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Emperor On La Tele'


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Somebody answered! Yes, I was watching Buffy but I think Feyd should have black hair, in the book it was. And Vladimir in Lynch doesn`t need medical attention, cos he already has one. And, I think, it doesn`t help him very much, only for short time. Baron in mini was more like in book (I like if something is like in book ;)) but in this case I prefer Lynch Harkonnen. Mostly becouse they were realy evil and Atreoides enemies should be realy evil.

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In lynch's just partially into the movie he is getting medical attention during the movie.. and the guy is like" my baron you are so bueatiful yadda yadda" lol, then feyd and rabban walk in and rabban sucking some juice bug thing a ma jig..

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There are some actors that could play Feyd. ;). I don`t know how guy from X men would look as Feyd cos main part of movie he has this thing on eyes and I looked mainly on Storm appereance ;).

Joel Christian couldn`t play, even if he is Harkonnen one. (it would be funny, if he play Feyd). THis is my thought ;)

About Sting, he didn`t act much but he put a lot of work, I think, he had lessons with some China man and try to do it good, even he had "Synchronicity" tour in the same time. (or "Ghost in he machine"?).

But I agree with duneguy, I like first Feyd, cos I like whole atmosphere in Lynch movie.

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About Tom Cruise playing Duncan - He'd want the lead role ::)

Anyway, I think the guy who played Hagrid in Harry Potter and the dude in a couple of the more recent James Bong movies would make a good Vladamir.

Yeah, and thats important because this movie is really being made. And big stars never make cameo appearences in high profile movies ::)

Besides, Duncan is the lead roll in the last three books.

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