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Herbert's influences


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Herbert's wife, Beverly, got an influence on his work. Does anyone know what she was doing and which influence she got exactly?

I also know some other things that influences Frank Herbert, or may have influenced him:

- He studied of ecology and got influenced seriously

- He studied sand dunes (Arisona? For the army I read)

- He was in the NAVY (it may have influenced him, no?)

- He was writing speeches for Republicans (only them)

- He was liberal, and atheist. Also, he didn't liked bureaucracies at all

- He wrote Dune as the world that comes out naturally from nihil (from an interview)

- He was reading classics. He was also searching new litterary stuff (from an interview)

That's pretty much everything I have, and this is dim. I'd like to develop the subject as much as possible to get a coherent view of all this, so feel free to add influences and possible influences, or to develop on any of the ones already there.

What do we know about what influenced him? :)

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An interesting topic, Egeides, although I've come to expect nothing less from you.

In a nutshell, Mr. Herbert [as well as almost any other authour, no doubt] wrote through his own experience more than anything else.  What he hadn't already known about, he researched.

Your list is very good from what I know of Mr. Herbert, although I also know that he was also a "newspaperman" (I'm not sure what this entails entirely, although I believe he did do some reporting).  Although there's not much evidence of this experience in Dune, one of the main characters in Man of Two Worlds ran a newspaper company.

I'll probably be getting a copy of Dreamer of Dune by the end of the week, so when I get around to reading it, I'll make sure to note anything not already on your list.  I just hope the Herbert Partnership doesn't sue me for it.  ;)

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Thanks Vanguard :) In parralel: Do we know anything about his childhood?

There's that biography of Frank by Brian. It is said to have alot about Brian but it may be worth it.

I could also note that I read in some interview that Frank got a weird experience. A girl showed him cards and he guessed them all, one after another, while only the girl saw the cards which were face back to Frank. It never happened again and Frank considered that there probably was some explanation. Anyway, it seemed to have impressed him and we could make links with the BG and so on.

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if I remember right, Leto II said that the jesuits werent the offsrping. Not the opposite.

Wasent he a cameraman? also a journalist, He wasI think that since he talks about writing entry's. Also some of the entries from songs of muad'dib mention they are from newspapers.

(by the way vanguard, I read the one about brian and his trumpet playing.hehe  I suggest the poem on page 55, the zensunni theme, my favorite in the book.)

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In an interview, Brian said that his father was reading classic litterature. as I remember, I think it meant "reknowned". It may well include Greek and Roman though, espescially when we know that Agamemnon is included into Dune.

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