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Hello ya'll, maybe you've heard of the Tribes Dune mod nearing completion. If not you can see it at http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=7757.0. I'm working with Tezcatlipoca on the clientpack for the mod, and need some ideas for emblems of certain houses. For example, I used an orange H with a blue background for Harkonnen and a gold lion head for Corrino. However, for the Bene Tleilaxu house and Ix house, I'm stumped for ideas. I was wondering if anyone could toss up some ideas for what to do with these, input is greatly appriciated


Tleilaxu: Something spidery, organic in nature, preferably green I should say.

Ix: there official seal is a copper and purple helix.

And an orange H is hardly befitting House Harkonnen I believe :P Perhaps a Griffin as the book describes their emblem.


I'm glad to get a response, but I failed to mention that we are baseing the mod off of Frank Herbert's books, and are doing are best to stay away from Brian's works. I believe that both the Ixian helix and Harkonnen Griffin are from Brian's pieces, and not quite what we are looking for. The primary sources we want are either Frank or an original concept. If one were to use Brian's work as a starting point and evolved it into an original concept, that would be fine. Thanks for the input and I hope to hear some more  ;)


Isn't the original (as in from the original dune novels) sign for harrkonens the Ram?

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that is just from the games and maybe Encyclopedia. But not certain.

It was a green-walled enclosure with, in addition to the table, three suspensor chairs from which the Harkonnen "H" had been hastily removed, leaving an imperfect color patch.
From Dune

There isn't much descriptions about the House banners in the novels.


Dune_Buggy:  The first novels by Frank never mentioned the symbol of House Harkonnen.  When the DE was released (after GEoD, but before Heretics and Chapterhouse), it showed the Harkonnen coat of arms - Azure, a ram's head argent (a white ram's head on a blue background).  But in Heretics of Dune, it is mentioned that Gryphons are the primary motif in the Harkonnen no-globe.


While I am estatic about the response I am getting to my question, I ask that we may try to toss up some ideas about Ix and BT (whether from textual evidence or interpretation)  ;).

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