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Everything posted by Tio_Holtzmann

  1. the price of a pint of coconut juice in kingston town. you know i'm right, tio 1, turing 0
  2. Erm....is this a joke? or are US people really allowed carry assault rifles now? <hides under bed, in ireland, with several leprechauns for luck>
  3. win xp pro sp 2 was the problem.
  4. what i've wondered in the books, not being stereotypical at all, but Andrew Skouros and Julianna Parhi (Agamemmnon and juno's real names) were both into the internet and strategy games when they met....i've just got this vision of a cymek warrior-form with the voice of Professor Frink..... ;D
  5. i've just finished it. like anything written by BH and KJA, expect silly similes (the one about rows of brain-preservation canisters being arranged "like some sort of machine genitalia" made me laugh for about 2 hours - guys, learn to write) and one-dimensional characters, expect for the really really annoying ones. but i think we were expecting that anyway. [hide]what pissed me off was that the most destructive movement, the cult of serena, was actually formed from some kind of "religious" experience and was given barely any real explanation. i had a better argument, but ive forgotten it. ah well. i personally dont think the cymeks were defeated too quickly, they were pretty much dead as soon as they decided to hide from both races. it's as depressing as the last one, with vorian being depressed and wandering, ishmael, being depressed and wandering, and abulurd harkonnen being depressed and....well, on lankiveil. but as always, for me, erasmus shines in this one. i think, altho slightly hackneyed, like the entire series, he is at his most human in this book, his interactions with gilbertus are quite touching. about the only time this series has made me feel any emotion other than extreme annoyance. apart from the end of book 2.[/hide] as a series, i think it's been fairly bland. an imaginative plot, but one that will probably damn dune 7 to a similar fate. but it did give us some good twists (end of book 2!) and it gave us erasmus. so i'm happy.
  6. would i be able to just delete most of the temp stuff without too many probs, cos most of it i don't recognise. this was a post sp2 update, i installed sp2 off a disc then went online to see if there was anything more recent. and im still not sure of the difference between hibernation and standby. i've set my laptop to standby if the lid is shut and then goes to hibernation after about 10 minutes. but even if i don't wait that long, i can't reactivate the thing from standby.
  7. maybe i didnt explain very well.....i can put my pc on standby, but if i try to resume work again i just get a black screen and i cant do anything. the hardware kicks in, but it's completely inoperable.
  8. just got a new dell laptop, i patched it to winxp pro service pack 2 the other day, was on microsoft's website, doing an update and my dialup cut out at around 60% online installation. now i notice that if i try and boot my computer up from standby, i just get a blank screen and can't do anything. im not sure if this is a "convenient new feature" of service pack 2 or cause our SH*T ISP cut out in the middle of an online install. bit annoyed, i hate when new shiny expensive computers go wrong after a week. any help would be muchly appreciated.
  9. is westwood well and truly gone then? what has happened to the developers? and the bosses? im more concerned about the developers tho, apparently they weren't that well-treated by their bosses, i think ed del castillo was only given a $600 bonus for his part in the original C&C.
  10. Can anyone who has this game please enlighten me, why are so many of the missions in contracts the exact same as the missions in the first Hitman game? I was under the impression that Contracts wasn't a remake or anything like that.
  11. Has anyone come across the Red Alert mods and Tiberian Sun mods for Renegade? Are they any good?
  12. nah, im sorry the patch that upgraded renegade so you could fly orcas and apaches in 3 multiplayer maps is incredible. in terms of what you can do, it's like a cut-back version of tribes that#s still good fun, good vehicles and not as hardcore. renegade is a unique game. just cause it's a crap plot (which is no better than the original c&c plot anyway) and it's not picture-perfect nvidia geforce 8 amon-ra 52000 caliber graphics doesn't mean anyone should neglect it.
  13. when you haven't actually read the 3rd book, it's called speculating :P
  14. Was the jihad the reason why even all the way down the line in Chapterhouse, there is a general negative reaction to the creation of cyborgs? because it's part of the whole "man must not be replaced" thing?
  15. in comparison to the nod one, certainly. "He's married to the scientist! OMG!"
  16. and it's also the country that's so powerful despite being in debt because it's been grinding other countries into the dirt trying to claim back the money owed to them. not really much of a point being the most in debt country in the world when youre also the most vicious rent collector in the world.
  17. Looks like a mishmash of what was in the manuals. Whereabouts on the net is that C&C encyclopedia someone posted about months back? that was well cool. is it on planetcnc?
  18. personally i think that if c&c3 comes out the three sides will be Gdi+forgotten, Nod (on their weak little own) and Kane+CABAL+scrin. you saw what happened at the end of firestorm.
  19. banshees were alien tech, so were the tiberium missiles. both technologies were found in the tacitus, along with properties of tiberium. if u think about it, tiberium sent to earth via a meteorite is the best way of softening up a planet before invasion....
  20. were any of you as cool as me and saw that the little name tag over the alien ship in missions 3 and 4 of gdi and mission 5 of nod in tiberian sun said "scrin ship?"
  21. yes, but then again i doubt any system will ever be perfect. tio underscore holtzmann, working on his own prototype quantum cryptographic algorithm MWAHAHAHA, signing off.
  22. i can't see why some people whinge about this, when really, like all of god's rules, they seem annoying but actually end up doing us quite a lot of good and spare us harm. seeing as the fall of man story seems to suggest how our "inspired choice" and "search for knowledge" f**ked up existence till judgement day. another reason for creation story in genesis being an analogy: are 2nd millennial BC jews REALLY going to understand the finer points of the big bang and evolutionary theory? no. analogy? yes. i'm a christian, and personally i get annoyed when genesis 1-3 is taken literally. god could easily have invented the processes of evolution and the big bang just as he could have made it all appear out of nothing. he's all powerful. and the main points i get out of the creation story is not "god made everything in 7 days flat and then a talking snake came along and suggested we eat an apple and we became sinful." when i read it, all i see is "god made us and everything else. he designed us for a relationship with him. we at some point decided that we could do it better ourselves. we messed up and there was a consequence."
  23. i still reckon it's not a miracle whether it can be explained scientifically or not, my feeling is, it's a miracle because there has been a load of bloody INCREDIBLE coincidences throughout the bible story and in the lives of many people who have turned to god. that is the good stuff my friends.
  24. although there is rhyme that might validate the new testament, apparently if jesus' parables are translated back into aramaic, they read like poems with rhyme and metre.
  25. yeah, it's one of those things that really makes me feel the creation story was meant to be analogy. can't see how all that sin can be loaded into one little apple. and the fact that god would put it there in the first place....hmmm....save that one for another topic.... but yeah, i think it was the wrong choice that did it, not the apple.
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