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Hopefully by next week. I'm waiting on a separate subdomain, downloads.dune2k.com, to come online so we can better spread out the load.

Well, hopefully Fed2k gets the new subdomain soon. It's almost been a week ;)

Went to preview, typed my message, then told it to post, took about 20 seconds, so I just went back and typed this in and am now going to post.


Well I guess that's OK for now. I now need all of the maps cause my game was slo so I reloaded it and lost all the maps in the game that I''d d/led a while back. I had abt 90 of them. they are still saved but are not listed in Emp. So i guess i've got to  download and reload them all over again. If there's an easier way i sure would like to know how


I also wanted to download some maps... it says Downloads temporarily offline  :- I dont think the fan made maps are avaiable anywhere else...

there are 3 new maps...anyone tried those? are they fine?  ???


No they are not in cmf format. i ran a search for cmf and found 8 maps but no where near the number I had in the Emp list. So when the downloads are available I'll re D/L them to a 2nd cmf file that I can keep and then re-extract them as necessary... Thanks for the info

Well i tried to extract the 8 cmf files i had and they wouldn't extract. I guess there is something wrong with the cmf files, i don't know what, so i'll keep them and wait till the site comes up for d/l-ing and get them that way. As it is I can still play the original dune maps and the campagian again, i think. We will see what happens.


OK I went to the saved games and counted 217 game I had saved. I then went to Emp maps skirmish and counted 44 games in Emp Maps. I think this amt includes map packs 1,2,3,4,5,and 6. I'll have to check titles to make sure. I'll let you all know whats up

  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've checked the numbers and they don't add up. I have 217 saved games and 157 games in the Emp games list. I guess i don't have all the map packs. I will D/L them again and see what's up... :-

I've checked the saved games and found some of them to be campagin games,I think, my shorthand is no longer decipherable, and I guess thats what makes the difference. Also I may have saved games that were skirmish that were 2 player games twice, 1 Ord and 1 hark. Not to worry. I think i've got them all and i'll revisite them to see my stragety...

  • 2 months later...

Well Hello to all. I've finally got all the Fan made maps D/Led on my slo comp and have played them at least once. I've now got a new comp W/AMD64 CPU@3000+ on a soc754 W/ HTT thats running at 2010 MHz Plus a DVD burner and Ulead stuff and a 200 gig H/D, ATI Radeion 9600XT 512 ram and 450 W P/S all on a DFI Lanparty UT nF3 250 GB Mobd running Win2K Pro(a different build from what I have on the old comp) and a RCA cable modem from Roadrunner with  Dl speed of 4495k and Upload speed of 396k. Right now i'm running Emp 104 and the game is twice as fast as i'm used to. I have tried to slo things down in the speed portion on Emp but haven't had much luck in getting the game to slo down. The AMD can overclock to 3700 safely and I have the instructions on how to do just that. I'm afraid if I go that high I won't be able to play EMP?. I'm going to get another 512 of ram or maybe 2 gig. My question is how fast will the game play at that speed or is there a medium speed that plays well?. Secondly, what are the max ram and speed required before the game falls apart or locks up. I've not tried online play yet. Got to get this speed down first to where I can run the game well. Thanks for whatever info I can get...archieb

In the old days we could say "play Rostok, that would slow anyone (and everyone) down", but now hes gone and upgraded.

When you play online the game will run at the speed of the slower computer/connection, so you should find its easier (i.e. slower) to handle online then in skirmish/Lan.

As for generally slowing it down, just load a lot of microsoft apps on :P...

Seriously though, play online and for playing skirmish with more normal speeds check the other threads in this forum that have people complaining of the same problems.

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