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Sardaukar Religion


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The religion of the sardaukar is mysterious, and almost occult in its secrecy. It seems odd that during this time of unified religion that a sect of men would have an almost barbaric and "primitive" warrior religion. The sardaukar seem in general really archaic, like they deserve to be in another older time when warriors fought with only their skill. It seems that frank herbert didnt want to modernize the future, as oxymornic as that sounds. He wanted to show that we humans always stay the same, that we advance and then drop off, advance and drop off. still though through it there are always those hints of primitive thought. I have always een the sardaukar and their religion as a huge symbol of that. anybody know what I mean?

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yo TMA where did u found out that sards had a religion?

That is what I was wondering also.

My guess is from the Dune Encyclopedia as I have not read all of it, if not he took all/some of the Dune info together and came to the conclusion that they were a "religion".

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no, I got all of that info from frank's original works. I will have to skim over the books to give the exact places where it states this, but if you ask somebody like vanguard, I think he will confirm my conclusion. They are religious fanatics of a different faith, or at least a scewed one. You guys are telling me you never have heard of their warrior cult?

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there is a link to an article written by Garth Patterson, he got his information from the first trilogy of Dune books and it, as well as Dune Warfare are my favorite articles on fed2k. I highly suggest reading all of them, even mine, though they were written a long time ago and are pretty crappy.lol

I go along with his interpritation and have always thought that it was a secret warrior religion. one seperate from the other eccumenical religion. That it has some sort of thing to do with emperor worship.

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Their religion is secret, esoteric (in opposition to EXOteric). Generally, this type of religion, beliefs, seems pretty much as something adapt to the situation since mixed with power/politics (all this collective "oath of secret" may bring the possibility of strenghtening relationships and secret arrangements/discussions). All this religion may be constituted by symbolism everywhere that will show to the initiates (and a bit to non-initiates) the "feeling" of their ideas. Their ideology, what is sticking them together, will be consacrated into their "religion" (which will stick them together even more).

Thus, it potentially seems a bit like the Templars.

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