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Story: Earthwar


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This is just a story I have been working on.

As the sun rose over the charred remnants of New York City Tom gazed out over the harbor. It had been twenty-three years since it had happened. Twenty-three years since mankind had stopped fighting each ther and fought against a common enemy. Twenty-three years since the Minions of Chaos had appeared.

At first nobody knew what it was. An archielogical dig in Antartica had discovered an immpossibility. Creatures combining the traits of both dinasouars and humans. The dig uncovered huge undeground labs ad storage facilities.

It also discovered them. Hybrid creatures that fed on ashes. A force that was more powerful than anything imaginable. A force that was in cryostasis. The archiologists detachted one and transported it to New York for study.

New York had been the first to burn once the thing awoke.

The entire East Coast quickly followed. The thing ad its bretheren were named the Minions of Chaos. The world governemnts utilised their nuclear arsenals to attempt to destroy the creature and its sleeping bretheren.

All they did was wake more of them up.

Tom snapped out of his flashback and trained hi eyes on the horizon. It was his duty to make sure that no creatures came close. If they did he had to warn his community and so they could go deep into the underground subway system.

Tom watched a few people start harvesting crops in a nearby building and then he saw something in the distance. He looked towards the former New Jersey border and saw a creature come walking towards the border, followed by thousands more.

Tom rang the warning bell. His people had to get to their defenses if they hoped to survive. If they did not...well...they could always try to swim to England.

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanx AK. the creatures are about the size of a human.

Tom ran down the steps of the building and out into the parking lot. He passed dozens of people running toward the underground shelters. Tom ran into the lobby of what used to be a business office, ran into the armory and picked up an assault rife. He loaded it with armor-pierceing bullets and two high explosive 40mm grenades. He then ran out and joined the men moving towards the World Trade Center memorial park. It was there that the creatures did something none of them expected.

The creatures ignored them.

The men ran into the buildings surrounding the park, stationed themselves at the windows and waited. Each man was prepared to give his life to protect his family. Their weapons were a wide-ranging selection. Everything from Crossbows and pistols to heavy assault bazookas and a single .50 cal minigun being setup to snipe.

Eerybody was twitchy about being so close to the creatures and them not reacting to their presence. Everybody was on edge.

And suddenly the minigun went off.

When the men herd the zipping sound of that minigun they started firing again and again and again. During the whole shoot out the creatures just sat there. They starte falling and yet they just sat there. Suddenly one of them opened its mouth and blew a stream of fire out onto one of the buildings and the men insides ran out screaming and in flames. Tom aimed down the barrel of his assault rifle, aremd the grenade launcher and fired down the creature's throat.

The thing exploded. It took out the near by creatures as well because of the stream of fire that came coursing out of its body. Soon all that was let of the park was ash. All the men breathed a sigh of relief except for Tom. He knew something the others didn't.

The creatures they had just attacked. The things they had fired at.

They were babies.

And babies don't stray far from the mother.

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Of the seventy men sent out five died in flames from the baby.

Thrity died from the flames of the mother.

The huge Minion swooped down out of the sky on wings that strecthed for a huge distanxce in either direction. It was like watching a medieval dragon decimate a column of knights. And that was what it did.




And consume the ashes of those that were burned.

Tom barely got away with his life...the rest of the men following him were not as lucky as he was.

run out of time, write more later

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