little. I've installed the hamachi and have a nice list of names,all in grey. I run my dune and click lan and see a dune 2k lobby. I click and try to join,but nothing happens.

I assume it may have to do with my router settings? Or ports I need to open? I cant seem to find any documents in any of my dune files to tell what port settings might need to be? I'm pretty slow in that area,so even changing them might take me a bit to figure out. But does anyone know the numbers they should be if that's what my problem is?


I found the settings. This link was very helpful


I should be ready for action now!!  ;D


:)nothing wrong, you just have to meet someone who is on line on hamachi. If you want a game on line just add me on your msn muis2000dune@hotmail.com and we have a game. About 80 players on hamachi but just a few who play. So we welcome you, there is a hard core of players that dayly play the game and have lots of fun. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,after many years i'm back..installed hamachi and joined 2 network,users all grey.

I'm here since many hours,i'v only seen muis2004...hey muis hanen't u seen me ?

Many years ago i played as elettro and pkdwolf..hope to see some1 for a game  :O

  • 2 months later...

My english is poor!

I install Hamachi server.

But my only problem is

How i play the lan game?

Where am i press?

is it:

Multiplayer game/modem-serial/null madem

or which other?

i press null modem and i see "port 3" "join"???

Anybody understand me?  ???


:)hi, its almost 2 months ago that i played dune via hamachi. The last game i played was very nice. There where only about 10 players left, so it was very hard to get a 2 or a 4 way going. The other problem was, there where no new players coming in. We tried very hard to get players back, but after 2 years i come to the answere, dune is not alive anymore. So you will not find any players left on Hamachi, i think. Sad but i had a lot of fun with this game. What i know its still working, but no players left!!! So i stopped helping to get people on- line, and its over and out for me.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi....I'm new here!!!  Not new to dune 2000 though!!  I love this game and host a game or two every year at my home.  I'd love to battle it out with you guys when your ready next.  Let me know!!

  • 2 weeks later...

i think i have set everything up correctly with hamachi , trying to connect to the servers saying rooms are full , if anyone has a room empty or wants to catch a game msn is christopneuma@hotmail.com

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