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when i click on the icon on the desktop  and i put my name on it it says


nick: nkm91891

: 375 u :- Login to XCC Online failed!

: 372 u :-

: 372 u :- Dune 2000: http://dune2k.com/

: 372 u :-

: 372 u :- Weak password. You are not allowed to register a nick with this password. Please choose a better and stronger password. ;->

: 376 u


Hi dune, do u have another comp in ur house aswell as the one that u use?

It will need a wire connected to both comps and u should be able to play lan automaticly

as the comp should recognise that its been attached to another comp. How about messing around with the network options in my windows if u have winXP.


Hey, I just noticed your sig. line, Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, I get my ass kicked pretty regularly, LOL. We are always loking for people to play with. So just jump in. It's like I always say, "when I loose I learn".  Hmmm, come to think of it I should be a freakin Emp. genius by now...... Ohh well.  Anyway, there's a LOT of good experienced people playing now who will help you in-game. Or just join one of Me 'n Whistlers games, their always fun, and hell, we hardly ever kill anyone.  When me 'n whistler first started coming online Jeff showed us some stuff in some one on one training, Which is a VERY GOOD Idea. If I could find the time, there are many people that I have played with lately that I would like to train with, Jeff, Kal, Deluged, Scar, Spaz, Mord, Ohh Hell, there's a bunch of them. The funny thing about this game is, the more you learn the more obvious your mistakes become to you. I can't tell you how many times I've be on a good team and I'll say to myself "Damn I shouldn't of done that" and then pay for it shortly thereafter. Or I'll hear about it from my teammates, LOL.  But it's all part of learning. Hope to see you in-game soon. Just look for Vododady's game, you'll have fun.


;D i played 3 back to back games with 4 people on 1 then 3 on rest these are what i got

4 people 2nd place

3 people



almost got 2nd but we sent army rushes at the same time and he won the battle so he and the other person attacked me when i was volnurable. anyway hope to play anyone.




Hey, I just noticed your sig. line, Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, I get my ass kicked pretty regularly, LOL. We are always loking for people to play with. So just jump in. It's like I always say, "when I loose I learn". Hmmm, come to think of it I should be a freakin Emp. genius by now...... Ohh well. Anyway, there's a LOT of good experienced people playing now who will help you in-game. Or just join one of Me 'n Whistlers games, their always fun, and hell, we hardly ever kill anyone. When me 'n whistler first started coming online Jeff showed us some stuff in some one on one training, Which is a VERY GOOD Idea. If I could find the time, there are many people that I have played with lately that I would like to train with, Jeff, Kal, Deluged, Scar, Spaz, Mord, Ohh Hell, there's a bunch of them. The funny thing about this game is, the more you learn the more obvious your mistakes become to you. I can't tell you how many times I've be on a good team and I'll say to myself "Damn I shouldn't of done that" and then pay for it shortly thereafter. Or I'll hear about it from my teammates, LOL. But it's all part of learning. Hope to see you in-game soon. Just look for Vododady's game, you'll have fun.

ya i played 4 games and each game i got better and better. yes i did notice my mistakes i did for example i will not go into a big fight with other people because when i hurt one person they go to my base and destroy at least 30% of it lol.

yaya i played 4 games and each game i got better and better. yes i did notice my mistakes i did for example i will not go into a big fight with other people because when i hurt one person they go to my base and destroy at least 30% of it lol.

by the way i got it situwated (spelling error) and im on. my name is kukukaka1 lol there.

I usually look to kill count and loss count, not really at the position/rank, as that is uaually very far off recognising who played best.

Even kill count and loss isnt a best indicator of the better players in a game but they are ok, plus they look gooood.  8)


Nice nick !

You're quoting yourself though, from one post above, which is freaky and wierd.

An idea...put your nick in your sig, then people can identify you on this forum if they know you from Emp and vice versa...


do i have to be directly connected to someone?????? or what?

I guess you are connected to some kind of LAN ? If the normal file sharing works then there should be no reason why LAN doesnt work.

Can you confirm that you have file sharing enabled and that you do even have more then 1 computer ?

EDIT : -=-=-=-=-=-=-

I am not multiposting here ! Someone deleted some post, ok ?

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