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fremen+sards=boring... 4 me anyway

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Because the other subs arent that strong if u have the right defence for them they are almost useless.

Ix: make some scouts in front of ur base and some troops to kill the ix.

Guild: make a lost of fremn or sard and troopers/kindjal AND guild has an other disadvantage, they cost a lot so if u play some1 on 10k who has guild all u have to do is attack his spice.

Tailaxu: make inf and put them on ur spice with some support.

Sard and fremn are very very good support units for every house. And...they rrruuuulllleeeee


true, however, there is one reason for me to no longer pick sards AND fremen. Because... i only use only 1 of these two. Both are infantry support units, but i don't use them at the same time...

So i might use a combination of sards and tleilaxu next time... or fremen and guild.

But yes, i do prefer to have either one of them. They are probably the most useful in most cases..


Any decent player knows sards and fremen are the most useful subhouses, guess not every1 has found that out yet ::)

Regular sards can deal with almost anything except air and heavy artillery, Elites are good vs anything that has a shield (ordos) , air and if used correctly, heavy artillery. And not no forget, they rule vs infantry in hand to hand combat.

Fremen warriors are good vs any kind of infantry, and holo's from duplicators, Fedaykin are good vs anything cept air and other fremen warriors.. and the worms u can ride with em can turn the tide of battle, think of groups of tanks and spicefields loaded with harvs. Add the fact that they are unvisible and u got a very powerful weapon at ur disposal.

Guild is too expensive at low cash games, Ix can be anticipated, and leeches can be neutralised by having loads of small stuff on the places that are important. Do I need to say more? :O :O


the tleilaxu should've had a unit that has something to do witha ghola... or perhaps a facedancer.

Tleilaxu is underpowered because their 'anti' infantry unit does not work well at all...

If the contaminator could be as effective against infantry as the leech is against vehicles, the Tleilaxu could play a real role as a subhouse.

I think that even just increasing the speed of the contaminator would already work well, as you can see with the leech, which can attack most vehicles effectively due to its speed.

By the way, most of the time I choose either fremen or sard, together with a random subhouse. Strategically this is not the best choice (most of the time that would be fremen+sards as people mentioned) but it does spice things up a bit as your opponent does not know beforehand against which house he/she has to defend.


Yes, but they could've make the facedancer like the spy in Red Alert 2. Target an enemy soldier to camouflage just like him so that you can sneak into the enemy base.

You could also add that the enemy will for instance shoot at your facedancer as long as the original infantry(where you targetted on) still lives.


Yes, but they could've make the facedancer like the spy in Red Alert 2. Target an enemy soldier to camouflage just like him so that you can sneak into the enemy base.

But that gets already quite complicated as a mod.

I was wondering if just increasing the move and attack speed of the contaminator would already be enough to make it more useful/annoying for you/your enemy. It might give Tleilaxu an anti-infantry as well as an anti-vehicle unit, and both in style 8)


Gerbilpoo: I believe the reason Dunenewt said another sub-house was impossible is because you can only have a maximum of 3 houses and 5 sub-houses.

Warskum: There are ways to get around the scout/fremen picket line when using IX, such as mixing in a few real units or projecting scouts to see their scouts. But I agree, compared to Fremen and Sardaukar, they are harder to use against human players.


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