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Ok my comp is getting slow and I got some $$$ :) Here is what i have

p4 2.4ghz

Intel i875p mother board(i think it has 8x agp)

512mb of pc2700 ram Micron

ATi Radeon 9000pro 128mb

60gb maxtor HD

Cd read/re-wite drive(48x)

Flopply drive

17inch moniter

and a ton of other stuff

I want to get an ATi radeon 9800 pro(256bit)-about $200

and another 512mb of pc 2700 ram- About $70

And i found them

http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=20-141-167&depa=1 this is the PC2700 ram i want

http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-102-268&depa=1 this is the Radeon 9800 i want

would there be any bottleneck with the system after i get this? And if you can find those parts for cheaper can you tell me. I'm going to get some one to install it casue my folk won't let me so i need some more $$$ to pay for install


Sounds like a good upgrade. Upgrading your video card will make you see your games more differently.

If you want to see the difference, score your current system with the 3dmark program. Then when you have

the new components installed, run it again and see the difference :)


I wonder what score you got nyar :P

After some tweaking 6893 points...

But I'm having plans on building a new one. I just need to wait for a good mobo that has 2 PCIe 16x.

Reason for that is that I want to have two GeForce FX6800 Ultra's in there, both linked, so it becomes a dual video card system...


I can't imagine the speed.

But what do you mean with PCIe 16x? is AGP 8x out of date?

PCIe (PCI express), is the replacement for the AGP and PCI slots, there are 4 types of PCI express slot, ranging from x 1 to x 16, the x 16 will be used for the next generation of graphics cards, also make sure your mainboard has the socket 939 as I believe there are still some 940's out there.



I run two system's, both with the eact same setup (Except for Motherboard) and one has an Intel Pentium IIII, whereas one is running an AMD 64 FX-53.  The AMD is FAR superior.  Pentium's claims higher speeds, boasting a whopping 3+ GHz processor, whereas my AMD boasts a mere 2.2 GHz.  However, thanks to higher multiplier speeds, you can equivelantly add an additional +1.7 Ghz to the X Ghz speed, and thats the true speed.


Of course there will be people who would choose an AMD over Intel every day.

The discussion about which is best will never end, it all comes down to personal experience and preference (same as with ATi and Nvidia).


PCIe (PCI express), is the replacement for the AGP and PCI slots, there are 4 types of PCI express slot, ranging from x 1 to x 16, the x 16 will be used for the next generation of graphics cards, also make sure your mainboard has the socket 939 as I believe there are still some 940's out there.

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