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three large questions for all of you guys!

Who has contributed most to Duniverse.

Who has been the most hardcore poster on Duniverse.

Who knows most about the Duniverse on this site.

Those are the questions.

My answer Would be mahdi and vanguard for the questions, how about you guys?

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Tezcatlipoca, that was weird.lol

I will copy andrew, umm ??? hehe nah its all good man.

yeah forgot to mention you andrew, lately you have been contributing a lot, used to be just avatars but you help people as best you can with duniverse stuff, and do it in such a way that you dont look down on others or think them as foolish for asking questions that others might be a bit more immature about, something I am guilty of at times. I need to rehash the Dune books, been saying I would do so but havent gotten around to it.opps hehe :)

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Well for each individual questions I have no idea, But it would eithor be Mahdi, Vanguard or TMA-1 for each one.

Quite simple to answer.

Same opinion.

The question is actually: is it desirable to have a complete knownledge of the Duniverse?

I think it's not necessary: a complete knowledge means a closed world, what FH wanted is an opened world to be completed by the imagination of the reader.

Is Paul the KH? Of course Vanguard could answer better that me, that does not mean his answer has more value than mine, each reader should have his own answer, whatever naive or elaborate.

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Ummm... I don't think you can really get more then one answer for that... and though a nice sentiment, that is not actually always the case. Sure we'd all like to believe that are opinions and thoughts are just as useful as everyone elses, but it's often just not the case.

1) TMA - Mahdi - Vanguard3000

2) TMA

3) Mahdi (General information regarding the books) - TMA (Philisophical interpretations and thoughts regarding the books)

Rather then arguing the validity of the question, let's just answer it ;)

But the point I'm trying to make here, is that TMA is probably the smartest person here ;) A more knowledgable person in the ways of world religions, fishing, and car construction there never was ;D

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hehe go get em inoc! lol

nah, they are just fun questions, notice they are always on general forums, so I thought I would post them here. It is all in fun.

in liturature, it isnt about how much you know per ce. It is how well you can interprit it, and what other people think of your interpritations. like I have said, people like andrew, vanguard, mahdi, inoc, nema, and others have great interpritations that many people agreee on. There can be no 100 % answer to anything, but there has to be a bit of objectivity involved.

It is like art for example. It has turned so subjective that there is no more talent, anybody can be a good artist even if they lack talent. Objectivity is needed for art, otherwise there would be no great artists in history. It would all be subjective. it is wonderful to know a lot about Dune, and anybody can do it, just have to read. The key is, who is the best interpriter? who is the greatest helper with it? that is what the questions focus on. Inoc was right ins aying that the questions need not to be analysed, just answered in any way you wish to answer them. simple really, even though I overexplained it all.lol :)

by the way, thanks for the nice things said guys! Compliments are fun to say to one another, at least I think so.

It all boils down to this though, read Frank herbert books! They are wonderful pieces of liturature, and spark the imagination like no other, at least that is what I think.

That is all I wish, is for morep eople to become real dune fans, not just fans of the games and other things.

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