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StarCraft: Rated Mature?!


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Does the cereal condone violence and killing?

Mine does.

I agree that ratings are needed to be enforced by law in the case of hentai and other pornographic games. The line should be clearly enough drawn between those and regular games though, meaning ratings are not necessary for the majority of games.

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Actually babylon, the violent games do condone such illegal activities. The companies may not, and they and their fanbase may recognize that it's just a game, but I could understand how mental deficients can get the idea that it condones such activities (seeing as it doesn't display a "violence is bad, everything done in this game is bad!" every time something illegal happens). It's no one's fault, but atleast I could see how they could be affected by these games.

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I never blamed it on games, you need to read more carefully. It makes sense that mental deficients (not men) could quite possibly get the idea from playing violent games that it is being condoned, and thus a good thing. Perhaps they might feel the need to repeat it. Who knows, they are not mentally complete so anything could happen.

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Hmpf, mature ratings are highly overrated. That is the only good thing in the netherlands, you can go see 16+ movies when you're 14... generally seen. Even worse, in the US if i wanted to see american pie i had to be 21 :O wtf? This is plain rediculous, it's merely a comedy movie. Over here you could see it when you were 12 come on, what a difference. Games do not set on to violence i think, but well, some kids just have fucked up minds though.

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On a less-related note, it irritates me how certain things are considered ''childish'' just because they not contain mountains of gore,language, and pornography (or one or any number of these)

Look at DBZ

The European converted version is made for children to be able to view without being disgusted and/or influenced, and so contains virtually no gore and no language or pornography but has the same storyline and virtually all of the same scenes featured in the more ''adult'' Japanese version.

The japanese version is considered serious viewing for serious people whilst anybody who is a fan of the European version is considered to be childish

It seems that most people place more worth on graphics than storyline and how that is story is told, which is obviously not a good thing...

Bleh, seems that sometimes children are more ''adult'' minded than adults:D

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