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    Palmerston North
  1. Friend got dsl with an extenal modem. Eventually got the ethernet card in place correctly it had a light on at the back of it as soon as the computer was turned back on. The external dsl has a light that the ethernet is ready for use but useless ME isnt detecting the ethernet card at all, even with the latest drivers. Isnt showing up in the device manager at all. Im guessing this is why i cannot get the DSL working. Talking to people nobody has had a light as if the ethernet card is working without it even being in the device manager. Have I ruined the ethernet card, does anybody have any ideas?
  2. Also before that when they are looking for the Alaskin Bull Worm as it is called Sandy the Squirel says "wormsign" and picks up a small sign with a worm, i wrote another post about that before, thought i should post it again in the right area :)
  3. Was just watching an eposide just before where the town was hunting an Alaskin Bull Worm, while Sandy (that squirel) and Spongebob are looking for it Sandy yells out wormsign! then it shows she has found a small sign that says worm, possible reference to dune?
  4. Everything seems to have an auto build, just checking if thats the game being silly or how it was made, there was nothing that mentioned it in the readme..
  5. Is this best pic i have of meself at the mo ;D[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  6. Ive beaten Dune 2000 and im pretty sure i was playing on hard, but now im not sure. I have save games from that game, is there any way I can see what difficulty that I was playing the game at?
  7. Ah well after being a little bit confused i finally worked out everything thanks to your help. Thank you for that i was completly lost :)
  8. Well ive looked through the first 11 pages of posts for Emperor and cannot find how many map packs were released. It seems the Dune2k only has map packs 1-4 and I found a link that was dead informing of Map Pack 6 so im a bit lost :'( (just fixed a typo :P)
  9. been going for 3 years, tho in 2000 i wasnt here much, been here a few times a week since 2001 very good site ;D
  10. I also have a few questions: Firstly couldnt Paulus Atredies be grown up in a Axol Tank from the body or the blood on the bulls horns? and 2ndly what animals were on dune before they were introduced by Kynes?
  11. Nick


    Coldplay are a very good band, often critised as being overly depressing which i do agree with. Not the band to listen to if your upset or having a bad day!
  12. Nick

    Real Madrid

    New Zealand 1, Columbia 0 at half time :O Slight improvement ;D
  13. Nick

    Real Madrid

    Yes he sure is! What you think of him?
  14. Nick

    Real Madrid

    New Zealand looked pretty awful, i must say if it wasnt for the 2 central defenders that couldve been 20 - 0 lol ah well :'(
  15. Nick

    Real Madrid

    Wow, really??
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