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And you wonder why so many people hate america

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Emprworm, do you believe that Bush can cause good to come to other countries?

Bush is not the sole arbitor of good and evil.  Many people helped to bring great good into Afghanistan, for example, it wasn't just Bush.  And the fact that the US gives more % of DP in Aid to other countries than any other nation on earth is another thing that Bush is not soley responsible for, but assisted in the process.  Anyone that says Bush has not done any good to any country should first look in the mirror and ask "what good has MY country done to other countries?"

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Let France & the Netherlands continue to open wide their arms to the antisemitic Muslims, breeding a hornets nest.  ONe day, Sharia and Jihad will call to the Muslim hoarde in Europe, and Europe will see a new enemy rise.  It is breeding a hornets nest, and when the beast strikes, the US will not be there to help.

If you say that all Muslims are bad and evil, as you did in this quote, then how come you went all the way to Iraq to "liberate" Muslims?

Besides, I didn't know this forum tolerated racism.

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Nice. :)

Four days ago

PM Paul Martin promises support amid political upheaval in Haiti

On Friday, Canada announced it would give almost $3 million for disaster relief to flood victims. Canada has also promised $20 million in humanitarian aid to Haiti and $180 million over two years for reconstruction and development.

I believe Canada was the first country to offer aid to them.

Ottawa forgives debt of 3 African countries

OTTAWA - Ottawa has cancelled $9 million of debt owed by three African countries.

...Canada plans to forgive more than $1.1 billion in debts.

We are usually in the top 10 for international aid among largest donors. Top 10 isnt bad. Maybe we could be higher.

According to CIA worldfactbook http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2062.html


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Really funny analogy comparing an invasion to CPR, Emprworm. Unfortunately it doesn't quite work that way. Iraq wasn't dying and lying on the ground with a broken economy. US didn't have an objective and clear view of what things in Iraq were like - this is very much evident by the fact that there were WMDs. Just like a doctor can't help a patient if he doesn't know what exactly is wrong. Rash actions hurt and kill the very same things you try to save.

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but you should see french politicians, their secret wish is that Bush fails.

they are proud they made "the right choice".

they speak about gay marriage and US politics.

they have no project for the world, not even for the country.

they are powerless and pathetic. >:(

i do not like everything in Bush (far from that) but at least he is a politician, he has a project.

here projects are for business only.

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but you should see french politicians, their secret wish is that Bush fails.

they are proud they made "the right choice".

they speak about gay marriage and US politics.

they have no project for the world, not even for the country.

they are powerless and pathetic. >:(

i do not like everything in Bush (far from that) but at least he is a politician, he has a project.

here projects are for business only.

It really is refreshing to come across an honest realistic opinion rather than simply America bashing, and blaming for all the worlds problems.

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I'm simply asking what GOOD has your country done...at all!  Canada, is one of the lowest international Aid donors in the world.  It hoardes its money and its people are exceedingly isolationist.  Canadians like to sit around and watch the rest of the world, but do very little to help.  They remind me of a guy who is lying along the street bleeding. An american sees the man and stops to help.  A canadian sees the man and stands there, watching intently.  The American gives CPR and the guy survives, but has a broken collarbone because he hit him too hard in the chest.  The Canadian then goes home and starts bashing the american saying "That brute!  He hit him in the chest and broke his collar bone!  SUE HIM!  What a moron.  Gimme that doll *stomps doll under feet while family laughs!*"

I'm waiting for the day when Canadians start giving more Aid and quit hoarding their money.  Especially since we have a SURPLUS this year.  Too many canadians remind me of the idiot woman politician Parrish who thinks its fun and games bashing America and Bush.  A Canadian politician turning the seriousness of government into a joke.  And she was RE-ELECTED!  Why?  Because she reflects the majority of isolationist, passifist canadians, at least in her district.  Arm-chair quarterbacking, entertain me, entertain me!  (while the world outside suffers)

WTF?  Do you just make things up or did you actually think the US is more giving than Canada?  Per capita we donate more than the US, and as a % of the GDP.  On top of that, we export massive amounts of crops to third-world countries in which hundreds of millions of people would starve if we didn't.  Unless you're talking about private donations (which would be idiotic considering how often multinational American-based companies contribute to their suffering in the first place) then you're dead wrong.

Why don't you check your claims and back them up next time instead of inventing some stupid analogy that does nothing more than piss people off.  FFS doesn't it occur to you to check the validity of what you say before you go off mocking an entire country with garbage like "ooh lets stomp on this doll" and insulting us by implying that we are hypocrits when it comes to one of our core values as a nation?  Don't you think that you should at least check facts before saying something so tasteless, tactless and inflammatory?  God.  Even Parrish did that before she pulled her little stunt on Air Farce.  Next time make sure you're not full of it before you go calling us "armchair quarterbacks."

Yeesh.  Some people. >:(

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  Critics -- noting that the United States, despite giving the greatest

absolute amount, comes in last among industrialized nations in terms of aid as a percentage of national income -- have tagged it the most miserly of nations. 

Lol, Critics? I wonder who those are btw.  How about simply compairing in sheer volume, yes, pound for pound, or other ways the U.S. goes about giving, so many seem to just to dismiss totally.

;D Critics no less, Really, this C+P quotes bullshit to somehow justify trying to point out that the U.S. doesen't give as much as others by means of just one aspect of giving is just that, Bullshit. According to who btw? the UN?.

But since we ARE doing that, then here's my C+quote to add...

What such criticism fails to take into account is the new landscape of foreign aid. Current measures of a nation's largesse only count funds doled out by the government, thus ignoring the primary way in which Americans help others abroad: through the private sector.



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The only way to compare would be on a per person basis. USA has 10 times the population, therefor able to give a larger amount of total international aid. whether you are only counting private donations, or government, or both I have no idea.


In 1994 USA donated 9.9 billion dollars. That is $38 per person.

Same year Canada donated 2.2 billion dollars. That is $77 dollars per person.

I don't see how Canada is hoarding its money when on a per person basis, Canada gives more than the USA. If canada had 300 million people maybe we would be able to donate 9.9 billion.

Or you can compare 1998 in aid per person. USA still in last place.


And until there are tables or charts showing percentages per person on what they give privately, no point arguing. I remember hearing in the news about what each province in Canada donates privately, and it was between $200 to $300 per person on PEI (which was second place). Although for some reason I have not found that info on the net.

Found a link about it.


http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/041104/d041104b.htm <--good one.

PEI donated $330 per person. and the median for the country is $220. So please find an American link that shows what they give on a per person basis privately. Of course these donations are not all foreign, but still shows how much Canadians donate.

If you do go by the private estimate of 35 billion given by the foreign affairs link, then Canada may be a bit below per person basis, but then USA has a lot more big companies that would be "investing" in those countries.

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Yes, the USA gives most in volume, but not in a per person basis. :)

If canada had 300 million people, but were still giving (according to Nema's) $90 per person, that would be 27 billion compared to USA 9.9 billion.


USA gives the largest amount of money in foreign aid. Good.

USA does not give the largest amount in a per person basis. Not Good.

Don't think there is much more to argue about.

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"Sure it does.  We only need to look at the percentage of income:

Canada= Always less than 1%.  That is irrelevant of total income."

Yes, but the statement was made relative to the other tests.

"Taxes = Charity?  ROFL"

Why do YOU pay your taxes? (if applicable)

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